exact syllable matches
And it's
been five days
all, has
been my aim
following morning, walking
behind Bleys
besides hate
the other
Big Five traits
was my
big white whale
you to
clear my name
cleared my game
Usually used to
describe paint
design phase
did I change
What mistakes
did I make
with Him
did I say
What I
did, I prayed
fall before your
divine blade
symbol of God's
divine grace
in His own
role in the
Divine Play
presumption of a
divine scale
some kind of
divine way
slain on the
Divine way
The gods
fear my name
the last
film I make
every single
film I've made
and a long
fish-like tail
You won't
give, I'll take
again into
Him by Grace
You called
him by name
I told
him my age
Maker lost
his drive train
I'd knock
his eyes straight
established in
his high state
most miserably end
his life-days
be in
his right place
look on
his wife's face
definitely don't
hit like Jane
who cares
if I break
to Iris
if I fail
would perish
if I failed
last lecture,
reason, but
thing Sam,
if I may
what happens
if I stay
at myself
if I waved
5 states
in 5 days
of death,
in blind faith
find me
in fine state
ain't slept
my feet
the shelves
thirty-four blowjobs
in five days
From reports
in five states
in line, Dave
a bullet
a hole
a seed
But nothing
dead silence
feeling, like
functions properly
going on
I carry
it sounded
many tears
pre-programmed trick
things clicked
want back
in my brain
humane harmony
in my brains
100 dollars
at all,
be made
cities, as
is true
the charges
would apply
in my case
a chink
in my chain
big deal
did back
even lunch
few people
gone for
like punk
me peace
was done
Why back
in my day
a gun
a lie
all up
and flies
at me
bitch laughed
blew up
blows up
bureau slammed
Demon screaming
fucking wall
glow stick
He got
He was
his member
holy water
it back
just laughed
laugh right
laughed right
mace squirted
monsters jumping
more smoke
right up
rub it
Shoot me
shove it
squirted water
stuck up
the door
them laugh
throw it
throwing that
thrown back
To spit
to throw
you spat
your face
in my face
from perfect
in my faith
just pawns
now, you're
in my game
got him,
in my jail
largemouth bass
in my lake
to stay
in my lane
a bomb
putting stuff
in my mail
a goat
a prayer
a religion
atrocity committed
do it
do that
Everything is
killing people
making decisions
so horrible
thousands more
in my name
A stranger
and settled
another man
distorted world
elect another
have done
He died
me right
one died
put me
to speak
will jump
you do
in my place
some food
in my plate
are characters
in my play
I gloried
in my race
Nobody parks
in my space
worth controlling
in my state
whole world
in my sway
got scabs
in my tail
burnt out
failure course
feel it
flows torrential
Like poison
Pharaohs runs
the adrenaline
the blood
the hate
in my veins
And you're
anybody else
anyone stand
are right
better get
but strangers
don't get
else get
else stand
ever lay
forever, nothing's
he got
He was
her tits
know is
love you
not get
Now you're
of resistance
often got
one gets
only obstacle
pixies get
roadblock thrown
that get
that stands
to get
weather, comes
which came
who get
who gets
who got
who stand
will stand
would get
wouldn't stand
you get
you getting
You got
you stand
you're still
in my way
So you're
in MY way
develop it
in right ways
have seen
in thy face
are committed
not prophesied
in thy name
thou there
in thy place
a song
in thy praise
and whinny
in thy spray
simply interested
in time frame
the mug
in, I say
balls roll down
inclined planes
element, short for
inline frame
inline skate
in-line skate
the sign for
inline skates
in-line skates
I set your
insights straight
change, it does
inspire change
is my brain
knows this
thank God,
is my case
It still
sandwich that
is my day
is my fate
his loss
is my gain
is my game
Dad, Hank
My name
the vacuum
is my name
is my pain
is my place
how much
is my raise
is my slave
is my tale
Their trail
is my trail
nature, which
of thinking
is my way
is quite safe
de facto capital
state whose capital
is Taipei
sooth What
is thy name
baby together
is, like, fate
and called
and know
it by name
how long
it might take
could do
gonna do
I did
I'll do
me fight
me spell
still doing
they'll see
we do
we play
you see
you'd see
it my way
It speaks,
it vibrates
fully understood
it, I say
think about
it, I'll wait
gonna make
it, right Brain
us with
its bright flame
It's child's play
it's my name
it's my way
developed in
remained in
its right place
its geography and
