exact syllable matches

they can
blow the dam
your heart
blows a valve
truths are
born from facts
bota bag
bota bags
bowler hat
hats, cowboy hats,
bowler hats
broke the bank
that's what
we all
broke the dam
broken bad
from shrapnel and
broken glass
broken man
moves on the
chosen path
aircraft and
close the hatch
Close the hatch
clover clamp
clover clamps
clover grass
parts, as the
clover plant
the southern
coast of France
Cold, touch that
from the
cope of plant
Cora Hatch
coral plant
coral plants
coral rag
coral rags
corner flag
look after the
corner flags
Corner Gas
corner man
corse a tappe
court sur pattes
dober dan
because someone
her, but
out and
don't come back
Don't come back
Don't touch that
chicken wings and
donuts at
Florence flask
Florence flasks
ever fought
for a chance
ask her
for a dance
know that
to that
for a fact
Fuck that
people and
for a laugh
no match
rather than
for a man
he asked
How's that
for a plan
I asked
for a ramp
the hermits
for her hand
have a telethon
for hunchbacks
plan we had
for Japan
it's all
for one and
exclusive enthusiasm
for some fad
good and
good than
for the bad
the one
for the blacks
be available
for the cast
at once
for the chasse
my diagram
the syllabus
too smart
for the class
be eligible
for the draft
the worse
for the facts
the struggle
for the land
you dance
for the man
I asked
for the match
necessary regard
for the past
the girl
for the plan
soil are
for the plant
yearly banquet
for the staff
process snacks
for us, gang
More at
for, the, that
Ford Mustang
forder an
forecastle lamp
forecastle lamps
Invaders from a
foreign land
in all the
foreign lands
wandering on a
foreign strand
Forest ham
Forest hams
Forest Ranch
other art
form does that
Medieval vernacular
the original
form of and
but another
form of dance
form of man
just another
form of mass
from a
form such as
get some of
fortune back
moves backward and
forward and
forward pass
forward slash
So fast
forward, and
FOUR But Blam
Fourth, the bag
Fyodor Dan
Paul Reubens and
George McGrath
Georges Braque
After the
ghost of Capt
goal attack
goal attacks
English as The
Golden Ass
golden calf
golden calves
finally got the
Golden Gang
story collection The
Golden Man
golden slam
golden slams
golden staph
golden staphs
there was
Goldman Sachs
Gordon Pask
fraud, a
hoax, a sham
out and
hold her hand
face, and
hold the bag
hold up as
sides and-and
that can
hold us back
in the cup
holder, and
but Daniel
holds her back
Electronic Arts
holds the brand
holds up as
pain that
holds us back
a black
hole of snacks
holen ab
holten ab
become, the
home of man
blood of a
homeless man
hungry and the
homeless, and
homer man
of the
hopes of man
Horace Mann
The Works of
Horace, trans
of fly-covered summer
horror trash
died up a
good on a
I am a
horse's ass
Jonah crab
Jonah crabs
is close, and
Jonah gasps
Josef Land
for English naturalist
Joseph Banks
Joseph Black
Joseph Land
Joseph Trapp
kosher tax
The Ralph
Lauren flag
that's a
What a
load of crap
think they're not
loaded, and
loads of crap
local class
lotus land
lower back
lower backs
rear admiral
lower half
layer of the
lowest caste
condition of the
lowest class
modal jazz
molar mass
Earth was a
molten mass
moment and
moment passed
discipline of the
moral man
suit is far
Uyghurs were far
more advanced
have some
I want
more of that
more word, and
and much
more, from scratch
morris dance
morris danced
you're too fragile,
Mortal Man
true Seal on
mortal wax
Morton Nance
Most were gassed
charms -
this farm,
no one can
metals have
no such gap
considered as a
noble act
noble gas
A handsome,
and victor, the
noble man
They kidnapped
Norm Abram
was just a
normal Dad
Norman Lamb
Norman Lamm
northern and
nose of wax
note of hand
notes of hand
could you not
notice that
ocean tramp
ocean tramps
Oh, what's that
appreciation of the
old Japan
caricature of the
old Levant
old sludge plant
what the
old work had
back with an
I saw an
It was the
married or an
way for an
Yeah, for an
older man
opal glass
that of the
open hand
a plot of
open land
open matte
open for an
opened hand
Last one
opens and
a box
or a can
a dog
a problem
for example,
or a cat
of work
or a fan
a badge
or a flag
a sharp
or a flat
the oven
or a pan
an animal
or a plant
a stomach
or a tank
by frame action
would fly apart
or collapse
or perhaps
the dog
or the cat
of God
or the land
The first
or the last
of us
or the plan
pair of plaid
orange pants
of the natural
order and
Orphan Black
Orson Pratt
the world all
over at
faith, of class
over class
over hand
exercised by man
power of man
over man
to get an all-
over tan
But I've gotten
I got
I was
I've gotten
kind of bonded
like and bond
you ever got
over that
for him all
over, and
over, fast
abortion is an
overt act
do not
own a cat
misfortune at her
own command
poke fun at
Poland's thanks
polar cap
polar caps
one of the
pollsters and
wellington, one
pork, one lamb
Porter Ranch
back of a
weight of a
postage stamp
postage stamps
poster stamp
poster stamps
here to watch
Postman Pat
Proto Man
quarter badge
quarter crack
quarter cracks
quarter glass
quarter jack
quarter jacks
The status
quo comes back
quotient map
feast on the
roasted stag
Roman bath
Roman baths
rope of sand
ropes of sand
rotor amp
rotor amps
Schroeder, trans
score attack
score attacks
Sholem Asch
I'll stop
short of that
For example, was
shortened as
shoulder bag
shoulder bags
shoulder pad
shoulder pads
Sarvangasana, the
shoulder stand
show of hands
You can't
show some class
show the flag
the cops
show up, yeah
events have
shown us that
shows of hands
a similar but
slower path
Cash -
Snort some ash
his age was
so advanced
, and
so does Fran
so er at
so much as
you have
so much class
Social acts
an economic and
the basis of
social class
Social class
his existence as
social man
conditions of the
social pact
Social rank
soda ash
soda glass
in it than
soda has
solar lamp
solar lamps
solar mass
sold the pass
soldier crab
soldier crabs
soldiers laughed
sing and
sort of dance
a miserable
sort of man
mind, and
the innocent
upon the
soul of man
from a
source such as
whom I have
spoken has
longer stifle this soft-
spoken man
sports, perhaps
Stokes attack
Stokes attacks
stole the sash
live amongst on
stolen land
day to that
stolen stash
stoner cat
lane,I, the hurtful
stones amass
stroke the shaft
Sturrock, trans
on the
throne of Man
I am
thrown from that
tore a cat
torn a cat
that wasn't a
total ass
reputation of a
total slag
vocal sac
vocal sacs
revolution on the
vocal tracks
vocal tract
vocal tracts
Volta Grande
vote of thanks
votes of thanks
A small
war, perhaps
to command the
whole and the
whole shebang
Omar boomerang
won't come back
wore the pants
worn the pants
like a flexible
woven mat
member of the
yeoman class
yoga mat
yoga mats
yoga pants
absence to launch
my magician from
that you withdraw
units, break off
your attack
put on
your bus pants
five minutes under
hundred swords at
put myself under
will die at
your command
top of
your first ass
You forgot
your lunch man
can just shut
I'm jealous of
off part of
that blood on
your mustache
your brains and
your nutsack

