exact syllable matches

See tri-
and member
you and I -
5 percenter
5 percenters
Arya Tara
Bible Belter
Bible Belters
new ties that
bind together
blind abscesses
Brian Jenkins
Brian Kessler
dearer than the
brightest present
is guarded
by a devil
was attacked
by a ferret
acted on
by a lever
by Anne Fletcher
and admired
by Frank Bennett
were written
by Frank Loesser
by half-measures
by Jac Schaeffer
monograph written
by Max Weber
unless averted
by that measure
constantly challenged
by that question
by the death cults
be flattered
by the gesture
bought up
by the penguins
getting smaller
growing stronger
winged on
by the second
by-one error
child molester
Child molester
child molesters
child of leisure
china pencil
china pencils
in his strangest
meets his strangest
crime adventure
Robin just fought
crime together
crisis center
crisis centers
cyma recta
cyma rectum
diamond necklace
and we'll all
Now, we can
we can all
you can
you will all
die together
and lived and
fought, suffered and
lived or rather
died together
dry abscesses
eye and then some
a hammer and
eyelet setter
eyes and freckles
hair, green
eyes, and freckles
But you can't
fight forever
If we all
to work and
fight together
that was the
final level
You have the
final segment
surprised to
find that present
I can't
find the center
so pretty
fine and tender
came out
fine as ever
fire devil
fire devils
Fire Emblem
Where's your patent
fire engine
Chasing after
fire engines
fire temple
Fire Temple
idols and the
fire temples
their hearts the
fire's centre
a really hot
passengers and one
the first class
flight attendant
Flight attendant
flight attendants
on an international
flight together
giant fennel
giant kettle
giant kettles
giant weta
giant wetas
police, instruct,
guide, and meddle
guys forever
guy's just jealous
Heisenberg cut
Heisenberg cuts
but you can't
hide forever
more sense of
the days of
high adventure
are as
high as ever
got a
hearing and
I have
She had
you have
high blood pressure
architectures at the
change at a
development on a
operating on a
possible on a
things at a
things on a
higher level
who work on
higher levels
high as the
highest heaven
maintained at the
masturbation at the
nuance at the
process at the
realized at the
work on the
highest level
even at the
occur at the
highest levels
I am better
I Am Legend
my God,
my word,
I am pregnant
love, While
I am present
your mercy
I am sheltered
I am tempted
I am Vector
him who
I am, fellas
Well, here
I am, Karen
I am, yes sir
Why am
I arrested
answers before
mocking but
I ask questions
I can help her
I can never
I can smell her
I can't get 'em
i can't get up
I can't get up
I can't help her
I know
I can't measure
answers that
I can't question
I can't tell her
have toys,
I had weapons
destroyed everyone
I have ever
I have henchmen
soon as
I have leisure
the kind
I have mentioned
I have never
spring that
I have tended
I love special
I love Westerns
say before
I pass sentence
I snapped them up
Field Marshal Model,
I Surrender
a fake, as
Just as
I suspected
You and
I, forever
turns into
ice at Ember
ice caps melted
a block of
ice forever
iceberg lettuce
destroy idols and
idol temples
mosque was originally an
long that
I'll forget her
I'll protect her
account that
I'm a felon
Leifer and
I'm a vegan
know it,
I'm an heiress
I'm at square one
games that
no dishonor
I'm aware of
I'm Earl Webber
I'm Max, Jenna
From now on,
I'm Professor
South Park and
I'm successful
I'm the sheriff
Ira Remsen
Island penguin
Islands penguin
Islands penguins
islas Shetland
I've had better
nice man,
us, a
kind and gentle
appreciate that
kind of effort
kind of letter
as a
kind of mecca
Kind of messed up
as some
kind of penance
take that
kind of pressure
kind of vessel
kinds of questions
with all
kinds of weapons
deceit and
lies and terror
surface of G-rated true-
life adventures
life and death stuff
life and their love
mean that
life has ended
could have a
we had a
you have not
life together
spans of
life were ended
light up their world
lights and get burned
Born aloft
like a feather
wrapped up
like a present
good, well-oiled
make it
like an engine
like ants, Kara
like bad weather
like her parents
confess you
Would you
like that better
you don't
like that question
like that, Devil
never been
like that, ever
and danced
and run
like the devil
She's not
like the Shredder
did not
like the weapon
are much
really am
like the weather
brings like and
like together
Allah does not
like transgressors
never gonna
like yourself but
guy, I was
like, whatever
liked that better
a man who
likes adventures
blonde, who
likes black leather
line of center
line of centers
line of centre
line of centres
line of credit
line of levels
line up their ducks
lines of centers
lines of credit
lines of levels
say these last
lines together
