exact syllable matches

and open
hooks than
a bait shop
the seam on
the size of
a baseball
We can have
a brave-off
drapes on
a cake pop
Greek is of
a capon
Could have
rotten eggs and
a chainsaw
cosmos and not
a chaos
where I have
a crayon
Medicine isn't
a day job
can I have
a day-off
A cockspur on
a gamecock
Lame was
a gay bar
eight-hour tour of
a graveyard
the of
a great cause
Baby has
Dumpty had
a great fall
has done
he's done
I had
I've got
we've done
a great job
aside, at
He's had
a great loss
came as
a great shock
I have
a great shot
and become
a great star
you had
a great start
This was
a great talk
or major without
a macron
want to ruin
a mailbox
What's this about
a payoff
buried under
a place called
he got
a race car
a safe spot
consider that
that was
a sales call
the lines of
a seance
not at
a skate comp
were never
a slave bot
A strange thought
dead and
a trade bond
From freon,
a trade mark
by Apple as
Code, introduced as
Terylene, originated as
a trademark
a train on
limpet up
a whale's arse
I am
primitive friend, I'm
afraid not
afraid, John
of my cubs
away Fox
You come
away lost
away, guard
quite a distance
away, hon
Birdcage Walk
rise while
birth rates fall
birthday card
birthday cards
the startled
blood may stop
real people,
but they are
satisfaction, fine,
but they lost
cafe hop
inquire about the
complaints lodged
curtail dog
curtail dogs
want a character
debate, Bob
Debate, Oct
notice how
dull they are
be playing all
dumb baseball
earthquake bomb
earthquake bombs
first aid box
first-aid box
my son up
from baseball
save the world
from chaos
From James Bond
From paysage
From reine-claude
what the
fuck they are
all the
fun they want
sweet, noble
girls they are
all the
guns they want
you and
her face flops
faster than
her fake fall
are now on
her radar
she works
her tail off
and bad, of
judge-made law
you are
just plain wrong
Me and
Lorraine are
love baseball
idea of what
mermaids are
charge however
much they want
Also a contraction
of Adolf
Sweet Swan
of Avon
a beloved part
at the president
ruled me out
trades are part
yet still-in-play, pieces
of baseball
is the Church
of Baseball
a lot
of break shots
significant amount
of case law
A creature
an emergent out
an outward appearance
be a denizen
bring order out
bringing order out
by the demons
deny the existence
fashion order out
habitable order out
I'm an agent
in a universe
in a world
in the regions
in this ocean
life itself out
like creation out
make sense out
order came out
systems, an organizer
than order out
the elusive nature
the total lack
the world out
to capricious outcomes
was the sound
of chaos
as Aesir, God
The God
of Chaos
am an agent
a real box
of crayons
a couple
of days off
appreciated the worth
of Desargues
all the sophisms
Dalton to that
hypothesis contradicts that
origin in statements
to the tenet
of Descartes
in the discipline
of EA
made up
of eight stops
and creators
the essence
the price
very hall-mark
of great art
own impersonations
of James Bond
hundred counts
of mail fraud
an empty canister
of napalm
with a touch
of pathos
It represents lack
of pay-off
development and deployment
of Radar
An abbreviation
of Saint John
abruptly with Aristarchus
astronomer, as Aristarchus
the Peloponnesian Island
of Samos
the new governor
of Seistan
to Lord Helmet
of Spaceballs
the blood
of stray dogs
in the middle
was the Mayor
of Tehran
of trademark
have taken
one day off
For the
one they called
by that
one, hey, Mom
Rene Char
run game on
runs game on
your stupid little
runway walk
midst of
some place dark
give her
some space, Clark
a great dad
someday, Clark
smaller, more energy-efficient
subway cars
ravioli, ham,
sundae bar
first snowfall on
Sunday, Oct
Derived from the
surname Long
terrain park
terrain parks
Jamie can start
the chainsaw
emerged out of
emerges coldly from
harmony emerges from
lord who commands
one who unifies
or what started
serves to unify
structure out of
the center of
the weapons and
the chaos
give us
rest of
you want
the day off
beatitude of
the Eight Gods
state of
the game laws
passed out on
the unanimity of
whistle past
the graveyard
other of
the great arts
ideal of
the great Bard
call upon
the great god
hand of
the Great God
flesh of
temples of
the great gods
one of
the great jobs
sent by
the Great Lodge
hath come
the great loss
door of
the great mosque
last one,
the Great Pox
worked alongside
the great Spock
one of
the great stars
investigation at
the Great Wall
source of
the great Wrong
I think of
made possible by
the H-bomb
my name on
the mailbox
sir, was
the main cause
subject as
the main clause
greater than
the male part
hammer and
the nails are
The name's Dawn
because of
harsh on
messing up
the paint job
didn't mess up
the paint-job
just think of
Then comes
the payoff
how beautiful
name of
the place was
The plane, boss
numbers on
the play card
drop off
fall under
Fiona dropped off
flew under
flies under
fly under
flying under
keep Lorelei off
Kind of under
like flying under
showing up on
simply slid under
slip under
slipped under
slipping under
slips under
their lives under
the radar
the sound of
the raindrops
the rape part
where all
the sales are
sides of
the same card
cut from
cut of
out of
the same cloth
one and
would worship
the same God
arrow on
the same heart
Everyone has
the same job
acts by
forces and
governed by
resulted from
the same laws
peas from
the same pod
serve someone
the same sauce
can remember
It's all
verse of
the same song
ancestry, sang
the same songs
at about
the same spot
approximations of
the same thought
some of
the same thoughts
the shades drawn
bones of
the slain frogs
Brewster about
the space blob
is what
the state wants
You handle
the takeoff
Genericization of
Usually put after
the trademark
If that's
the trade-off
the way, harsh
Third base, tops
passage came on
Thursday, Oct
the rest of
today off
the part of
today was
show how
sometimes how
tough they are
un savon
Untamed Heart
Yo, what's
up, K-Dog
Were they false
of drugs
were they on
And that's
what faith was
act like
be and
because of
because that's
But that's
figure out
Is that
more than
morons are
no matter
not, than
of nature
People are
they are
they remember
they worship
things are
things weren't
who and
yeah that's
what they are
Dead, that's
richly deserved
They deserve
what they got
misled about
think about
told of
what they saw
anyone have
can't have
give 'em
give people
hope that's
Is that
just want
knowledge of
out of
people and
people have
people want
the people
them have
they want
those people
to extract
want, drop
what they want
no idea
what they've got
What they've lost
your hard
work pays off
work tail off
around the
world same song
into the
world they want
blip on the
world's radar
worse, they are
matter how
young they are

