exact syllable matches
- Am I
all, he was
It was
You fucked
a bartender
Was it
a bomb shelter
work in
a call center
a cappella
surface of
a complex curve
nothing of
a complex one
one develops
a concept of
had to be
a cross-dresser
mirror into
a dark cellar
Nugent, had
a dark message
with --
a dog expert
a false friend of
may be
a false message
I asking
a hard question
foremen and
a job setter
a job well done
savings are
a large treasure
a large weapon
matter with
a long letter
and got
can do
Crime pays
economic lot
gonna look
hell of
his speeches
I'm feeling
I'm getting
It feels
made things
me feel
Mom's feeling
my life
or done
started shooting
things get
understand America
understand Sheridan
a lot better
a lot, Karen
a lot, network
film as
a nonsense word
a non-sharer
you mess up
a omelette
a king, as
me to be
a pallbearer
feed it through
a processor
rail gun, like
the motion of
a projectile
by way of
covered up by
a projection
be viewed on
catches fire inside
knew it contained
a projector
they built
a small temple
wanna get
a soft pretzel
A wrong gesture
to deactivate the
alarm sensors
concerned, that's an
it as an
this kind of
assault weapon
Assault weapon
California's ban on
federal ban on
sporting arms to
the ban on
assault weapons
Assault weapons
jewels, Yves Saint
Bernard dresses
the Swiss adventurer
Bernard Weber
with its truly
bizarre letters
asking them various
bizarre questions
only gaze,
but not enter
be recognized,
but not measured
but not yet done
c'mon then, what
Come on, Bender
Come on, Bennett
Come on, Benson
come on, get up
Come on, get up
Come on, Gretchen
Come on, step up
Come on, tell us
Come on, Velvet
comes, God help us
sense, transition
does not enter
does not help us
does not tell us
does not threaten
And arch,
er, arch penguin
From the
fark- stem of
forgot desert
protect it
from armed rebels
From barrette,
from barretta
From montes, from
from patera
entirely it arises
from projection
can emerge
from small error
galah session
galah sessions
Gump, John Lennon
thought the
gun was better
gunna sell dirt
always wanted
guns on credit
From the
harm- stem of
heard all, Fair One
proud of
her bronze medal
vast rhythm of
her processes
okay, but
just not Memphis
just wants shelter
love ya Zelda
then how
much was ended
the future
of all devils
the father
of all error
the Door
of all essence
of all metal
most precarious
of all tenures
the chief
of all treasures
the sum
of all vectors
Future active participle
Perfect passive participle
Present participle
of commentor
not full
of false effort
a manifestation
the assumption
of God's presence
of hot red blood
infamous murder
of John Lennon
under the influence
of lacertus
in his Life
of Marcellus
the Angels
of Mons legend
dirge, comprised
of nonsense words
of ombrella
writer part
of Paul Sheldon
a flux
as a system
of processes
and all kinds
and the motion
of projectiles
the very act
of projection
and the University
of Rochester
it but no
one commented
One lost treasure
could put
one on credit
one was special
Not no
one, not never
one's called vengeance
permanent dirt
the challenge of
permanent love
It is a
shipment to a
permanent one
A sense of
permanent worth
was mighty
rough on rebels
run-on sentence
Sir John Denham
silk, and
some are leather
left with
some hard questions
when his
sons are threatened
all that
stuff was metal
and reprocess the graphic
would guard against
such processes
a message from
our six-guns to
this coupon to
You were
the bartender
and define
related to
to grasp
the concept of
difficult, but
the concepts were
the attractor or
the concrescence
And neither is
the Contessa
over by
the Dark Presence
because of
the dark weather
east in
Voyage of
the Dawn Treader
scene in
the dog kennel
technologies without knowing
the favela
Hurwitz for
show on
X-Files for
the Fox network
art at
the God level
the gods jealous
to play
the hard levels
ask him
the hard question
face makes
the heart better
the job gets fun
filled to
the marked level
to worship in
the mosque-temple
become one of
the pod-parents
Presidium in
the process of
is now driving
present practices of
the processes
would get
the project done
wind in aiming
the projectile
more havoc than
the projectiles
can hide from
the projections
ripped it from
the mind is
the projector
excited about
the prospect, sir
world often criticizes
the prospector
act of
the rock era
less doubles
the smog levels
the snot network
Guardian of
the Sol Emeralds
me like
the song better
landscape of
the Thar Desert
of reaching
the top level
did make
the top seven
So did
the Vault Dweller
living in
the wrong era
would send
the wrong message
he used
the wrong method
I hated
You're asking
the wrong parent
obviously asking
This is
the wrong question
answers to
asking all
was asking
you ask
the wrong questions
For being
the wrong Shepherd
right into the state-of-
the-art helmet
is coming
up all Darryl
did, however, set
up processes
60 inflicted
upon Ella,
a person based
upon gender
ups are healthful
that connect
us are severed
the latter
were called Helots
whether slavery
were not better
were not set up
that they
were not welcome
were small, helpless
came the fucking
I bought a
I'm just a
most highly developed
word processor
word processors
every single
word was measured
words are precious
work on Death One
programming of the
work processes
is getting
made it
magus feel
worse, not better
Worst boss ever
with 1 extra syllable
other woman -
not ever
17 blood
alcohol level
north into the
Amazon delta
together and
answer all questions
that the
answer was never
imitation of East
Asian processes
astral projection
astral projections
ava da bever
are the worst
Avatar ever
Now is the
basketball era
was for
battle, not pleasure
I'm the
biggest star ever
Love, and
Undertaker than
Brother Paul Bearer
built that plant, called
India, Union Carbide called
Business processes
Business was better
chances are better
Choir lofts, better
to the
Christian concept of
was our
closest call ever
this unelegant
creature was mentioned
girls, the
danger was lessened
Denver omelette
the door for
dialogue, never
local rather than long-
distance projections
one trillion
dollars on weapons
Every step
downward was pleasant
echelon lenses
