exact syllable matches

Acheron, from
with an
act of Congress
act of darkness
spirit and
action are one
a Mossberg pump
action shotgun
not such
actions are just
I am
actress model
acts of Congress
acts of darkness
called the
Acts of Thomas
Adam Roberts
character in Adolphe
Adam's opera
find solace
after hard work
to the stubble
after harvest
ala vala
Alan Alda
Alan Chalmers
Alan Charles Kors
Oh, don't stop,
Alan Harper
Alan Parsons
Alan Partridge
Alan Wallace
Alba Longa
Albert Hofmann
Albert Parsons
brother- Lieutenant Commander
Alex Hopper
alpha carbon
alpha carbons
But he had
Maybe he had
an accomplice
a prophet and
am I not
of vision and
own Paul as
an apostle
a Genius and
an Apostle
that it was
an unlawful
a blanket
and a bottle
and a dark one
A son
and a daughter
a father,
and a doctor
a citizen
a mother
and a father
two memoirs
and a novel
a martyr
a messenger
and a prophet
a gentleman
and a scholar
and a tall one
and a waffle
with indifference
and adopt none
of its origin
and adoption
alone and unremarked
crown stay lost
easily changed, dropped
they have smothered
under the sand
You're gone
and forgotten
a mother
and her daughter
and jumped on us
out with Starbucks
and Madonna
much cleverer
and much sharper
of heart
and of conduct
one mother
and one father
and one small one
and stuff on 'em
theatre, opera
and the concerts
the government
and the Congress
the conquerors
and the conquered
the sons
and the daughters
the nurses
and the doctors
the father,
and the father
the mothers
and the fathers
and the law won
Genghis Khan
and the Mongols
the supernatural
and the monstrous
the memoirs
and the novels
Arrested Development
and The Office
of Allah
the Quran
and the Prophet
the law
and the prophets
And the softness
the fastest
and the strongest
And the wrongest
English further
and thus farther
doesn't sound rash
line between conscious
and unconscious
have made monstrous
and unlawful
go farther
and work harder
Variant of
angakok, from
Patrick Wright and
Angus Calder
turtles on the
ankle pockets
no for an
answer, Walker
antiquark up
in colour as
last, or an
apple blossom
Apple Blossoms
apple boxes
a turkey and
apple farmer
apple mosses
all of the
used for several
Apple products
asp lurking in an
Arab proverb
Arab proverbs
Same principle
as a condom
recognize Islam
recognized Islam
as a dharma
my functions
nurse, and
as a doctor
come back
as a dolphin
their sovereign
as a father
her job
as a lawyer
candidate on
as a lodger
use that
as a model
painted black
as a monster
are inadequate
as a partner
have much
as a problem
and marketed
as a product
Nature but
as a robber
out of
as a sausage
person and
as a scholar
substance such
as a solvent
same response
as the artist
by some
is attributed
as the author
a bath
as the Doctor
Ashton Carter
her, and
ask her pardon
hat in an
Aston Martin
a sack
at a market
Up and
at 'em, partner
been attacked
at Pearl Harbor
them back
at the archer
At The Arnold
a stop
free fall
male fenghuang
the bottom
the man
the workers
you start
at the bottom
at the cost of
at the farthest
We stopped
at the garden
at the heart of
bought one
Still workin'
to someone
at the market
our hands
at the marvel
about her
he was
later back
you back
at the office
what happened
at the opera
Charlie Chan
at the Opera
and bluster
throw numbers
at the problem
at what, father
A hydrogen
atom on Earth
with the battle-
axe of Scotland
axle boxes
I have a
backup bottle
better than a
bad apartment
as a
like a
sacred, a
that's a
badge of honor
as a
badge of honour
bag of waters
bags of waters
ballad opera
ballad operas
ballot boxes
banca rotta
life at the
banker's office
barrack stanchion
barracks lawyer
barracks lawyers
thought about the double-
barrel shotgun
barreled shotgun
barreled shotguns
You scumbag,
bastard coppers
well equipped and
battle hardened
battle honours
that the
battle was won
trained, well equipped and
and a
blackbird Are one
Brandon Thomas
Moore, and
Brannon Braga
wolf, goat and
cabbage problem
Calvin Thomas
camber arches
bufo in different
camouflage From
a novelty, as
Needed us as
than slavery and
use you as
cannon fodder
Cannonball Run
Canton Jargon
my lost
cap of office
a look at
Captain Wallace
castle doctrine
castle doctrines
catch a Tartar
used as
cattle fodder
cattle market
cattle markets
Chandler wobble
Chandler wobbles
channel stopper
channel stoppers
Clara Barton
cracker bonbons
a lawyer,
dad's a doctor
Dalla Pasqua
damage was done
deSouza and
Daniel Waters
Danton collar
Danton collars
Dragon Cauldron
Dragons awesome
factor market
factor markets
the hard
facts of autumn
be worse than
famine, Doctor
fashion model
fashion models