its time-frame
It's white lace
my stepdad
kicks my tail
filled with
kids like James
anything about
kids my age
avoid getting
killed by snakes
killed my sale
killed my snake
from previous
lives, I say
could've been the
midnight rape
He has
missed 9 days
lived in a
nearby cave
power requirements from
nearby states
their books at
precise dates
Lake Tai and
Qinghai Lake
rib eye steak
rib eye steaks
rich, I'll say
thing should
rid my pain
has changed
since my day
I governed
since my reign
This is
still my day
do one
thing I say
measure all
things by weight
lord, three
things I pray
of the
things I say
could do
I'll handle
I'm doing
to do
will see
things my way
Even I
going to
think I'm gay
you really
think I've changed
- she
everybody there
thinks I'm gay
us to
this dice game
longer requires
this fine cane
we enjoying
this fine day
license plate
this guys made
go to
this guy's place
get in
this guy's way
just I have
this migraine
this my fate
can do
gonna do
We're doing
this my way
Search for
this night's prey
this price range
production within
this time frame
re-arrange me
'til I'm sane
that two
tings I hate
icy wind
whipped my face
a word
was worthiest
will I say
with the right-
wing Fine Gael
with high stakes
some men
with knives came
in acting
kill you
move it
that jacks
What's wrong
with my brain
what's wrong
with my case
I do
with my day
appeared level
be spent
fight -
right angle
that goes
these bricks
What's wrong
with my face
to do
with my faith
signed on
spell mutiny
with my name
its ripples
with my plaint
me something
with my tape
goes best
with wild game
with 1 extra syllable
even better than
amyl nitrate
begins my reign
And so,
begins my tale
a wall
you keep
blocking my way
heard you
calling my name
heard them
people all
chanting my name
climbing nightshade
climbing nightshades
Closing time, James
of a
coming ice age
Cricket's my game
doctrine of
drawing by rays
sneak out
during my break
you're a tree
dwelling primate
together actually
enrich my faith
own alters,
even by saints
and made
even high saints
I don't
even like James
today don't
even like trains
even my fate
even my hate
That's not
even my name
falling sideways
out, I'm
fighting my way
make a
fucking nice cake
one is
getting my brains
All is
battle was
glad you're
going my way
and said,
Going my way
Going My Way
would look like
going sideways
gentleman for
gracing my stage
sort of
grunted my way
was simply
jerking my chain
Jerking my chain
killing my steaks
laughing I say
It's a
That's a
learning I made
an eye
looking my way
losing my faith
ring is
melting my face
Melting my face
Thanks for
playing my game
don't like
playing my games
written matter
pleading my case
coach on a
three lanes of
public highway
a convertible on
repair of the
public highways
paperback edition
published by Ace
reading my play
I'm not
saying I'm great
seeing my name
must be my
seeing-eye gay
feel like
sharing my faith
Probably that
shellfish I ate
stranger's wing
shielded my face
streets and ever-
soaring crime rates
have been
it was
something I ate
You got
something I crave
me do
something I hate
that's just
something I say
Something like face
with you,
spreading my rage
I'm hunting,
stalking my prey
That's like
stealing my mail
Matrix is
telling my brain
crescent her
timid smile made
your eyes
until I say
bug house
using my name
watching my weight
wracking my brain
lot for
wrecking my day
yelling my name
with 2 extra syllables
affecting my game
ever do
fans do
anything I say
not mean
attacking my tail
More than
average I'd say
unless I
deposit my pay
these cool
disguises I made
divided highway
love and
everything I hate
agreeing with
and means
disagree with
not accept
outraged with
that ignores
to believe
will do
you do
you're saying
everything I say
the three
Frenetic Five games
suppress anyone,
including white males
and she's
insulting my faith
see you're
noticing my braids
an Amazon, you
pathetic lightweight
I'm just
perfecting my aim
of an exceptionally
rapacious primate
own decision
regarding my fate
I like
traveling by train
in a most
undignified way
the devotees, in
undignified ways
my Catholic
upbringing, my faith
with 3 extra syllables
they are
cultivated by slaves
cat from
desecrating my graves
geologic time scale
geologic timescales
them and
manicuring my nails
anyone weep,
remembering my fate
or the
sacrifices I've made
as mind
unaffected by hate
essence of
understanding my pain