because you wanna
Do you wanna
Everyone can't
he's not gonna
I'm gonna
mean, you're gonna
no lie can
Nothing can
of life, and
of us can
out you can
the bible that
The rich can
We can
You wanna
You will not
live forever
live the Devil
and Arabs can
and Islam can
and white can
Are we gonna
human beings can
Muslims could not
We can
we could all
we should all
live together
Meyer lemon
Michael Denton
Michael Greger
Michael Kettle
Michael Medved
Michael Render
Michael Spencer
might have helped some
anything that
might upset her
mila esker
top of
mind awareness
which your
mind can enter
Mind of Mencia
on the
minds of heaven
only upon a
minor question
minor second
minor seconds
minor seventh
minor sevenths
offered itself for
my acceptance
completely absorbed in
I'm tired from
my adventure
the summer after
my A-levels
am all of
have proof about
soldiers kneeled before
the souls of
to connect with
what happened to
white coats of
my ancestors
of any of
My Ancestors
my ass Aaron
and that grabbed
are not worth
from above caught
him that caught
now you have
something else caught
Utter, captured
my attention
Oh and
my Aunt Edna
no heat at
my conception
democracy, I offer
my concession
He was
my connection
from him as
you don't have
my credentials
about was
my damn breakfast
this and not
my director
Me and
my dumb letters
my grandparent
right next to
still have all
my grandparents
issues at
my last check-up
incoherence of
my last letter
course of
my last message
think you understand
my objections
She was
my obsession
my eyes and
my perceptions
diminish me and
my perfection
like my apartment,
my possessions
my potential
my occupation, and
That was
up and learned
my profession
He was
my protector
That's just
my reflection
as well as
their failures and
my successes
name you as
my successor
my transgressions
I forgot
my umbrella
Night of Terror
We had one
night together
remembered that
night, the sketches
pilot engine
pilot engines
pine and resin,
Pinus cembra
piper gurnard
Pirate treasure
price just went up
seek on some
primal level
academe and the
Government and the
of state and
the public and
well as the
private sector
the public and
private sectors
it's got
quite a temper
that they are
quite successful
Reiland, Rector
energy left,
of left,
right and centre
right ascension
right ascensions
right at Jenna
money and the
right connections
states, that's the
right direction
costs left,
him, left,
right, and center
cigarettes left,
Jacks left,
right, and centre
right, Rebecca
Right, whatever
redemption and not
righteous vengeance
we all can
we can all
rise together
Paul Wernick and
Ryan Reynolds
science center
science centers
science centre
science centres
a romantic
sight and legend
saw a
sign from heaven
witnesses and a
signed confession
the exact
size of Belgium
sky and end up
bring earth and
we watched the
sky together
spike lavenders
first full-length MUSICAL
The stars and
stripes forever
the iris
thrive and threaten
remain at flood
tide forever
war are all
We all
We are all
tied together
You're still
tight as ever
the the
tights and leather
amount of
deal of
that extra
wasting our
time and effort
spoiled by
time and weather
time offender
a lot of
spend as much
spend more one-on-one
time together
time, and they're mulch
Wali-Allah and His
Times, Canberra
tire lever
tire levers
titan arum
titan arums
Tryon Edwards
Indians, be
twice as careful
making life
twice as precious
type collection
type collections
buy that
type of weapon
tyre lever
tyre levers
Via French from
vice director
vice directors
Vida Guerra
Weil conjectures
why that question
why the Devil
to find a
wide acceptance
prided itself on
wide selection
wire edges
I can't
write a letter
Write a letter
did not
write the letter
Write the letter
A monster-
y adventure

with 1 extra syllable

I think of
advice, correction
We are
alive forever
freely be
combined and nested
Megaminx, solved
Derived from mega
Einstein can tell us
Dreaming ties all
night ties all
mankind together
Full text
online at weber
be very
polite and gentle
resign as chairman
sometimes the weather
to his already
squashlike complexion
be the greatest
Starfighter ever
sunshine agenda
sunshine agendas
minds can
survive against us
turnstile attendance
is not
unlike a crescent
Elena stays a
vampire forever
others have found
worldwide acceptance

with 2 extra syllables

flammable, silvery-white
reactive, silvery
silvery radioactive
alkaline earth metal
alkaline earth metals
alkaline-earth metal
alkaline-earth metals
we will
analyze at breakfast
of physical
appetites and pleasures
Greater Manchester,
Lancashire and Cheshire
engaged with
merchandise and ledgers
have been
multiplied and strengthened
is more
polarized than ever
Satisfy yourself first
enslavement to your
standardized assessments