exact syllable matches

object to
a cut-rate one
a striving and
a frustration
his faith in
a negation
Churchill made the
Franklin made the
above statement
a better understanding
a cooperative effort
agreement, not wars,
and spread peace
are recommending federalism
faith, and understanding
or make peace
among nations
I'm a
Brother Shamus
not be forgiven
but awakened
But the great ones
he detected its off-
color nature
end of reasons
comes persuasion
grandparents and as
concerned neighbors
distribution of any
first-world nation
the waiters was
from Jamaica
but revived
from the ancients
be seen
her babe
from the cradle
turned away
from the patient
active thinking
from the players
power away
from the strangers
sugar cubes
walks away
from the table
from the waist up
from, er, Swanage
need to make
further changes
common with the
German nation
just, just wake up
than to
love one's neighbor
authentic spirit of
mother nature
be dominated by
the better of
Mother Nature
to humiliate their
Muslim neighbors
The sleeper
must awaken
girl, her
number came up
is true
same thing
the character
the name
the thought
the vitality
of a nation
making legends
of a Savior
my standard
of a statesman
the regard
of a stranger
and stochastic models
of contagion
mouths and limbs
of crustaceans
the Egyptian god
of frustration
is the negation
of negation
idea and
the possession
of one nation
a hundred means
campaign's a mechanism
of persuasion
a cause
of such changes
the hoard
of The Ancient
the authority
the oldest
of the ancients
the side
of the angels
I'm scared
of the changes
and none
of the flavor
of the great world
the rank
of the greater
the personality
of the hater
of the main world
the dreams
of the Nameless
and continuance
and safety
economic growth
moral health
of Call
political idea
producing strata
spiritual heritage
spiritual idea
statute books
the bedrooms
the conscience
the faith
the fate
the history
the idea
the laws
the respect
the service
the sword
the will
of the nation
assumed leadership
of the Nation
the protection
the songs
of the nations
the policy
of the paper
the doctrine
of the Quakers
of the same earth
the divinity
of the Savior
a piece
of the station
the coming
of the Stranger
both sides
the center
the pleasures
of the table
less indiscriminately in
their proceeding in
other cases
aggression by any
history than any
men than any
people of any
than by any
to attack some
women than any
other nation
and respect of
as class-conscious as
construction, like all
foment hatred towards
for companies and
necks of all
of attack from
require assistance to
That's working with
the respect of
the rights of
toward us by
other nations
you were any
other patient
not applicable to
other phases
and lots of
Football in most
take you to
There are
Vietnam, and many
other places
should mix with
other races
with all the
other strangers
does to the
person hated
property of a
person sacred
Party had
plunged the nation
about the
purpose they serve
the guilt on
Russian nation
serve the Great One
was the
stuff of fable
pitch with
such a flavor
appropriate their own
convert it into
to waste the
surplus labour
Kerr are making
the arrangements
were inflicted on
the assailants
them armament against
the contagion
the souls of
the frustrated
long ago warned
the Galatians
be appropriate for
be ruler before
due compliments on
he rose to
must rise to
my teeth for
to dress for
were manufactured for
the occasion
the one they love
the ones they love
the sun came up
Facts are
the world's data
out the
tongues of Quakers
a lot of
trouble later
Today, we
turn the tables
You want
unearned greatness
up the great ones
I'll draw
up the papers
it steers
us from danger
For their just
utter patience
the cattle
were afraid of
were the main ones
been a
work of labour
state official, ordinary
workmen's wages
into the
works of nature
in the
worst of cases

