exact syllable matches
garage and
been shot at
may have
been swamp gas
they had
been taught and
that has
been wrong and
Here also
belong and
an Athenian citizen
belonged, had
semantic sphere also
belongs and
goes through and
beyond facts
and the question
Because anything
branch out much
But Islam goes
dare go anywhere
Dave Dellinger saw
first go much
have gone way
have to get
I have gone
impact goes far
integral psychology goes
It is just
Life is
Nobody is
nothing to know
of a distinction
or genius goes
Prince was way
require any information
shipbuilding has gone
take the step
the fantasy go
there is nothing
There's nothing
thought we were
to take it
uses, yes, far
we are completely
We're getting
what there is
what to make
who you are
with no reality
beyond that
big on that
clean all the
big saucepans
of that
big, strong cat
A two-
bit con-man
ya and
bring ya back
build on sand
It is
it, is
moorings are
built on sand
Revolution was
built on that
Ceylon lac
chicks are flat
Chin-sha Chiang
deduced from the
cigar ash
you were a
cigar man
everybody's brandy and
cigars and
Am I
angel was
Are we
He's quite
hope we're
Is everyone
never really
record's pretty
sure you're
clear on that
click combat
clip-on nads
to explain my
dear comrade
its entirety my
dear comrades
that I
think I
did all that
did not bat
so I
did not dance
that IT
the Greeks
did not have
fools and
did not last
disque compact
was furious when
Eros laughed
future alone can
evolve that
caught in the
exhaust blast
exhaust valve
exhaust valves
film stars and
I could
want to
fix all that
didn't get
fixed on that
give ya that
Their defense
grid was smashed
lose your
grip on that
doing a synchronized
guitar dance
Elvis Presley
guitar straps
disagree with
him on that
and let
him walk back
him, on crack
a nice
hip hop track
twitchy, goofy, jivy
hip-hop trash
he wants
Luther King
his car back
Mandela wrote of
his comrade
call to warn
of Blake and
sharing it with
that hatch on
to each of
his comrades
speak out about
his contacts
extract him from
it was in
his contract
his neck with
his dog-tags
your dad
his job back
ignorant statements on
his podcast
more of
his talk, dad
her husband
his top hat
was history
if not that
you pulled
if off, yeah
agriculture, arose
in all and
in all black
I speak
in all caps
tied up
in all that
light deepened
in broad bands
a single vampire
again command men
American troops were
and tanks, and
and their role
bloodied her hands
brothers were killed
complex flight patterns
expect to survive
fathers, their sons
go against them
he distinguished himself
I sought solace
in hunger, but
I've been
makes them professionals
number one rule
of other Folks
of which were
our weapons together
shouldn't allow women
the first time
to good morale
to Taliban forces
vigour and courage
way, a man
will lead soldiers
you haven't been
in combat
opponent's ball placed
privileged to come
so we'll be
the pilot is
they sometimes lie
whom I came
whom she came
in contact
and Anomalous Monism
seemed quite meticulous
in contrast
colourful and rich
in contrasts
else is
everything lies
put myself
That was
Well we're
in God's hands
to suffer
in God's path
I trust
too, is
in God's plan
Celts was found
in Hallstatt
Holy Ghost
in hard cash
in hot sand
both of those
The was written
in longhand
a brother
to get
in on that
often printed
Often written
in small caps
tiny turkeys
in straw hats
some time
in tha Tank
lights or having
in-shot lamps
is a difficult,
involved task
not if we're
involved, man
evacuation, everything
This game
is all bad
Oh it
is all black
one man
is all man
Your organization
is called CRAP
adventure which
main force,
is called man
All the world
is combat
doing, this
that plan
is God's plan
when everyone
is gone that
is locked, Matt
climate change
That matter
The day
is long past
is not back
Doing nothing
interim, Amsterdam
physical position
poisonous snake
show, That
Your prose
is not bad
because he
is not black
grasps but
is not grasped
is not jazz
life, it
the Father
is not man
that she
is not Manx
this case
is not that
your partner's reality
is Starcraft
together, which
is wrong and
fourth of July
is, smart-ass
you wanted
it all and
can get
could take
fight brought
hard, get
I take
I'll take
Just take
to gamble
to pay
to put
to take
to win
will take
it all back
I have
I've got
it all planned
I got
it all, man
high that
it got bad
it off, man
can blame
it on that
Everybody said
it was back
criticism that
didn't know
my God,
stuff, and
was --
it was bad
I thought
it was crack
and agreed
it was daft
God damn,
I thought
it was fast
earth flat,
it was flat
Others insist
it was glass
in Waterworld
it was land
designed, that
none of
it was planned
I suspect
it was yak
it was, yeah
it, Bob-san
down until
it, pomp, lands
What is
it, Tarzan
the phone,
it's all tapped
It's called crap
It's called France
and meaty,
it's called, yeah
I think
it's gone bad
famous for
its Long Man
about it,
good, but
great, but
here where
Tell me
you know
it's not bad
It's not chance
herself, and
You know,
it's not sad
sense tell
it's not that
government when
it's off track
