exact syllable matches

I just
blew a gasket
Bloom from Ashton
Blue Banana
knew, we were
boon companions
better than a
brutal savage
It is on
Buddhist banners
Originally a
Buddhist calque of
pray I
choose the latter
this difficult but
crucial challenge
This is the
crucial matter
a gang of
cruel faggots
kind masters and
cruel masters
the hateful and
cruel passions
I wanna
do some damage
do the gadgets
are you gonna
do, Commander
Duas Barras
installed in the
ducal palace
Duel Masters
after the
To the
Duke of Grafton
Dukes of Hazzard
of the cerebrospinal
fluid sample
fluor albus
Where's the
fruit, the salad
like that in Kung-
Fu Assassin
well as
fuel and mulch
by the ships
fusion cannon
more or less
futile fashion
effect of his
future actions
past and
future at once
future grandson
and let the
future happen
terrible in the
future mattered
goober grabbler
goober grabblers
a query at
Google Answers
grew up after
be a long,
gruesome battle
Indeterminate estimates make
Houston anxious
a pattern of
interest in honest-to-goodness human-on-
supertemporal laws of
the dynamics of
the springs of
the world by
human action
Human Action
of principles of
human actions
purpura on a
human ankle
human chattel
I call the
regardless of the
We need the
you add the
human factor
human factors
be attained by
developed form of
limited nature of
scientific study of
sounds included in
the use of
human language
the onslaught of
human madness
of self-interest and
human passion
his knowledge of
inflexible of all
the life of
the sphere of
whole gamut of
human passions
This is a
human planet
a sort of
human spaniel
not by normal
human standards
overall reduction in
human stature
after the Sacred
Jewel fragments
jewel salad
jewel salads
Juba dances
only joined the
Junior Campers
and I
because I
decide I
thought I
wish I
knew the answer
great men
knew The Answer
we may
lose the battle
Lose the candle
Lose the flannel
Lucerne hammer
Lucerne hammers
Luka and um
of a
lunar mansion
lunar mansions
lupus albus
I'll run a
lupus panel
mucous acid
I'm an EARTH
mutant plant-duck
mute of malice
plasma and transparent
neutral atoms
take in a
neutral fashion
readily adaptable to gender-
neutral language
meet on a
neutral planet
Nephrite, are my
new commander
New Commandment
New World blackbird
was configuring yet
newer patterns
Newton Abbot
Newton Casson
live in a
noodle palace
and friends and
noodle salad
nuisance taxes
to the infernal
Plutus rather
into the
pool of acid
light,Studied the
root of action
a single
root of carrot
call it the
Rufus Factor
give a
rule of action
under the
rule of mammon
forms of
rule were bankrupt
Capricorn and its
ruler Saturn
as guiding
rules of action
and the
rules of chances
role of the
ruthless gangster
companionable servant turned
ruthless master
save her
shoes from gravel
people, I
You can
shoot the bastards
print and rather
shrewder language
impulses, and consequent
smoother action
popular and was
soon abandoned
to torn And
sootened fragments
Stewart standard
Directed by
Stuart Paton
student language
than half-a-dozen
students at once
all, like,
stupid and stuff
a bunch of
stupid answers
a shit bastard,
my pitch, the
stupid bastard
Stupid Flanders
dwarves with my
Super Cannon
super classes
Super Falcons
DiMaggio was a
super talent
threw dirt at her
Through some cant from
through the act of
that runs
through the Azure
he runs
through the battle
sickness spread
to get
through the castle
energies sent
through the chakras
through the last one
unfinished picture
to a banker
hangs on
to a cactus
a cradle
to a casket
of cards
to a castle
You went
to a chapel
in addition
to a grandson
he switches
to a hammer
a glowworm,
to a maggot
to a man's world
went back
to a palace
is no obstacle
to advancement
on his way
when we get
to Alaska
who tried
to attack first
another nation
really about
to attack us
to come back from
never pretend
to command her
I was promoted
to commander
I get promoted
to Commander
To crush and gut
the time
to cut taxes
rode bare-breasted halfway
to Damascus
to 'em as much
and turn left
to Havana
her head,
to her master
measure up
to her standards
to learn that much
to love and hurt
30-year jail sentence
to Miranda
to Puck and Judge
I wanted
to run after
with reference
to some standard
to such as us
an end
to such madness
me indifferent
to such matters
a reference
to such wagons
to refer
to the acid
get closer
to get
to the action
those closest
to the actor
you say
to the actors
Coinage attributed
to the actress
more tracks
very important
to the album
He belongs
him right
to the Alpha
to the and the
the shoulder
to the ankle
to the answer
further objections
to the answers
true successor
to the Azure
bring them
to the bankers
Emperor's aid
to the Baron
him back
to the barracks
your shoulders
to the basket
leads right
to the bastard
isn't fair
to the batter
prepare himself
ye patriots
to the battle
just talking
to the blanket
shoved him
to the cactus
from Sind
to the caliph
not collapse
to the canvas
the Map
to the Captain
Get him
go back
him up
others back
outlaws back
your way
to the castle
being up
came up
seem equal
to rise
we rise
weren't up
to the challenge
to the Daleks
is visible
offered it
to the dragon
just get
what happened
to the dragons
to the Gala
100 miles
four miles
to the gallon
to awaken
to the glamours
that lead
to the habit
to the hammer
and tossed
to the jackals
you get
to the ladder
worth adding
to the language
to the last one
To the last what
causal relation
clearly belong
former than
gives rise
invariably given
of time
the former
to the latter
what happened
to the mammoths
another stocking
to the mantle
their path
to the Mantle
and revelations
art belongs
becomes available
bringing opera
deliver information
make concessions
not beneficial
Sacred Crotch
the elect
to the masses
serve chickens
to the master
by obedience
to humanity--not
to the Master
not belong
to the masters
in relation
to the Masters
4-day walk
get back
me back
send Shakuntala
you back
to the palace
straight line
to the Palace
made bitter
to the palate
the shift
to the pattern
conditions peculiar
have returned
in debt
just returned
simply returned
to return
what happens
to the planet
gave rise
spacecraft missions
to the planets
most harmful
to the planner
to the rafters
in response
to the sanctions
us back
to the shackles
a lie
the lie
to the slander
dialect words
to the standard
you back
to the Tanners
Joel Glanton
to the thrapple
cans out
to the wagon
and starts
to unpack stuff
And he began
institution had begun
the world starts
to unravel
for the psychologist
to untangle
that happens
to us matters
now, indifferent
to what happened
potatoes compared
to what happens
to work and learn
a very no-nonsense down-
to-earth manner
this down-
to-earth passion
too brusque and rough
but the
troops were dazzled
a bowl of
tuna salad
with its outer
two companions
Are there
two Le Barons
and the
Two the matter
two, one and one
una lanza
throats by fat-cat
union gangsters
Union Jacker
runoff, the Teachers
Union scandal
unit fraction
unit fractions
as the sum of
do not
we gotta
use a hammer
without the
use of actors
and peculiar
or ambiguous
use of language
best and
useless at worst
that we buy
useless gadgets
Man is a
useless passion
from a
view of talent
the one
who attacked first
the one
who commands us
whom one shall love
the pitcher,
who's the catcher
wooed a fat girl
that give
you a challenge
nobody call
you a faggot
must get
you a hamster
you a man, Funke
you a vandal
you attack us
You butt patter
hell have
you done, Taggart
time if
you just answered
you just as much
those Annihilators
you just blasted
You just had lunch
you just have fun
somewhere, and
you just sampled
you learn manners
love adrenaline,
you love passion
You loved that girl
the question
you must answer
You must have some
God bless
to Emil, have
you Sebastian
to get
you some glasses
mama teaches
you some manners
You suck at girls
Or are
you the bandit
will send
you the canvas
You touched that stuff
You tug and huff
joke when
you were absent
you were after
tell her
you were challenged
you forgot,
you were rattled
he'll tell
I'll tell
just tell
you what happened
I'll tell
you what happens
that again,
you young rascal
tried to help
What about
you, Amanda
got me, haven't
you, Arachnid
I miss
you, Cassandra
I promise
take us with
you, Commander
you'll cut and run
you'll learn Daniel
mean to my
youthful passion
unable to charm
youthful passions
You've earned that much