flag of Scotland
flatness problem
Francis Parkman
of Gissing and
Francis Thompson
Joe DiMaggio and
said he was
Frank Sinatra
gallipot word
gallipot words
lower class and
gangster argot
glamor model
glamor models
Indian actress and
glamour model
glamour models
about a
as a
have a
want a
was a
glass of water
real nose and
glasses, honest
in and
grab a bargain
Grand Bahama
It was a
grand tamasha
had a long run
would have
had a problem
my mother
had her garden
not have
had the problems
Hakka proverb
was very small, and
handcuff artist
It doesn't
that does not
Wow, does that
happen often
has a closet
workout the world
has forgotten
hasta pasta
It doesn't
have a collar
did not
opponent must
have a conscience
he not
have a father
have a lot of
I gotta
she doesn't
have a partner
and Burt
are gonna
she doesn't
state doesn't
have a problem
I will not
None of us
remembers what others
have forgotten
rising waters
have just started
here and
have some water
Haven't got one
Jackson Pollocked
kapa haka
not a
lack of knowledge
ladders problem
lambda baryons
lancet arches
enter the
land of Knowledge
Plymouth Rock
rock was
landed on us
is lick that
language problem
language proverbs
lap of honor
lap of honour
laps of honor
laps of honour
It can't
need not
last much longer
had sneezes that
lasted longer
comes from the
Latin arcus
of Greek and
Latin authors
Latin proverb
Latin proverbs
generally favoured the
latter option
latter part from
from the
latter part of
Prophets and the
Latter Prophets
lattice constant
lattice constants
machen sauber
a portrait of
Madame Foster
I'm the
Magna Carta
Magna Cartas
Magna Charta
magna opera
lost to challenger
Magnus Carlsen
mahjong, from
Malabar nut
Malabar nuts
not a
man of conscience
as a
man of honour
most excellent
Man of Mosses
manga kasha
she was a
master archer
So noble a
master fallen
master sergeant
master sergeants
I am the
Master's partner
What's the
matter, partner
mattress topper
mattress toppers
Nansen bottle
they can
pack a wallop
paddle boxes
panda dolphin
panda dolphins
pang of conscience
pangs of conscience
Pass the bottle
pass the parcel
passes water
Is such a
passion lawful
patch, the sponsor
integrity and
walk the
path of honor
pattern baldness
pattern boxes
Patton Oswalt
kid, our
planets are just
planter boxes
ragged robin
ragged robins
model and
ran the model
Rana Pratap
Randal Marlin
Jerry Bruckheimer and
Randall Wallace
random walker
random walkers
Saffron Walden
salad dodger
salad dodgers
do Uncle
Sam a solid
sample market
sample markets
satin carpet
satin carpets
Beauty was a
Savage Garden
shatter boxes
some crappy camper
slash apartment
Where's that
Snapple bottle
do not
splash the water
thumb of a
standard archer
volume of a
standard bottle
Standard Model
mass production of
standard products
known as
Tack the cobbler
Talcott Parsons
Cupboard rather
than a Closet
than a farm duck
sign rather
than a garland
is smaller
than a province
more dangerous
than a sparkler
honesty, rather
virtue rather
than of knowledge
than the Harper
that a lot, but
and out of
that apartment
was just
that much stronger
ethics and
that of knowledge
reality is not
that uncommon
origin of
that word saunter
that work on us
that, a law firm
That's a marvel
that's a problem
That's a problem
Donnas, and
that's a promise
That's a promise
been, and
that's a sharper
- Gosh,
that's a shocker
ah, buddy, that's-
that's just awful
That's one option
That's the Doctor
That's the monster
that law
that's the problem
That's the problem
That's the solid
That's the wrong one
that's what was Done
I got
transferred on work
transverse colons
wall and
trap the monster
Vanna Bonta
wag the dog, huh
wagon jobber
wagon jobbers
Wath upon Dearne
from the
Wrath of Allah
Wrath of Khan Kirk

with 1 extra syllable

Alaska pollock
married to singer-songwriter
Amanda Palmer
great and powerful
Amanda Waller
banana problem
banana problems
bananas Foster
by the
is the
to the
command of Allah
stronger than the
financial losses
Financial market
debt in the
excesses of the
fiscal policy and
foreign exchange and
in the global
financial markets
Financial markets
solution to the
financial problem
Goddamn the darkness
Nathaniel Cotton
nostalgia goggles
The other
Samantha Carter
savanna wattle
savannah wattle
intelligence by a
substantial margin

with 2 extra syllables

a perfect
avalanche of water
any other
malefactor on earth
be self-sufficient and
manufacture rockets
and wear their
manufactured garments
of Quality of
Manufactured Product
entire field of
of demand for
manufactured products
manufactures hardness
in the
motherland of Knowledge
not like the
propaganda model