exact syllable matches

a bandon
your robot fought
a battle
a galla
a gatas
a matter
what Kierkegaard calls
a passion
That was not
a spasm
aback of
Abram work
Abram works
birch brackets
blood and guts
blood cancer
blood cancers
blood plasma
blood plasmas
blood sample
blood samples
blood taxes
bluff catcher
bluff catchers
Brer Rabbit
brush rabbit
brush rabbits
buck dances
buck rabbit
buck rabbits
bug zapper
bug zappers
Bunk, that's what
Burns stanza
Burns stanzas
bus captain
bus captains
bus factor
bus factors
bus passes
but that's love
but yeah, jumped
'Cause that's tough
Chern classes
Chuck Hagel
chuck wagon
chuck wagons
chug wagon
chug wagons
chum salmon
chum salmons
Church Latin
church planter
church planters
churn and burn
chut pattern
come after
comes after
crumb snatcher
crumb snatchers
cum catcher
cum catchers
curse tablet
curse tablets
cut and run
cut and thrust
done and done
drug baron
drug barons
duh factor
duh factors
dumb as dirt
dumb asses
dumb cancel
dumb cancels
dump tackle
dump tackles
dust jacket
Dutch angle
Dutch angles
Dutch mastiff
Dutch mastiffs
Earth masses
first classes
first language
from Adam
is not far
from Blackburn
From can, from
From lag, from
From language
From Latin
From tandem
From trac, from
front matter
fuck and chuck
fudge dragon
fudge dragons
fudge factor
fudge factors
fudge packer
fudge packers
germ plasm
grudge matches
gum dragon
Gus Cannon
gut factor
gut factors
landing hard on
her ankle
huff and puff
huffed and puffed
huffs and puffs
hump and dump
Japan earth
jerk asses
just transferred
kurz machen
Le Havre
Levant nut
Levant nuts
love apples
love grasses
love handle
love handles
love matches
Love That Pup
love, laughter
luck dragon
luck dragons
Luck has struck
luff tackle
luff tackles
lump hammer
lump hammers
Lung cancer
lung cancers
lust after
Merle Haggard
moustache cup
moustache cups
mud and stud
mud plantain
mud plantains
mudflap girl
mudflap girls
mustache cup
mustache cups
---- From
nerd glasses
nerve gases
of action
of amber
to cause loss
of balance
of Saturn
of tangents
saw all
of that stuff
one and one
we are on
one planet
pearl grasses
per annum
per ara
Perhaps from
plug and chug
puck palace
puff adder
puff adders
pulse glasses
pump action
pump actions
pump and dump
pump and jump
Pumps and bumps
pumps and dumps
Rough language
rub and tug
rub and tugs
rump an stump
rump and stump
run after
run and gun
run ragged
run rampant
rush candle
rush candles
scutch grasses
Serge Savard
skirt dances
skunk blackbird
skunk blackbirds
skunk cabbage
sludge acid
Stubbs answered
such and such
Sul Brasil
sun dances
sun glasses
surf and turf
surf caster
surf casters
We all want
the answer
I want are
the answers
the anvil
the back of
schools are on
the ballot
the banners
the Baptist
the battle
have lost, all
serfs fought all
the battles
the blanket
can start on
the canvas
The Capture
The Castle
going on are
the cattle
the Channel
Talk on
the chatter
The Daleks
The Falcon
go wash off
the hammer
my socks on
the hamper
The Jacket
the ladder
The land thirsts
getting off on
the language
the last trump
the last word
The Mangler
which are on
the mantel
The masses
The Master
Where are all
the matches
the matter
the panel
The Passage
the passion
The plan worked
by far on
don't fall off
easiest job on
other dog on
powerful jaws on
we've got on
the planet
the garage on
the rafters
The Talmud
fall off
falls off
the wagon
third classes
Thumb Master
thus and such
tongue clacker
tongue clackers
touch panel
touch panels
truck patches
trust anchor
trust anchors
Vulpes cana
Vulpes chama
what happens
What's happened
What's that from
what's that worth
What's that, sir
word classes
word ladder
word ladders
word salad
word salads
Words That Work
world language
worm castle
worm castles
worm has turned
Worse than worms
young camel
yuck factor
yuck factors