with 1 extra syllable

Abigail Dodge
plans for life
after baseball
fills with water
after rainfall
with complementary mojo
after takeoff
wait until
after they've lost
Albert Jay Nock
one is
Anna May Wong
aren't they all
aren't they called
I have
awesome gay-dar
focus amid the
awful chaos
say how
awful they are
cruel little
know what
bastards they are
as the other
candidates watch
payoff for a
certain payoff
care what
color they are
the thing to
they want to
concentrate on
be time for
Dodger baseball
doesn't pay off
donner raison
double quasar
double quasars
way to the
Dragons graveyard
It is
dullness made God
to land
fighter planes on
flyaway cost
flyaway costs
Genericization of the
German trademark
giant quasar
giant quasars
name of the
goddess Freyja
name of the
goddess Freyja,
college, he's
gonna play ball
patch,Ain't nothin'
gonna save ya
gonna take long
look, I'm
so we're
gonna take off
We've just
gotta stay calm
flows into the Salisbury-
Hampshire Avon
clump of
hardened brain snot
come, the
get, the
tough, the
harder they fall
holiday park
holiday parks
hollandaise sauce
hybrid meson
island gray fox
Janice, great talk
when Boris
Johnson came on
Kumbha Mela
in peace
Manna Dey saab
At the
masquerade ball
letters in a
monospace font
of Hungry
Mother State Park
kind of
Muslim they are
be other
numbers came hard
happened to the
other baseball
help each
other stay strong
There's no
other way off
On, like,
our day off
and to
our great cause
kind of
person they are
in some unsuspecting
person's mailbox
not interested in
pompous pathos
power take-off
power take-offs
prices they charge
Harold and the
Purple Crayon
qualitate qua
Robin Lane Fox
runaway star
runaway stars
Ethel Merman jams
Russian radar
from Ray, compare
Rylan, Braylon
people whose
servants they are
Sudden weight loss
acronym for 2-mercaptoethane
sulfonate Na
want, whatever
taxes they want
the rocks are
those rocks are
timeless raindrops
Transpadane Gaul
Transpadane Gauls
know the
trouble they are
understood how
unjust they are
it would be
utter chaos
wanna play cards
wanna stay on
all the
water they want
good times,
weren't they John
wonder they lost
where the
workman may stop
human story behind
yonder graveyard

with 2 extra syllables

use rectangles -
they stop
to the
animal's eight arms
as the
criminals they are
And how
dangerous they are
destruction they cause
Difficult they are
gotta create a
distraction, J-Roc
thy dread
empire Chaos
heart will only
empower Chaos
entendre raison
exaggerate not
kind of
government they want
imagine they are
insular gray fox
doesn't enjoy
minimum wage jobs
god whose
ministers they are
monopulse radar
understand how
natural they are
which the physicist-
observer takes part
and how
how physically
matter how
pervasive and
powerful they are
the more
powerful they got
has become his
prominent trademark
Samantha Jane Barks
owners of a
similar trademark
See how
valuable they are
be guaranteed through
workable safeguards

with 3 extra syllables

Denominal based on
there is this
incredible pathos
same title about
professional baseball
on vital and
responsible safeguards
hard-won and
vulnerable they are