exact syllable matches

al bies
an sein
of a dock
and cry
Bite hard
Curse God
off the cart
to curse God
you walk off
and die
Americans have fought
he was shot
who has fought
and died
As the Monarch
my fever chart,
protected by Sherlock
up my job,
and Dr
in that car
and drive
sidelines and carp
and gripe
can crawl off
and hide
and high
made of rock
and ice
with guns, bombs
and knives
empire on fraud
and lie
beauty of art
to harmonize art
and life
dance of dark
he separated dark
and light
change of heart
dominated my heart
humility of heart
and mind
the people's hearts
transformation of hearts
and minds
that are soft
and nice
and pile
and ride
sense of wrong
and right
the winter's frost
and rime
and rye
against the stars
and sky
me, Rachel thought
and smiled
Not the stars
pie, the stars
and stripes
with the Stars
and Stripes
Circle far
it from far
spread terror far
to travel, far
and wide
From yarn
and wind
an ad in the shop-
Ann Wright
Anne Rice
ant rice
apse line
apse lines
includes Emilia Fox
as Dr
throw a ball
as high
teeth as sharp
as knives
both were, large
hit as hard
as life
not as hot
as mine
Just not
as nice
as trice
bittersweet, but strong
as wine
I call noodles long-
ass rice
lounge and gawk
at guys
a better shot
a second shot
have a shot
at life
your service, not
at mine
and the stars
at eleven O'clock
is an ice-box
is eleven o'clock
last one on
your last thought
at night
at sight
at sign
at signs
an uncomfortable watch
on my arse
to keep apart
you reflect upon
at times
at twice
scratch and Elena's
aunt dies
back dive
back dives
back five
back fives
back line
back lines
bad eye
bad eyes
the tall dark
bad guy
these were all
bad guys
bad light
bad mind
bad sign
bad signs
That's not
thought I was
bad, right
Badge Night
bagge pipe
ban mai
band ein
bank night
bank nights
pulsating rhythms, raw
bass line
bat flies
bat fly
batch file
batch files
our power on
bath night
bath time
bath times
black bile
black child
mention black on
black crime
black eye
black eyes
black fly
black ice
Black Isle
black kite
black kites
black knight
black knights
black light
black lights
black pine
black pines
Possibly modelled on
black pride
black rice
black tie
creating circles on
blank ice
brach ein
bracht ein
bran pie
bran pies
branch line
won't run on
branch lines
brash ice
Brass Eye
Can Chi
can die, all
can die
truth, than frogs
can fly
without a car
can't drive
can't smile
cask wine
cask wines
Cat 5
cat fight
cat fights
cat thyme
cat thymes
eagle does not
catch flies
catch sight
chat bai
chat line
chat site
chat sites
Chiang Mai
clasp knife
clasp knives
crab lice
crack pipe
crack pipes
crack wise
crash dive
crash dives
damn right
mean a long
ordering around all
you one last god-
damn time
dance flies
dance fly
Das Reich
drang ein
fact file
fact files
fang ein
Fast Five
fast times
fat bike
fat bikes
flash drive
flash drives
flat file
flat files
flat line
flat signed
flat white
flat whites
Frank Knight
Franz Kline
gab ein
gab frei
gad vide
gang sign
gang signs
gas line
gas lines
glass eye
glass eyes
grand chemin
grand prize
day after Ball
had died
had like
had time
Half life
half rhyme
half rhymes
half smile
half smiles
half time
half times
hand bike
hand bikes
hand guide
hand guides
hand jive
hand jives
hand pie
hand pies
hang five
hang fives
hang glide
hang tight
hang time
hang times
hangs five
hangs tight
has time
hash sign
hash signs
his parents not
have died
have time
jack pine
jack pines
Jack White
kam heim
lab mice
lac dye
lad ein
lamb fries
lamb pie
lamb pies
land line
land lines
land mile
land miles
land mine
land mines
land rights
land wind
lang syne
lash line
lash lines
Last lines
last mile
last miles
eaten 4 hotdogs
How fun was
If that was
in a restaurant
my garden lawn
that girl was
That was
to the bar
walking her dog
wind a lot
last night
last time
laugh line
mache ein
mache frei
mache weis
macht ein
macht frei
macht weis
Mad Pride
mal pie
man child
dying at Rock
Man's side
masked shrike
masked shrikes
mass line
nahm ein
Nam Phi
nan y
pack ice
pad thai
pan fried
pan fry
pan pipe
pan pipes
pass by
pass wind
passed wind
Past life
pat slide
pat slides
patch file
patch files
patch ice
Plan 9
Planck time
Planck times
plant lice
rack time
Ralph Klein
Ralph Trine
ran by
rat bike
rat bikes
sac flies
sac fly
sam sai
sand flies
sand fly
ca va
cela va
sans dire
sans faille
scan line
scan lines
schlag ein
scratch by
slab line
slab lines
slant height
slant heights
slant line
slant lines
slant rhyme
slant rhymes
slant sight
slap fight
slap fights
slash line
slash lines
slash pile
slash piles
slash pine
slash pines
staff vine
staff vines
stag night
stag nights
stand by
stand ein
stand pie
stand pies
stands by
stank eye
stank eyes
strand line
strand lines
swag light
swag lights
tag line
tag lines
tan line
tan lines
tan ride
tan rides
tax bite
tax bites
a truer heart
Stronger, by far,
than mine
discoveries are wrong
More often wrong
than right
and got on
that bike
for the heart
that binds
are the jaw
that bites
But not
that bright
give up on
that fight
because I'm not
the blood on
the talons on
was, I'm not
that guy
beautifully under all
that ice
You can't call
that life
I saw
that light
What was
that like
not want across
that line
about ten o'clock
at 11 o'clock
girl I lost
in the park
It was dark
that night
Have I got
I got
that right
popular channels on
that site
each other all
hell happened all
that time
I was
that wide
can count on
that, Dr
Everyone saw
of flak on
You all saw
that, right
that's nice
that's right
policeman's pawn -
that's why
track bike
track bikes
track spike
track spikes
traft ein
tram line
tram lines
trans guy
trans guys
trash ice
trat ein
Van Hise
Van Nuys
vat dye
vat dyes
wrack line
wrack lines
yeah right

with 1 extra syllable

combat fight
other women a
sure, got a
contact high
contact highs
high as a
goddamn kite
mouth is a
goddamn lie
you by a
goddamn sight
to remove our
goddamn smiles
it with such
goddamn style
Where's the
goddamn tie
It's about
goddamn time
death and hard
goddamn times
who believes that
goddamn tripe
I'm not a
goddamned child
story is a
goddamned lie
to call a
launchpad line
potash lye
potash lyes