with 1 extra syllable

after the same girl
our place
among the nations
a piece of
and inherent in
the standpoint of
another nation
me as an
arrogant statement
the universal
Author of nature
is to
avert the danger
strictly a
business arrangement
governs the
conduct of nations
its citizens under
constant surveillance
to many, many
decimal places
terrific cataclysm of
destruction later
each has a
different basis
mind among the
different nations
together the most
different natures
different nations and
the hands of
different races
in the most
difficult cases
small packets of
digital data
to his more
fortunate neighbor
same time
frightened of strangers
government, wake up
in the
in thy
hour of danger
compromises of
hundreds of cases
any trace of
those days of
imminent danger
by any
instance from nature
slaps on the
instrument table
rights and
interests of labour
Jonathan Davis
improve your
of the
knowledge of nature
would elicit
laughter from strangers
Ministerial office a
Liberal statesman
is forever
master of Nature
slenderer than a
miracle, frailer
have such splendid
mistresses, Gaius
at a
moment of danger
is, a
mountain, of hatred
an imperiled
nation a savior
goal of true
national greatness
under effective United
Nations arrangements
on the
number of cases
or any
number of failures
rather small
number of patients
a beautiful
office of nature
of the
oneness of nature
in the
order of nature
normal to express
our amazement
that comes
over from Asia
Papa Smurf made her
serious, be
passionate, wake up
friendship with the
peaceable Quakers
as the
power of nature
the healing
power of Nature
numbers the most
powerful nation
among lawless and
powerful neighbours
all the
powers of nature
away from the
principal danger
a great and
prosperous nation
the yellow
races of Asia
the general
reader, the layman
He becomes a
Regional Flavour
crowd on a
customs on a
images on a semi-
on like, a
thousands on a
regular basis
amidst the
richness of nature
inside us, and
seldom awakens
entry would require
several pages
as a
signal of danger
making a very
similar statement
own constitution and
social arrangements
it for some
that for a
special occasion
kingdom and
spirit of Satan
by ordinary
standards, a failure
is the
sweetest of flavours
onto the
tablets of nature
brains are in
terrible danger
by your
title of ranger
the world, including
ungoverned spaces
I have my
usual table
all across our
wonderful Nation

with 2 extra syllables

Why this
abundance of places
feels an
alien, a stranger
the agony of
ambition frustrated
eulogium of his,
benevolent patron
They are
capable of greatness
of course, for
compassionate cases
nation is a
compassionate nation
an awful
confession of failure
in the
construction of nature
after the
decisions were taken
true in
defiance of nature
in all
departments of nature
one chosen
departure from Nature
priorities and
descriptions of data
a fair
division of labour
an expurgated
edition of Nature
there she was,
Elizabeth Taylor
was the
emotion of hatred
the reserve
employer of labour
endeavor from day one
that democracy
enfeebled a nation
There are more
excitable races
the cultural
expression of nations
the most
fortunate of nations
all produces a
general negation
be a
general someday, Gump
only an illusion,
however tenacious
on the
influence of nations
are so many
intelligence failures
and coaches these
internal persuaders
there is an
invisible labour
distance by an
invisible player
trying to
massacre the neighbors
appealed to his
meticulous nature
of the
miracles of nature
like an
observer, a stranger
about the
origin of races
to rebuild our
original greatness
give rise in
particular cases
altered people's
perceptions of nature
Morpheus on every
possible occasion
of the
processes of nature
cost of
production of labor
that the pilot
rediscovers nature
all political and
religious persuasions
is a very
remarkable statement
untenable as a
universal statement
the real
wiliness of nature

with 3 extra syllables

remind us of
aboriginal nature
the terrible
understand the
consequences of failure
clusters and
constellations of data
a new
definition of greatness
permit the
domination of nature
us the
indifference of places
of a merely
individual nature
being responsible for
inevitable failure
the most
insidious of traitors
at the
instigation of Nature
the resourceful
malevolence of Nature
more straightforward
mysticism of Asia
all the
of the
phenomena of nature
It's a beautiful
reciprocal arrangement
a slight and
regrettable acquaintance
for the
socialism of nations
read is their
unconquerable quaintness

with 4 extra syllables

Your little
abomination of nature
division and
association of labor