with 1 extra syllable

the person
aboard the craft
absorption band
absorption bands
he can't
afford a bag
what is
almost a crag
It is
also a fact
also Dutch and
also from as
of mama,
also from Nan
but it is
also Japan
not- I'm
also the Flash
it is
many, it's
also the last
a forgetting, but
also, alas
give you
assholes a chance
traditional practices and
atrocious acts
aurora glass
From or
senses are
to, or
borrowed from and
South Africa
Borrowed from and
Borrowed from gag
Borrowed from nad
Composed from and
Composed of and
trace don't
follow a path
should firmly
follow one path
the soldiers
follow the flag
yourself, don't
follow the pack
meaning to
follow up, and
the cross
followed the flag
guardian spirit
follows a man
Almost everything
follows from that
year bathtub tequila
hangover, man
Hanover rat
Hanover rats
Hello, what's that
Lawnmower Man
they must
oppose the plan
Pandoras ask
and tickets and
promotion and
in the
record of man
think about that
shawarma gag
catch for the
sorrow attached
to the
sorrow of man
is turned
toward the past
woman directed
towards a man
less eagerness
towards the task
Uphold the flag

with 2 extra syllables

Arizona Bought some
California Grass
California Jack
Originally Northern
California slang
pretending to
chaperone the dance
Karakoram Tract
be a
portmanteau of and
a bitter and
common interests against
unprovoked attack
with a
wagonload of cash

with 4 extra syllables

by Goya or
Michelangelo perhaps