with 1 extra syllable

as an
to be
abuse of language
this much-
abused word has come
attest to its
affluent status
might win the
annual raffle
assume the mantle
Bermuda grasses
Betula nana
the slang of
computer hackers
computer language
jargon to
confuse the masses
packaged for the
consumer palate
wine, she goes
cuckoo bananas
the beatific
Deluge of laughter
Excuse the grammar
explain your other
genuine actions
the classical period
genuine fractions
massive, and without
to have a
genuine passion
grandeur, from grand, from
change and
improve the language
include the and the
treated in an
inhuman fashion
, their
Inhuman manhunt
into a bad word
It turned
into a battle
apartment block
into a castle
was turned
into a chapel
into a fat one
into a lather
by comparison
into a palace
was injected
into a rabbit
would have turned
into compassion
of Caliph Omar
into Damascus
go on
into some action
we had
into the battle
brings Natalya
into the cabin
been hurled
into the Ganga
I got
into the habit
wall, right
your socks
into the hamper
blade retracts
head carved
into the handle
into the hands of
boys run
into the hangar
S members
into the Mansion
saw deeper
into the matter
of Baal
into the palace
or anyone
into the pattern
Joshua Jackson
on his
monument at Worms
the only genuine
mushroom ungathered
Neptune, the planet
wander off
onto a tangent
he's stumbled
onto some chatter
can and
colored paint
onto the canvas
decay in a
peculiar fashion
and I'm your
now that he's
platoon commander
Authority of the
Platoon Commander
and eating of
polluted matter
its sides
produced, a tangent
against the
producers and won
trying to
rescue the dragon
an object of
sexual action
natural or perverse
sexual actions
about your distasteful
sexual habits
person in a
sexual manner
and conduct in
sexual matters
gratification of the
sexual passion
have time for
sexual scandal
named that cleaning
solution after
shit, compared to
Tattoo Assassins
but a
tissue of habits
a finger-post to
a path of
virtuous action
energy by a
virtuous passion
Wahoo McDaniel

with 2 extra syllables

or too
asexual, that's rough
the atrocious
attributes of Calvin
Barbeque the bastard
Cacatua alba
Misfortune stand in
continual balance
it in a
continuous manner
perfectly homogeneous and
the time by
continuous matter
the space-time
continuum and stuff
distribution channel
distribution channels
Emanuel Lasker
required to
execute the action
resources to
execute the actions
heard into their
habitual language
the University of
Massachusetts Amherst
the University of
Massachusetts, Amherst
the primary
prosecutor and judge
Tract, not a
Revolution Pamphlet
that is most
substituted, catcher

with 3 extra syllables

a game, an
intellectual challenge
is a purely
intellectual matter
reader of his
intellectual stature
but not much
intellectual talent