exact syllable matches

will win,
because it works
I'm here
because Mr
We must never
become bitter
will already have
become clearer
smell this and
become fearful
me when they
become wicked
being manifest, it
becomes brilliant
He's always
been a Christian
model of their
beloved England
it were a
blissful kingdom
how to
bring up children
some range of
business interests
know how
of our
business is done
and education of
children become
You are killing
children, Mr
children and our
children or their
children's children
Christmas, Mr
of boldness in
civil business
pride, had all
deserted us
disgusting worm
would not
give up Mr
designed to effect
given results
respectfully return
him the ticket
politics to fight
his affliction
not deny you
his assistance
No, I'm Sharona,
his assistant
and asked about
he can better
his condition
been faithful to
his convictions
flesh is under
his dominion
existence but in
his dominions
the superabundance of
his nothingness
must be of
his opinion
a person of
essential strengths of
frank while defending
opportunity of retrieving
his position
loss of
his son, Mr
as part of
his tradition
as the lays,
if permitted
and changing the
image system
perfectly in an
imperfect world
one chance
in a million
be dissipated
be gone
with you
in a minute
I am
in a prison
him away
in a river
unfolding as
in a vision
first-rate fighting men
makes a mistake
in addition
It was similar
in appearance
in options, but
in commitments
car drenched
in fucking blood
all interested
in fucking her
in love with her
in love with love
be swallowed up
in nothingness
summed up
in one instant
govern such changes
in position
faith men have
in punishment
I'm impaled
in something's guts
in the big club
in the big world
by light-years
in the billions
was buried
in the blizzard
three decades
in the business
be ringing
Grey Mountain
in the distance
boldly put
in the figures
He's still
trash bags
us start
white shit
in the kitchen
will develop
in the liquid
was located
in the liver
lies somewhere
or herself,
red stuff
right smack
in the middle
own eyeballs
see yourself
That girl
Yes, look
in the mirror
black woman
yogi characters
in the picture
It manifests
in the pictures
who are
in the prisons
threw that
in the river
no foundation
in the Scriptures
real pain
in the sphincter
a thorn
but rather
to be
in the spirit
and cold
in the winter
his tits
in the wringer
is inborn
in us, Mr
for fellow slaves
general's summer home
to ban slavery
in Virginia
exigencies of my
inner rhythm
and disappears from view
scene was an
instructive one
that he
is a Christian
prove Satan
is a fiction
The ricochet
is a killer
His house
is a prison
is a river
of judgment
is a system
is a twinkle
when its truth
is admitted
himself directly
is but little
the sun
is coming up
the municipal system
to be relieved
is considered
is done, it's done
least the pain
is familiar
and every sin
is forgiven
of love which
is forgiveness
lives well
is learned enough
Maybe God
is malicious
means, since everything
is permitted
effect in general
is pernicious
isn't Armageddon, this
is personal
none so
is something worse
this significant example
is sufficient
and God
is the beloved
is the big one
is the limit
the greatest
is the spirit
is, does it work
Desire to change
isn't enough
by all that
isn't fiction
assign to
it a limit
she overdid
it a little
it comes, it comes
had saved
it from pickers
who entered
it were women
it, just this once
It's a witchhunt
the vestment of
its appearance
will not keep
its commitments
of truth, but
its condition
reasonable, it's responsible,
it's merciful
guilty ones, in
its opinion
reward, nor crime
its punishment
his race and
its world-picture
kill her with a
kinda weird huh
and the
beheading the
King of England
divorcing itself from
Lincoln's vision
liquor, Mister
Guardian of the
spontaneous mentality of
suffer the
little children
philosopher would be
little deserved
moving only his
wave of my
little finger
it was a
little infant
or scream with
Little Richard
He's a
little slicker
They are a
little splinter
Just a
little stiffness
save the
lives of billions
affair, creating a
mere opinion
in as many
minutes, Lister
played the
mischief with us
mixed up in drugs
through the crystal,
nearer, nearer
of the
Peers of England
size to
pick something up
and they
picked the winners
only to
prick the fingers
hearts vibrate with
returning love
Hells Angels to
little hustlers like
the world of
worth shooting is
Richard Nixon
deeper, and
richer his were
Always scribble,
scribble, scribble
way to
shrivel him up
We had a
simple dinner
ratings drop into
single digits
live without a
single image
in almost every
single instance
process in a
single instant
Not for one
single minute
stupidly, at least
single women
function as a
skillful killer
scientific research was
still permitted
His country was
still Virginia
raise funds for cancer-
stricken children
then some
strings of spittle
the promise of
swift punishment
things of this world
cannot continue in
did I create
had remained in
mentality which creates
this condition
opportunities to nourish
this conviction
do not share
this opinion
put me in
putting me in
to do from
this position
learns the
thrill of return
tickle, tickle
It's a
vicious business
It's such a
weird condition
which hung it up
William Gibson
a Pulitzer Prize
winner, Mr
hit movie
with a midget
with a ninja
there vicariously
with a winner
imbue that individual
with charisma
I cast it
with conviction
to shower them
with derision
with gorillas
they exchange glances
with nothingness
error belongs only
with opinion
We begin
with the children
get along
with the killers
white house
with the pillars
am happy
be thrilled
with the results
in harmony
with the Scriptures
like nature
with the spirit
is irrefutably
with the victor
about me
with the women
you agree
with us, Mr
you see
with young women
women's hinders