with 1 extra syllable

agua blanda
allah akbar
alta danza
alter Knacker
Archer slaps her
Arthur Chapman
Arthur Hammond
Arthur Laffer
Arthur Machen
Arthur Ransome
aula magna
austral blackbird
austral blackbirds
Awful language
balsam apple
balsam apples
Barra Mansa
blotter acid
bollock dagger
bollock daggers
bomber jacket
Bosman transfer
Bosman transfers
bottle hanger
bottle hangers
bottled gases
bottom brackets
bromous acid
carbon planet
carbon planets
carbon taxes
carpal angle
carpal angles
carpet bagger
carpet baggers
carpet grasses
carta branca
Carta Magna
Casa Branca
cauldrons and spurs
chocolate channel
chocolate channels
chocolate crackle
chocolate crackles
Chocolate rations
cocker spaniel
cocker spaniels
common alders
I was
common as dirt
common as muck
common blackbird
common blackbirds
common fraction
common fractions
common grackle
common grackles
common madder
common rabbit
common rabbits
concert bass drum
concert bass drums
Connor Bamford
Connor Franta
Constant Lambert
contra dances
player in the Iran-
Contra scandal
Copper Canyon
copper captain
copper captains
copper fasten
copper fastened
copper fastens
Cotton Mather
Darkness gathers
daughter language
Judge, subway guard,
doctor, banker,
come on,
Doctor, catch up
dollar dances
Falklands factor
Falklands factors
fallen lassen
father lasher
father lashers
Father stabbers
Fathers and Sons
garden glasses
But that's not
Hannah, that's not
it's just not
It's not
knew this was
know it was
know that's not
know what was
now it's not
okay, that's not
out this was
people, that's not
So not
Stuff that was
that's just not
That's not
Unexpected things are
we think was
you think was
you, that's not
gonna happen
do, it's not
gonna matter
harbor gasket
harbor gaskets
harbor master
harbor masters
Harland Sanders
harness saddle
harness saddles
Haunted Castle
hollaback girl
hollaback girls
hombre gamba
hombre rana
hombres gambas
hombres rana
hopper wagon
hopper wagons
Johnson grasses
Johnson's Rambler
Hindu scriptures is called
kata factor
kata factors
kata nama
lobster palace
market basket
market baskets
markup language
Marsha Blackburn
Modelled after
modern dances
modern language
Monster Madness
mottled mallard
mottled mallards
office plankton
olive branches
opera glasses
papa hapa
parlour matches
partial fraction
partial fractions
pasta salad
pasta salads
pawa shana
proper classes
proper fraction
proper fractions
take revenge upon
Raja Nanda
robber baron
robber barons
Robert Blatchford
Robert Jackson
Robert Kaplan
Robert Langlands
Robert Lanza
rocket salad
rocket salads
Roger Ascham
Roger Hallam
rotten apple
rotten apples
saucer passes
Interest Law
Scholar at the
guys are
smarter than girls
solemn masses
solid angle
solid angles
power, rock
stardom and a
thoughts are
stronger than us
Stronger than us
target language
tartan taxes
Thomas Adam
Thomas Bastard
Thomas Bracken
Thomas Campbell
Thomas Cranmer
Thomas Jackson
the first was
Thomas Malthus
Walter Bagehot
Walter Haddon
Wanna have lunch
water adder
Water Banquet
water cabbage
water caltrop
water cannon
water cannons
water glasses
water hammer
water hammers
water jacket
water mantle
water mantles
water plantain
water plantains
water spaniel
water spaniels