exact syllable matches

us fall backwards -
is an
act of hope
constitutes an
is an
like an
was an
act of war
act the goat
action, no
acts of war
acts the goat
Adam Thorpe
adder stone
adder stones
Al Capone
Al Capones
al gusto
ala mode
Albert Ho
Alex Jones
Allen bolt
Allen bolts
alum stone
alum stones
Amber Road
credentials as
an APLer, though,
today, this caused
an uproar
Beers, cigars,
and a boat
Claus hat
and a coat
Completely trapped
feel so small
I was sad
photos are sad,
we'd be dark
you are small
and alone
dark path
and come home
and flush-wards
her craft
and her sport
her lance
and her sword
fair laws
and just courts
art -
deserve that
safe have,
and much more
is ultimately attacked
and opposed
charts and graphs
and records
the dark
and the cold
the long
and the short
Samurai Jack
and the SWORD
the madonna
and the whore
angle for
angle mort
angle quote
angle quotes
angles morts
Anna Schwartz
have a pat
answer for
answer phone
answer phones
don't like that
answer, though
answered for
answers for
answer's no
Apgar score
Apgar scores
apple core
apple cores
apple snow
Arab horse
come back
as a corpse
as a horse
as a lord
as a post
circumstances acts
meaningful and
stained glass
the Amidah
the class
the land
the market
the model
to Africa
urban problem
as a whole
laugh not
as of old
your heart
as of yore
as far
as one knows
no two are
as opposed
as often
as the bold
also ranked
as the no
wrath was
as the storm
the part
as the whole
as toward
ashdump door
ashdump doors
askt of yore
too good an
assman, though
dollar was
at a low
or shop
at a store
at a stroke
at one blow
be solved
at one stroke
irrigable lands
at the Bosque
last dog
at the bowl
a knock
him, stopped
your badge
at the door
and laugh
at the folks
big ant
few hectares
at the most
are back
it off
at the source
glitter gloss
I was
at the store
in France
at the war
Atlas stone
Atlas stones
aval dor
axle load
axle loads
backwards roll
backwards rolls
Bag of Bones
bags of bones
balance board
balance boards
cab and
banged the door
bang-up cove
bang-up coves
banner lord
banner lords
banner roll
banner rolls
banquet roll
banquet rolls
barrel roll
barrel rolls
a sparse and
barren coast
bastard sword
Bastard Sword
bastard swords
black sapote
blanket loan
blanket loans
cabbage roll
cabbage rolls
cabbage rose
Bigger than
camel toe
camel toes
campus board
campus boards
can of corn
beyond what man
can perform
candle coal
canker sore
canker sores
cannel coal
cannon bone
cannon bones
and shell and
cannon roar
canon bone
canon bones
cans of corn
needs a blank
canvass, so
Tickle and
Captain Oates
Cash, of course
cast us low
small castle as
castles go
catch a cold
cattle goad
cattle goads
challenged by Subash
Chandra Bose
which premiered on
Channel 4
channel coal
Chapman code
Chapman codes
so coveted and
clamoured for
clan control
clapper board
clapper boards
still can't
crack the code
British had
cracked the code
and Pearl and
dad alone
dagger board
dagger boards
damask rose
was not just
dance alone
dandle board
dandle boards
Daniel or
dragon boat
dragon boats
dragon roll
dragon rolls
Dragon War
cargo and
drags the boat
chairs and
drank a toast
faggot vote
faggot votes
Pizza Cat
Fan Club Oath
a Vera Wang
fashion show
fashion shows
flapper board
flapper boards
Flattered, though
Francis George
Francis Quarles
Frank McCourt
- one
gal, one vote
Gallup poll
Gallup polls
Gang of Four
Gangs of Four
gangsta hold
gangsta holds
and does not
gather votes
find root and
grab ahold
wall and
grabs a torch
grass mud horse
gravel road
gravel roads
habit grows
father has
Whitelaw had
had a stroke
hadden door
half a mo
a day and
half ago
more than
half the whole
hammer coat
hammer coats
hammer home
hammer throw
