exact syllable matches
Fifty years and
50 more
I have
now why I've
the chrysalis, I've
been reborn
from Mexico has
been zero
need a
beer, he'll pour
Big part of
belief, hope
rather the gulf
between both
gets completely stuck
between floors
switch, even lurch,
between modes
with a battle
between souls
house full of
big egos
up to a
big zero
is a
big, mean dope
beard like a
billy goat
Take the
Billy Goat
billy goats
brothers Ben and
Billy Joe
would still sell like
him a Texas
Chili Bowl
I am
Christine Vole
service at the
city morgue
walk down the
City Road
key to the
city, Joe
outside of the
city, though
participation in the
some reason, the
Crimean War
the myth element
decrease or
amended by Presidential
Decree No
gangsta specter of
defeat robes
be in some
degree both
Denise Ho
But where
the hell
Travel, where
did he go
did he know
evidence, but I
did report
the hell
did she go
did she know
us, little
did we know
Digby Jones
the block that
digs Cheetos
disease boat
disease boats
wasted by Alzheimer's
Disease vote
running into the
Disney Store
you beat the
Elite Four
but in an
extreme form
art, performance and
is not an
extreme sport
extreme sports
Fears, 3 vols
fortunes, negroes of the
Release that
filthy soul
act the
play the
giddy goat
Griff Rhys Jones
cardiologist, presented the
grim report
cry of a
guilty soul
Guinea corn
gypsy rose
Flatten the
hills we go
hillstream loach
is not
his chief goal
and trilling bolster
rids himself of
his ego
He's on
his keyboard
can I have
his meatloaf
to give us
his report
his seed corn
I wonder
if she knows
il tifo
pick him up
they had musicals
in Chino
in de war
World Economic Forum,
in Devos
and mind
in each pose
a standing correlation
in Philo
in Vegas, one
in Reno
build trust
in three notes
in vivo
day, it was
indeed so
indie folk
East or Western
Indies hold
is deep, yo
the body's existence
is ego
and why
this night
is he born
of us
is here for
citizen who died
thus The Fly
is reborn
all they covet
is repose
Where the fuck
is Ringo
amount I want
at present count
content of S
minimum, the answer
the final sum
The loss
their building potential
which each term
is zero
bloodshed unless
it be forced
coro, let
it be known
neither shall
it be so
you, but
it keeps score
What does
it mean, though
thing that
it needs most
the past and
its credos
it's Fritos
is one of
its keystones
Jill Seymour
jinny road
jinny roads
the coolest
kid we know
kiddie porn
kidney ore
he's passing a
suffering from a
the world's largest
kidney stone
kidney stones
many can I
kill, Chino
How 'bout
King Tito
linge de corps
sur son
lit de mort
more, our
lives yield more
felt far beyond
merely old
Woody Allen and
Mickey Rose
country that worships
Mickey Rourke
Micky Ward
milky quartz
milky spore
milky stork
milky storks
mini stroke
mini strokes
misty rose
upstream from
near weir no
entirely nude, another
nearly so
Philly roll
Philly rolls
pinky swore
pinky sworn
me in my
pinky toe
you act, all self-
pity goes
pity porn
chuckle or a
pity snort
time everyone was
pretty bored
I was
last shot was
so we are
that was
pretty close
buy lots of
pretty clothes
An uncommon
pretty go
gauge shows I'm
it's brought us
pretty low
hold such a
pretty pose
prickly oak
prickly oaks
princely quote
quickly, though
And then I'd
quit, Rico
looked at us
sort of become
they push together
really close
I was somewhere
it suddenly turned
that gel was
That was
really cold
really gross
Am I
really home
acts does not
I do not
that, who can
we can't ever
really know
the less one
really knows
really low
Man, that's
really old
I was
really thrown
See what I
really wrote
the rhyming, not
really, no
now on the
relief rolls
from the
Rick Dees show
outcome of the
Series though
bought back the
Shift Keystone
the darkest
shit we wrote
clean your adorable
shitty hole
wanna try our
shitty pork
shows after that
shitty show
it have a
silky coat
silky oak
silky oaks
comical and wear
silly clothes
one of her