look like a
Jigsaw trap
, I'm
Jim Ross, and
Formula fed
kids are fat
kill ya, Matt
June massacre
killed all that
kick some
Kim Jong Ass
King Charles Land
They will
link lost hands
the beautifully-conditioned
links are smashed
have ever
lived on land
milk saucepan
milk saucepans
pink dresses and
pillbox hats
pink contract
pink contracts
only flags,
pins on maps
Germans were
pissed off at
human mind he
regards as
a big
rich rock band
negotiate the oil
rig contracts
want to
sit on that
you know,
skin contact
get under your
skin, Conrad
We're gonna
skip all that
Slip Slop Slap
me, I'll
stick ta that
the plane
still on land
wrote the whole
thing longhand
of where
things are at
blessings when
Everybody knows
hard, well,
I get
it's possible
yourself when
things are bad
think on that
instead of
this bald man
started with
this car crash
believe you signed
have to sign
set out in
we tour up
this contract
I smite
this Dark Hand
I need
this job man
Answer Me
This Podcast
this pop stand
to get
this song back
I thought
this was Math
neti-neti, not
this, not that
shitty and
weird was that
will call flat
will contract
will contracts
The Japanese
will not crack
not, I
what you
will not have
but it
But this
our democracy
see this
This empire
will not last
and you
will not laugh
and it
our nation
thought system
will not stand
with all hands
do away
I'm done
I'm down
keep up
with all that
is a
with combat
juvenile American alligator
with crossbands
in harmony
with God's plan
straightforwardly bribed
with hard cash
and covered
with soft mats
and a three
I've got a five-
President gets a four-
year contract
my fifty
years are past
worked eight
years on that
how many
years was that
with 1 extra syllable
Theory, and
acted on that
fucking didn't like
Africa, man
African black
19 percent
African, and
baiting ya, lad
what's best for
Batista, man
Doan has raised
Batista's hand
there was nothing
being broadcast
are always
being called mad
it difficult
being called that
being carjacked
being got at
innocent was
reaction to
sick of
being shot at
for a legally
to sign a
binding contract
for a
bleeding heart, Sam
expect a
blessing on that
Breaking contact
breaking tarmac
a lifetime
building all that
I call
bullshit on that
Calling all pants
caustic potash
since Fort
Collins was hacked
him for
coming on and
learning is
coming on fast
from the prefix
con- and
cooking on gas
the waterfront
dining on rats
in her memories
said to enter
steadfastly in position
during combat
Related to
English contact
are an
English rock band
table isn't
even all that,
I never
even saw France
you don't
even want that
evening, comrade
Farming was back
and those
feelings are bad
Life consists of
fleeting contacts
beaten Elizabeth's
forces on land
forget and
forgive all that
with legally binding
friendship contracts
they're playing the
fucking Bobcats
fucking combat
to cancel his
fucking contract
That bastard
fucking dog man
not your
fucking dog, yeah
fucking harp, that
you are
fucking hot man
Fucking nah, Dad
Garbage, all that
deal with
prospect of
shooting and
getting shot at
Getting shot at
the alarm's
going off and
going on, man
documented as
having caught rats
legislation should
infringe on that
looking on as
parting from her
loving comrades
to call
lying on that
fact, he's
making all As
prevent them from
making contact
valid and licit
witnesses of the
marriage contract
Not about the
mining contract
Got a
parish contract
pawning off as
there happily
planting crops and
presents his
plastic card at
predators from
preying on blacks
like worn out,
ravaged farmland
have to
resist all that
a lot
riding on that
just keep
riffing on that
rolling contact
rolling contacts
Sauvignon blanc
Cabernet Franc and
Sauvignon Blanc
agreed that
secrets are bad
loss or
something on that
Something strong and
horned lizard
standing on grass
is it
standing on that
look forward to
talking contract
of murder
victims are Black
we're just
waiting on that
wearing gauze masks
have the
wedding all planned
stocky, slow
witted bald man
bib, still
But I'm
but, we're
I'm still
I've been
really not
working on that
medic assisting a
wounded comrade
with 2 extra syllables
Don't trust
anything called HAL
think your
appendix was bad
thus in
compressive contact
creative, Talkback
Victory was
decided on land
deposit contract
deposit contracts
its way into
disturbing contacts
Male female
dynamics, all that
defending, rationalizing,
evading all that
everything was flat
Everything was planned
focuses on acts
ironic was that
back to their
linguistic heartland
this, the
Mensheviks want that
known Smart
pseudonym, Tom Tagg
will have a
recording contract
Modern art
rejected all that
Related are and
good, not
reporting hard facts
specific contract
specific contracts
subsisted on that
of the
surprises are bad
new speech
therapist on staff
But we've
transcended all that
Violins are bad
with 3 extra syllables
New Jersey-based
alternative rock band
Animated Mach bands
Also compare
Derivatives are and
this is an
interesting contrast
Unrelated are and
with 4 extra syllables
think he's
capitalizing on that