exact syllable matches

long illness, on
8 Dec
4, 6, and
8 squares
aged care
the film has
aged well
here's a band
aid, next
should get an
AIDS test
it is that
ails them
chance, and that
ain't fair
ale bench
ate lead
My dog
were doing, and
ate them
bade fair
base leg
base pair
base pairs
base rent
and I can't
I could not
One cannot
Well, I cannot
blame them
brain cell
brain cells
brain dead
brain death
brain stem
brain stems
to muscles, nerves and
brake press
brake test
brake tests
cowards but as
brave men
break bread
break edge
change them, not
shall trample and
break them
breaks bread
The fall
them off and
breaks them
caisse claire
of men that
came west
Cape elk
Cape elks
case head
case heads
cave bear
cave bears
cave guest
cave guests
as I can
he does not
Only mutation can
our worrying cannot
the people, can
will sober and
change them
will come back
changed men
Something has
changed, Rex
name them and
claim them
and they have
claimed them
date shell
date shells
day bed
day beds
day care
day cares
up until that
day, when
We've got
eight legs
eighth men
eighth rest
eighth rests
Ignore it, and
face death
face men
face sex
I can't
who will not
face them
We cannot
We will not
fail them
He did not
fail there
Reason never has
failed men
to offer has
failed them
fake fen
flail chest
flame cell
flame cells
flame spread
flame test
flame tests
charge them and
flame them
the people that
framed them
game chair
game chairs
a comment that
gave Gen
gave head
gave les
to lesbians and
gay men
and I have
gray hair
gray men
Great Bear
Great Bend
great crest
great crests
Great Glen
Great Heck
and conversed at
complexly, and at
doing it at
few minutes at
great length
Great Lent
they just had
great sex
Dracula has
Enthusiasm has
great strength
unscrupulously and amassed
great wealth
Great Wen
grey hen
grey hens
see them and
hate them
hay bed
hay beds
J pen
J pens
jade egg
jail cells
jake leg
James Burgh
James Legge
in literature was
Jane Eyre
on shoulders, hearts
laid bare
I have
laid eggs
towards me on
lame legs
lave net
lay bare
lay eggs
lays bare
suite of cards
lays eggs
mace head
mace heads
made friends
made men
and it had
remember things that
some of that
made sense
than we have
the love that
the thought that
the way God
when it has
made them
Mae West
Mae Wests
main belt
main deck
main decks
main men
get drunk and
make bets
to do was
make friends
make head
only men can
make men
and this'll all
be influential and
cosmos does not
Did that
Does that
fit together and
has to all
how does that
It does not
know, does that
simply does not
statements will not
That does not
make sense
a mother can
Amish girls hand
how we all
icy fountains can
of nations can
We all
make them
Ministers did not
make threats
makes friends
a law that
a way that
And that
going to Mars
good, if that
I guess that
I think that
It all
know if that
Like, that
logical universe that
now it all
only feeling that
only place that
only thing that
only way that
the half that
thing, if that
Well, that
Yeah, that
makes sense
makes stairs
And Saul
makes ten
an aunt that
the thing that
makes them
still done on
male cells
May 10
May 12
may well
nail bed
nail beds
nail set
nail sets
lexicographer does not
name them
son in law
named Jeff
pace egg
pace eggs
page web
I may not
paint them
paste egg
paste eggs
pay check
pay checks
pay cheque
pay cheques
will set and
pay rents
it would not
pay them
place cell
place cells
you're not that
place yet
plain text
know where that
plane went
plate press
Why does Kasparov
play chess
I can
lay down and
roll over and
play dead
I do not
play fair
I can't
play them
come out and
play, then
pray tell
their cells and
race them
rail head
rail heads
rain check
rain checks
rain cheque
rain cheques
rain men
the part and
raise hell
raised bed
raised beds
reign check
safe bet
safe bets
safe pledge
we always had
We had
safe sex
so I was
safe there
sage hen
sage hens
saige femme
Kings, Prophets, and
Saints beg
For God's
sakes, yes
sales rep
sales reps
same sex
Reverence the gods,
save men
and I can
and try and
but does not
But I can
go back and
it did not
maybe I can
please come and
rescue mission can
Santa Claus, can
this did not
thy people and
save them
absolutely nothing that
saves them
But I can
say them and
say them
no one can
say when
my eyes and
say yes
se bem
se faire
I can't
the Universe can
these people and
shake them
sleigh bell
sleigh bells
snake fence
spade men
stage left
stale read
State Fair
and he cannot
stay them
attention will not
her profession and
not all dogs
particular hitter and
the box and
They cannot
to prison and
We cannot
your jacket and
stay there
stayed dead
got there and
Unfortunately, Don
upside down and
stayed there
straight edge
these scissors on
straight hair
straight men
straight red
straight reds
tail end
tail ends
tail sedge
take air
take care
take check
take steps
take ten
No one can
save lives, not
think I can
you just can't
take them
takes care
tape deck
tape decks
mother of all
taste tests
Why are
they dead
can charm as
they dress
religious ideas as
they felt
the fans want,
the first chance
they get
Why can't
they help
me well, and
you down, and
they left
enemy, Fritz, as
on the mark,
That's all
What have
they said
What can
they sense
Tom, are
they there
behold Them as
They tread
and eating as
not turn as
recover, so off
squash, splash, swosh,
They returned as
without turning as
they went
Where are
they, eh
trade dress
trade fair
trade fairs
trade press
I can
trade them
trail head
trail heads
trail net
trail nets
train set
train sets
train shed
train sheds
who love and
train them
train wreck
train wrecks
tre sette
wage share
wage theft
waste breath
a half
this the hard
way then
Well, live that
way, then
weight bear
you're putting on
weight there
any of that
weight yet

with 1 extra syllable

A hammer is
absolute control isn't
and strong is
always best
Not that you
you care, you
you, and they
always care
dare, dare again,
always dare
man is not
always deaf
destruction, always anguish,
always death
this how it
always ends
ball, always hard,
Life isn't
always fair
his presence is
always felt
always friends
can't we will
always help
Also, and
always helps
the whip he
always kept
the life he'd
always led
always melt
conjunction but is
always men
knowing that I'm
always red
and philosophers have
just as I've
just like you
something people have
That's what you
always said
my Uncle Ronnie
always says
always scared
and you will
always sell
where the sun
always sets
A monster
always shares
always stared
I can
always tell
fatigue, and not
always then
a constant companion,
A friend is
and hoping I'm
And they're
and We are
But Colfax was
But everything is
clear, but they're
Death is
dreams, he was
great luminary is
He is
He was
I sleep, you're
individual consciousness is
Invisible, but
It's just
It's sort of
nurse, but we're
That someone's
the spring was
to keep them
underlying humour is
up, family is
Whatever happens you're
your luck is
always there
white wig he
always wears
bring me a
ashtray then
cigarette in the
ashtray there
blackmailed them
Charmaine Yoest
wears a blue
cocktail dress
of your erotic
cocktails, Del
not caught up
Dante yet
are angry at
Fontaine, yes
Garsdale Head
that means I'm
to get even
halfway there
read in the
landscape sense
known as the
Lonsdale belts
they are, and
palpate them
Fat Butt and
Pancake Head
Get your
prostate checked
not up to
Scarface yet

with 2 extra syllables

didn't call it
Zimbabwe then