silly jokes
Most are
simply toads
the worst
sin we know
a while
since we spoke
cases and the
SIT report
three heads and
sixteen toes
sixteenth note
sixteenth notes
bellies to buy at
feed me When I'm
other three hundred and
Smithfield stone
smithy coal
smithy coals
flowers of
Spring he goes
sticky foam
sticky foams
sticky note
Three cases of
sticky notes
Anyone tell the
stiffie joke
there might
still be hope
Hector's feet have
stinky moles
the smallest
thing he owned
most precious
thing she owns
most terrible
only one
thing we know
most valuable
thing we own
and all
things He knows
the familiar
things we know
does this tunnel
thingy go
think he knows
think he told
think she knows
think we know
can't stand
this freak show
quite curious about
this Keyhole
this means war
sought and found
this recourse
child could understand
single word of
the basis of
to glean from
this report
rational management of
this resource
me out of
this, Rico
tail, and a
twitchy nose
The Da
was The Da
Vinci Code
the land
which he holds
man-made possession,
which he owns
term kamen
which means stone
free, of
which we boast
alternative form of
whistly, or
and Moloch
boundless thought
new America
yet another
will be born
that chapter
the shop
will be closed
will be more
less features
will be shown
or ever
will be so
the first
will need both
will we go
on The Oprah
Winfrey Show
With cheap porn
go to Afghanistan
with Chico
it is done
with ego
first experiments
with free form
keep up
with me, bro
be strong
with me, Jo
of white people
with negroes
country's infinite abundance
want to serve
with Negroes
What's wrong
with real corn
I'm in love
with T-Bone
It all starts
with Theo
the matter
with these doors
values associated
with these roles
I came up
with Zero
one, rather than
year zero
with 1 extra syllable
the courage of
Achilles, no
are you
asking me for
Named after Jean-
Baptiste Biot
like you
calling me George
calling me home
Casimir force
are you
charging me for
think you're
coming here for
universe, the pure
cosmic ego
DaVinci Code
Dominique Bourg
The Exorcism of
Emily Rose
Ernestine Rose
culture and are
ethnically close
flying freehold
flying freeholds
flying real low
Can you
forgive me Bold
join the
fucking Peace Corps
We have served
fucking zero
The sun's
getting real low
danger is coming
icily close
of and the suffix
Jared Leto
just-- I'm
loving these robes
ownership over Elsa
Mars's freakshow
glorification of your
massive ego
25 to
nothing, here goes
from mitochondrial and
plastid genomes
pursued as a
public resource
it is
misery is
This is
something we know
statically scoped
talking REAL low
loss of the
trusted ego
But I'm
trying, Ringo
are you
watching me for
Garfield, Commissioner
Wells's Report
whopping zero
with 2 extra syllables
not be
addressing me, gnome
north off the
Atlantic seaboard
woes of the
average negro
lakes, and then
entrancing seashores
I'm profoundly and
exhaustively bored
It's a
fantastic resource
flabellate antenna
Flabellate leaf form
Two irreconcilable
Focuses we bore
frighteningly cold
She's still a no-
humanity zone
of civilization infected
humanity's soul
Humanity's soul
pursuing a
licensing deal for
I was in
to resort to
women already wearing
maternity clothes
equipment to the
maternity ward
maternity wards
negative zero
negative zeroes
Fresh, unprocessed, and
organically grown
His shoulder-knots just
perceptibly rose
positive zero
positive zeroes
Finally and
positively no
a strong and
protective ego
live in a
reckoning-free zone
all else only
relatively so
The American Antiquarian
Society, No
press and not
surprisingly so
and the light-hearted,
talkative negroes
that God imposes,
theodicy, no
with a
traveling freak show
with 3 extra syllables
The vote is
agonizingly close
win through an
alternative resource
Alternatively form
a state of
contemplative repose
electronic resource
personality or
bad about that
personality, though
improbable, but not
prohibitively so