hammer throws
hammer toe
hammer toes
His Majesty, at
Hampton Court
by the strong
hand alone
stuff I can't
handle goes
short, everything Hank
hankered for
Hannah More
something that Congress
has proposed
and Frank
has won four
he can
have a form
all gonna
have a go
do not
have a home
would not
have a show
you not
have a soul
You can
have a vote
have fun, though
Go and
have some more
have the floor
you can
have the rope
Jack Monroe
kaffir corn
kafir corn
Kappel War
lambda probe
lambda probes
Land Unknown
language code
language codes
lap record
lap records
lassen los
tonight, I'm at
last alone
did not
last, of course
both Greek and
Latin lore
up and
laughs some more
child was
mad, of course
Magnum Force
Malcolm Forbes
Leave that
man alone
man of war
man the fort
managed code
man's a ghost
is that dark
mantle thrown
The Avatar must
master both
master stroke
other things that
matter more
the things that
matter most
mankind for that
matter, so
matter's closed
matters more
do next that
one thing that
matters most
package store
package stores
rolled and
packed the snow
packet boat
packet boats
Pacman Jones
paddle board
paddle boards
paddle boat
paddle boats
pagar pau
and walking off
Be allowed on
panel shows
we cannot
pass the torch
passen toe
passes for
past the post
patent troll
patent trolls
pattern board
pattern boards
phantom goal
phantom goals
plantar wart
planter wart
rabbit board
rabbit boards
rabbit hole
tunnels and not
rabbit holes
Do not
ramble, though
Rambler, No
that are
ranked from No
rapper sword
rapper swords
and still am,
rather slow
sacher torte
sacher tortes
big, fat
sack of no
saddle horn
saddle horns
saddle horse
saddle nose
saddle soap
saddle soaps
saddle sore
saddle sores
salad bowl
salad bowls
salad fork
salad forks
Samson post
Samson posts
San Ramon
encrusts and
saps the soul
satin stone
Saxon Shore
dead bodies, and
scattered bones
at all, but
scattered globes
shackle bolt
shackle bolts
past we have
shackled force
Nathan Lane and
Sharon Stone
out and
slam the door
apartment and
slams the door
spasm war
spasm wars
staddle stone
staddle stones
was what
staff were for
weapon, and
stand a post
freedom does not
he does not
here that shall
if he cannot
Israel does not
She cannot
to make that
together, rather than
stand alone
stand up for
statement on a
standard form
standard port
standard ports
stands up for
Status quo
swagger coat
swagger coats
jumped overboard and
swam ashore
tab control
tab controls
talent show
talent shows
tank controls
tap one's toes
How Low Can
Taxes Go
more public attacks
than support
was stronger
than the sword
that a joke
that a nose
that rests on
that alone
God, I have
that control
tire on
that dirt road
that had
that much soul
used as
that of corn
dictators was
other than
that of force
Series on
THAT one, folks
you on
that one, Joe
ass off on
cart can whitewash
that record
let all
that stuff go
my foot on
that turbo
that, a ghost
all of
that, of course
that's just gross
That's just gross
That's the code
That's the goal
That's the most
That's the note
here, and
that's the show
track record
track records
No one can
travel both
traverse board
traverse boards
van der Horst
the Goths and
Vandal hordes
Yeah, of course

with 1 extra syllable

Cao giving an
abstract approach
Alaska roll
Alaska rolls
mine, like, five
backpacks ago
banana boat
banana boats
banana fold
banana folds
banana nose
banana note
banana notes
Dennis is playing
Batman alone
Snake's known as
Carjack Malone
clawhammer coat
clawhammer coats
1 slate as
contracted for
consumed the
heartlands of coal
Nathaniel Ward
Perhaps from or
colour in the
wombat burrows

with 2 extra syllables

contraband of war
a rhetorical and
propaganda war