exact syllable matches

what you stand for-
will keep you
au courant
a Home Office
brochure once
coal pusher
coal pushers
cast as a
cold woman
corn sugar
corn sugars
faux bourdon
ready to die
for Brooklyn
as substituting dollars
for bullets
offer trade certifications
with a horror
for butchers
been a fanatic
before I left
boarded the trains
is a synonym
for Europe
and two
donating items
her shoulder
its nose
on me
shamrock-shaped iron
this ball
through doorways
for good luck
a decent respect
such a capacity
for goodness
acid drop,
for pure love
in making bags
prune crap substitute
for sugar
lectures are not
for tourists
has no place
man was made
for woman
out of ten
for woodwork
for woodworms
George Goodman
Shoot him with
ghost bullets
and she a
I am a
She is a
She was a
She's a
the kid's a
You're a
grown woman
know you're drunk
dumb, I'll
know you're dumb
help, you
know you're fucked
about, you
know, good stuff
including a well-
known bull run
No, everyone
knows you're the
loaf sugars
lone wolfer
a job with
I am
I promise you
shouldn't fire me
The Apprentice, starring
Lord Sugar
from bulle, from
Low bulla
who's got the
most bullets
There are
no good guns
mean that there's
no goodness
to nouns with
no plural
brought me -
no woman
knows no mercy
nor goodness
is neither man
Neither man
nor woman
borrow a cup
o' sugar
the Nazarene trod,
O woman
all these,
oh Good One
She was a confirmed
it's a very
old bullet
I think that's
is then the
old Europe
us, you stupid,
old goodness
you recognize an
old hoodlum
old hooker
a good, kindly
a small
advice from an
and a life-loving
back of a 90-year-
beautiful sixteen year
believing you're a 60-year-
embraces of an
eyes of an
flaps, a slack-skinned
for a spooky
gets to the
have drawn an
look like an
mouth of a sixty-year-
of an poor
of one deaf
on like an
saw a little
she'd be an
skin of an
sound like an
was a very
with this gorgeous twenty-two-year-
you saw an
old woman
more than pills
not through bombs
or bullets
clump of trees
or bushes
a pillow
or cushion
the United States
or Europe
one good
or good one
general moral rightness
intelligence, or love,
light, to truth
or goodness
in the singular
or plural
me can
or should work
Notably in billiards
or snooker
mixed with honey
or sugar
a black man
a married man
Any eighty-year-old, man
in need, man
is a man
our fellow man
than one lady
unselfish loving man
or woman
Prince Charming
or you're just
man against his
own bosom
find in our
own bosoms
undo its
own good work
awareness of its
share in his
own goodness
was this cup
procured from
federales in my
some of her
rose bushes
showroom From
sloe bushes
A oval
slow cooker
slow cookers
You don't look
so crooked
and he's
so full of
gotta go,
so good luck
so good, huh
I'm not
so sure of
a separate
soul, you're fucked
old-growth Connecticut Valley
thorn bushes
Lord's field as harmful
soft right on
those cushions
were in the
Torchwood Hub
for Germany and
whole Europe
copy of
your book, sir
imparts fulness to
poor orphan to
Take him into
the wife of
your bosom
a web into
the path of
your bullet
You forgot
your bullets
I meant
your good ones
keep doing
symbol of
your good work
it by
your good works
be exemplary in
became fascinated by
of acknowledgment of
the certainty of
your softness or
your goodness
some coffee with
your sugar
and then violates
be loyal to
care about pleasing
Having trouble with
He killed
in front of
I've killed
We have
your woman
Could Never Be
Your Woman

with 1 extra syllable

acorn sugar
going anywhere, let
alone Europe
Leave me
alone, woman
would remember
before you're dirt
and an older
but not yet
divorced woman
fashionable dress and
exposed bosom
Goldstone bosons
limo pulls up
Zielinski, I'm a
negro woman
nitro sugar
nitro sugars
Osborn, look up
Rico, you're up
want of generosity
toward Woman
accompanied with massless spin-
zero bosons

with 2 extra syllables

amino sugar
amino sugars
Baltimore Woman
haggis Beautiful, bemuse-ed,
bellicose butcher
creosote bushes
indigo bushes
alleyway from a
Mexico woman
turismo rural

with 3 extra syllables

cuadrado crural