Fischer projection
Fischer projections
leader, Ernst
Fischer, was mentioned
where Old
Fooler was headed
Forget about
Hanna Barbera
made-for-television film made by
The Funtastic World of
Haworth projection
Haworth projections
Howard Saul Becker
humans are extras
Ichabod Spencer
claim our
interests are menaced
their vital
interests are threatened
worship at the
Jagannath temple
Jesus da Serra
William Hanna and
Written by
Joseph Barbera
to the
kitchen, start breakfast
Kjeldahl method
is the
lamest taunt ever
vegetarian then
later on vegan
legends are legends
lesson was well learned
Lessons are extra
Before that, James
Lincoln, bartender
lingua materna
You're both a
little hard-headed
little heart gets crushed
with something a
little off-center
the very
lowest job levels
our ambitions, my
loyal quaestor
Malabar chestnut
spontaneity of the
market processes
Chart of
of the complex
product of human
says they stultify
unified theories of
working styles and
mental processes
Mental processes
are basically
metal on metal
the cognitive and
moral processes
that all
Muslims are brethren
But they
never got better
never saw Venice
nonna materna
picture of
Norman Rockwell's world
and the
options are endless
not for certain
world or in
other processes
Others are extras
against which
others are measured
he's one of
our bartenders
not in the
overall message
Is chicken
parmesan vegan
pattern was senseless
and business
people are clever
people are extras
is how
people are measured
people are mental
the laboring
people are peasants
when other
people are present
people are scared of
people are well served
what some
people call rebels
peppers, hot
peppers, hot peppers
Peters projection
insisting his
picture was dreadful
Poisson processes
in a sitting
posture, cross-legged
awesome mutant
powers on Shredder
solve this
problem on Melmac
rather than inherited from
his last
quarter on breakfast
Robert Agresta
Rosa da Serra
royal progresses
Science was there first
In a
seminar lecture
Silence was better
organisms, mental or
social processes
someone off their perch
than my Cocker-
Spaniel dog, Checkers
going to
special ops heaven
whenever these
standards are threatened
analysis of social
system processes
Dials, by the
tangent projection
expansion of China's
telecom networks,
of its many
temple complexes
how his
tendon got severed
Thatcher got there first
tia materna
probably come
under Soft Centre
at the
Walker Art Center
Warren shot Tara
Werner complexes
Werner projection
compiled by
Western art experts
women are special
workers are sterile
with 2 extra syllables
Andorra la Vella
animals are better
we can find
another processor
Another projection
freeways and collapsed
apartment complexes
abnormal eating
behaviors are present
the physical and
chemical processes
affects our lifetime
reduction in my
cholesterol levels
diverse audiences through
cinema complexes
leaders becoming money-
collectors, not shepherds
computer processor
computer processors
Decision processes
are three very
different processes
or to a
digital projector
refers only to
digital projectors
number of
dimensions was endless
god all
distinctions are levelled
was used in
earlier processes
like the
easiest job ever
Electra complexes
compromise of the
espionage network
exosome complexes
pride, and
happiness are centered
of mankind,
happiness was better
Helena Modjeska
inclusion complexes
Indian dog-devil
investors lost their shirts
Written by
Jonathan Marc Feldman
left side
Lakshmana was present
of our existing
manual processes
Maria da Serra
Maria von Weber
hundred sixty
microtomed cross sections
After British
musician John Lennon
works as
National Art Treasures
it comes to
of the primary
physical understanding of
that we value
the body through
natural processes
Oedipus complexes
orbital complexes
the child
particles was measured
course of actual
some of those
physical processes
of its
principles are settled
research, or new
production processes
verbal appeal to
rational processes
predicting many
reaction cross sections
for subsequent strategic
retrieval processes
insects, there are
similar processes
atomic light, or
spherical projections
technical processes
through rhythmic, time-paced
transition processes
is an entirely
unorthodox method
Witnesses are pressure
with 3 extra syllables
about language
acquisition, not gender
associates are welcome
politicians and
businesspeople are clever
development of more
complicated complexes
criticism on their work
most existing object-oriented
development processes
depth in a two-
dimensional projection
the essence and
distillation processes
and monitoring of
the complexity of
industrial processes
matter, energy, and
information processes
Nations and other
international efforts
and match-winners at
it to an
regional, national, and
regional, national, or
understanding on an
international level
at national and
international levels
with the rising
international tensions
hydra-headed monster of
international terror
They remain mavericks,
isolated, off-center
for a
mysterious lost treasure
Napoleon complexes
as closed
operations on segments
as well as
oxidation processes
of its own
seduced by formal
voice in all
political processes
matter and
radiation are present
It is
represented on medals
all these
situations was fairness
develops out of
societal processes
in apperceptive or
volitional processes
with 4 extra syllables
discrete set of
biological processes
What are those
constitutional processes
to assimilation and
dissimilation processes
difficulty in the
extermination processes
due to unfavourable
fossilization processes
attached to disparate
institutional processes
spiritual and even
intellectual processes
of this
multifarious, complex world
including Swedish
ornithologist Lars Svensson
That is a
planetarium projector
describing are contingent
psychological processes
family structure and
socialization processes
Socialization processes
with 5 extra syllables
media to supplement
biodegradation processes
signifying systems and
communicational processes
the study of
immunological processes
with 6 extra syllables
cyclopentadienyl complexes
of selfish
individualism was ended
reflect several complex
intergenerational processes