exact syllable matches

give, and what we preserve
him as a real person
same as
His Majesty's, Mother
ten days,
if that's conceivable
from fighting
in canopy jungle
a theme
and respect
remains strongly
in Japanese culture
a claim
is palpably absurd
impact penis size,
Italian researchers
Italian seasoning
thing that must be observed
things and the deepest things
think that must mean something
this fantasy come from

with 1 extra syllable

have a
basic family structure
scheming and arse-
licking and money-grubbing
writing faggot piece of shit

with 2 extra syllables

activist, and a treehugger
I was
assertive and unreasonable
conformist bag of demon jizz
qualities are self-
destructive and unreasonable

with 3 extra syllables

disappointed and just keep working
make games
something equally
realistic and believable
McCann is
undefeated and unbeatable