with 1 extra syllable

to note in passing-
-a Hitler
works by
adding up figures
possible ever more
ambitious missions
after that- dust,
ashes, nothingness
formula that are
being considered
belittles women
us by
calling us niggers
such a
career of mischief
Firstly, both are consummate
rules and
choosing the winner
a clear and
coherent picture
specialists to a
coherent result
supported unlimited
coinage of silver
of the
conflict of interests
have to
consider it first
came the
droning of ring-doves
nuclear giants and
ethical infants
even a little
of the
evening from Mr
Existence is love
experienced by people
facing addiction
citizen, endless
fighting must emerge
going to
finish the picture
market imposing and
fixing conditions
a vain and
fleeting appearance
The public
flogging of women
then the
fulfillment will come
them look like
Jessica Simpson
no Polish or
Jewish officials
intolerable in the
Jewish tradition
received by every
logical thinker
just stop
loving her because
and the
magic of symbols
magic of this love
so clever As
Magical Mr
war against a
malicious spirit
offer of
marriage from Mr
who are
Natives of Britain
sets us
nothing but riddles
Nothing personal
as a
nugget of wisdom
objectification of the
physical system
Our current
President is one
speech by then-Vice
President Nixon
foundation laid by
President Wilson
and enforced by
and eventually through
and flow of
but also from
fickle wind of
for personalities or
in touch with
Its name is
pseudo-men dominated by
sampling for measuring
the expression of
the owners, molds
what is called
public opinion
because of my
public positions
to your bourgeois
publisher, Mr
punished with the
punishment deserved
alone, of
raising the children
praising the
ravings of Mr
turning toward the
religious spirit
were full of
religious symbols
guard her more
restricted interests
showing up with guns
in terms of
something familiar
Sonnets were written
speaking of spirit
dull roar of
surging opinion
I'd be
thinkin' of Wilma
That's a perfectly
valid opinion
to go fight scimitar-
wielding dervishes
place already
within a system
difference working
within the system
sense of my
wretched condition
in the
writing of fiction

with 2 extra syllables

in an uncritically
accepted tradition
for her
amazing public work
very uncommon in
American business
call this the
part of the
American spirit
known as the
American System
common thing among
American women
prosperity which all
Americans deserve
Thrones, Empire, The
Americans, Mr
back-to-school time for
America's children
can be
anything but vicious
traced to the
artistical impulse
and the
is the
beginning of wisdom
produce important and
beneficial results
comprising the built world
ruthless destruction and
constructive persistence
a pompous
is a
contradiction in terms
to downright
contradictions in terms
Jackson wrote the
dissenting opinion
of the three
dissenting opinions
of an isolated
dynamical system
were experts in
electrical systems
able to
establish one kingdom
of not
exceeding the limit
revaluation of prominent
historical figures
is alien to
Islamic traditions
regular and old-fashioned
monarchical systems
am of the
opposite opinion
jealousy and
possessiveness kill love
will retain a
privileged position
and vote the
Prohibition ticket
The Great
Pyramid of Giza
an inverted
pyramid of piffle
insight by making
recognizant return
Republican women
be an unrelated,
sporadic appearance
feel the
suffering of millions
is only a
theatrical fiction
monotony, her absolutely
unfinished condition
air, a
vanishing of spirit

with 3 extra syllables

Academic Publishers
Hitchens argued the
affirmative position
the more
altruistic one becomes
Eternal change of
atmospheric conditions
of his new
conservative convictions
not have a
conservative tradition
mandates of our
democratic tradition
can believe in
everlasting punishment
religion has no
geographical limits
HarperCollins Publishers
a difference of
inherited tradition
another instantly,
irrespective of distance
are sacred,
irrespective of interests
discipline based on
mathematical rigor
was formulated in
mathematical symbols
pass through the
metaphysical thickets
dislodged by mere
philosophical brilliance
taken, namely the
realistic position
than zeal for
speculative opinions
woman in a
subjugated position
included in some
theological system
Gertrude made an
unexpected appearance

with 4 extra syllables

otherwise incomprehensible
characteristics of England
trial is an
ideological fiction
in with their
ideological vision