exact syllable matches

am Main
growth serum on
kids grandpa was
an ape
spoke, dressed, walked
and ate
wear the ball
and chain
and chains
and change
and freight
AND gate
AND gates
life of charm
and grace
O Union, strong
and great
separate people, John
and James
in the backyard
and play
bombers with applause
and praise
to address gods
and saints
with being smart
and sane
separation of mosque
and state
love are hard
and strange
and tail
and tails
a cotton ball
and tape
are my stock
and trade
words are nought
and vain
mean capital loss
and waste
stars Alexander Petrov
as Grey
grow up hard
as nails
as paint
condensed, it falls
as rain
Is it not
as slaves
known as far
as Spain
ash cake
ash cakes
Ash Vale
to keep chaos
at bay
at gaze
at grade
at pains
mental illness are
seen male dogs
at play
Lives are
our freedoms are
people's lives are
where principles are
whole lives are
Your principles are
at stake
From aulos and
Aunt Jane
Aunt Janes
look in on
Aunt May
back date
back gate
back gates
back lane
back lanes
back page
back pain
back pains
back straight
back straights
bad faith
bad name
bad names
Bad Taste
bang tail
bang tails
bank rate
bank rates
Bass Lake
bass staves
Bass Strait
black ace
Black Age
black cake
black cakes
black game
black jail
black jails
Black Plague
black plate
Black Rain
black sage
black shale
black shales
black snake
black snakes
black whale
black whales
blanc mange
blank page
blank slate
blank slates
brand name
brand names
Cal State
calf raise
can break
of what God
can make
can't survive long,
can they
The ball
can't wait
cash game
cash games
making a small
cast change
cat state
cat states
cat train
cat trains
catch phrase
catch plate
catch plates
catch rays
chats bais
clam bake
clam bakes
clam cake
clam cakes
clan mate
clan mates
clap skate
clap skates
class break
class breaks
Class Day
Class Days
crab cake
crab cakes
crack train
crack trains
crash space
dam plate
dam plates
winged bastards all
damn day
over the god
damn place
on this god
signal the god
damn plane
damn straight
And it's god
damned great
damned straight
damp haze
dan day
Dan Quayle
dance game
dance games
drag race
drag sail
drag sails
fag break
fag breaks
fan base
fan blade
fan blades
fan mail
fan page
fast break
fast breaks
fast lane
fast lanes
views, the long
fast straights
fat day
fat days
fat tail
fat tails
flag cape
flag capes
flag day
was given on
Flag Day
flag days
flag state
flag staves
flank steak
flank steaks
flap gate
flap gates
flash frame
flash frames
flat race
flat rate
flat rates
flat space
Frank Crane
Frank Drake
Frank Hague
Frank Slay
gaff sail
gaff sails
gaff tape
gag rein
gag reins
gang rape
gang rapes
gap lathe
gap lathes
gapped scale
gapped scales
gas gauge
gas main
gas mains
glass snail
glass snails
glass snake
grab game
grab games
grab rail
grab rails
grand staves
grande dame
grande male
graph state
graph states
Grass Lake
grass snake
grass snakes
Half Baked
half day
half days
half pay
half space
don't fall off
half way
hand brake
hand brakes
hand made
hand pay
hand pays
god where god
has failed
love what God
things that God
has made
hash trail
hash trails
have failed
have way
jack plane
jack planes
jack spade
jaques mate
jaques mates
lac lake
lac scale
lac scales
Land Day
land sake
land sakes
land snail
land snails
land train
land trains
land whale
land whales
lapse rate
lapse rates
Last Day
last eight
last eights
last names
lath nail
lath nails
Windows games, not
Mac games
man ape
man apes
man cave
man caves
man date
man dates
man day
man days
man page
Man Ray
All bibles are
and it was
man's place
mass grave
mass graves
match day
match days
match play
match race
match safe
match safes
Max Payne
NAND gate
NAND gates
Nares Strait
pack train
pack trains
pak pais
panne cake
Pasch day
Pask Day
Planck scale
pram face
rack rate
rack rates
rag day
rag days
rag trade
ram raid
ram raids
ran late
Robert von
Ranke Graves
rat cake
rat cakes
Rat Race
rat snake
rat snakes
Sac State
sack race
sad case
Sam Spade
sand break
sand rail
sand rails
sand snake
sand snakes
sand wave
sand waves
sans blague
sash weight
sash weights
scrag whale
scrag whales
scratch made
scratch race
slab cake
splash page
stack trace
tab page
tack vare
tag day
tag days
tag sale
tag sales
Tang Wei
tax break
tax breaks
tax rate
tax rates
on the walls
than paint
one less God
than they
this is not
that brain
I dropped
I want
put Ingrid on
that case
that change
one day all
that changed
And today was
become but not
bought the farm
bravest person on
brothers they lost
do anything wrong
election period on
I think on
Just not on
only thing lost
quite smart on
she was on
somebody gettin' shot
tell him on
the palace on
the students on
the wedding on
the world lost
they did on
this is not
to write on
today is not
Today's just not
we did on
what I saw
that day
Gate-looking motherfucker, on
is the god
that failed
I never saw
that game
know I locked
that gate
And it's not
Is not
It's not
them is not
that great
and landed on
that lake
your head on
that nail
extra weight on
What was
that name
what's developed on
that page
exhausted concentration, all
that pain
he come across
that phrase
a fortune on
that place
her get on
innocent people on
not get on
put them on
we were on
We're getting on
that plane
of what's on
that plate
since I saw
that play
to work off
that rage
accelerate or retard
that rate
of characters on
that stage
We're the part
that stayed
the color on
that steak
I'd call
that strange
scariest thing on
to get on
that train
Put it on
that tray
Really, I'm Not
That Vain
all my art
Basement stairs are
bumper cars are
good enough, not
how it got
how they got
I'm better off
I'm just drawn
I'm not
is six blocks
It is not
It was
it's just not
It's not
Louis was not
make it not
No one talks
Oliver was
Only cops talk
their Catullus walk
treat a dog
will not depart
will not talk
that way
thatch rake
thatch rakes
that's strange
tram rail
tram rails
tramp trade
trance gate
trance gates
trans male
trans males
traps case
valve train
valve trains
Wang Wei
wax play
yak lace
yam cake
yam cakes

with 1 extra syllable

in the Solstice
Combat games
combat pay
can defeat this
combat rage
groups to the
compact case
in a small
compact space
described in a
compact way
the airborne and
contact strains
contact trace
contact traced
even keep the
contracts safe
Drink the
goddamn ale
bucket every other
get through the
green tea all
goddamn day
changed in this
goddamn place
get on the
happened to the
out of the
goddamn plane
Drowned in the
goddamn rain
can do a
goddamn take
got in the
out of my
goddamn way
the recent Mortal
Kombat games
Roxane Gay
strongman game
strongman games
wombat trail
wombat trails