exact syllable matches

room, and she'd
been crying
when have you
been driving
I always
it's ever
been like this
been trying
nonsense Dyson has
been writing
a great future
and closed it
and drag us
arrived in Edinburgh
buzzing of electronics
drag them around
hitting the sandbag
I sat
just a step
me right there
round to look
suddenly appears right
That's why we
the bathroom door
the cops right
there's a source
these voices, forever
to the wall
was in line
behind him
I crumble away
behind Him
a sinister plot
about the person
actually fully get
and a story
and get firmly
and social life
and true integrity
and very little
be some truth
but the dream
cosmic and greater
hysteria that lay
I've seen
on and someone's
palpable moral logic
purpose, howsoever unconscious,
the garden lying
the majority is
the timber that's
There's nothing
was sinking just
What was
you can get
behind it
had to be
behind things
Carmen Sandiego who's
Claw is
know who's really
known you were
such a meaning
behind this
you gettin' your
behind WHIPPED
shadows walk silently
went on walking
beside him
nothing to set
words seem cheap
beside it
little he desires
besides it
of such
big, wise fears
now considered
take you,
their businesses
bit by bit
ground to
bits by it
thing down,
brick by brick
Gone, sealed off,
a cup
the sharpener
built right in
not be
cheered by this
the free market
decide this
change while others
defied it
essence, or to
I cannot
life only to
property rights that
define it
our culture has
which I have
defined it
longer scared to
defy him
him, too, but
his closest friends
that which we
denied him
all human wisdom
denied it
Foucault would have
denied this
or parole, another
denies it
I do not
I never will
said, is to
deny him
am I to
any effort to
any gentleman will
are determined to
authour, might he
Don't try to
I've tried to
may even vigorously
no one can
son, do you
tell me to
You can't
you not to
deny it
Can anyone
deny this
His children
deride him
Who will
describe Him
Can you
How can I
how they themselves
I could ever
joyful than I
know how to
only way to
you can't even
you like to
describe it
does not even
describe this
Exactly as you
No one had
were as it
described it
of vanitas Spinoza
describes is
we have that
describes it
what we think
design is
the others would
despise him
are beginning to
to explain and
despise it
even those who
despised him
unaffectedly as Frederick
despised it
too dull to
devise it
Good old
Dib-like Dib
We never
did find him
So who
did I kill
So, what
the hell
did I miss
So what
did I think
if I
did my bit
guy just
digs right in
they could but
divine it
everywhere, like all
Divine things
Lord's creation, the
divine will
I shall
drink my fill
that she might
entice him
to a
film like this
glad I
Then you'll
fit right in
here's my fin
who knew
him liked him
I gave
him my ring
be Joe-stoic about
his dying
helmet with
his flight stick
a bouquet to
be all to
earth itself to
his liking
how dope
his ride is
alive only in
courage shine through
hollow places in
if they improve
person invisible in
the author gets
his writing
but never read
every line of
healthy humour in
her reverently in
his solution in
I fancy, read
in any of
judge him by
recognized them in
skepticism anywhere in
well as in
his writings
to you
if I did
I get
if I win
further even,
if I wished
be taken
in by it
in living than
in dying
Eight sentences
thirty-year stint
in five years
Nazi war criminal
of my life
in hiding
word for republic
in Irish
But keep
in mind this
fry stuck
in my beard
not ring
of waters
silence screams
in my ears
landscapes presented
this concept
in my films
take pride
in my grits
feel comfortable
in my skin
in my will
There's no point
in trying
in, my dear
Whose finger
inscribed it
around him and
from the Christ-life
had something sturdy
victorious, had nothing
with him, but
inside him
and what is
Desmond is
house instead of
that has grown
try to move
inside it
relax or possibly
World could still
inspire him
it does not
inspire it
you can never
invite it
invites it
And it
is binding
drag why he
is crying
a friend who
But our sun
days, the glow
of demographic fact,
Old Europe
Someone I know
is dying
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Public Knowledge
is fighting
Nobody else
is hiring
life understood
is life lived
knows that he
the lady
is lying
is my fist
is my hint
seems envy
is my sin
which Psychical Research
is pining
religion that India
is rising
mountainside, the sun
when the sun
is shining
to do
is sign it
know why she
is smiling
long as it
is striving
is thy sting
ingredient of politics
is timing
That shit
is wild shit
the books she
is writing
he do
I like
it like this
is crouched underneath
it, hiding
Of course
it's childish
only instead
it's my will
even be
killed by it
be said about
limp writing
besides the
pig likes it
We've had to
revise it
wanted to
sing like him
guy who
sits by him
I was
six, I did
still crying
And I
if I
still like it
Are we
do a
in a
thing like this
make one
thing quite clear
loses other
thing, finds thing
other horrible
things I did
think the
things I think
in confronting
look at
things like this
as physical
things, like strings
I don't
think I did
I don't
think I think
think I'm sick
You must
think I'm weird
Watch what
this guy did
the way
this guy is
about how
this guy thinks
load of
this guy, Fish
what Britney's
tit size is
his autograph,
which I did
And I
And we
likely anybody
will find him
peace, I
the stalkers
will find it
And you
will like it
every fool
will mind it
sultry and pregnant
with lightning
you all
with my fist
stayed home
with my kids
in conformity
with my Will
armed only
with my wits
are chiefly concerned
with timing
I do it
with writing
in us
year by year

with 1 extra syllable

the guise of
acting Irish
you started
acting like it
siege mode, which
begin firing
Catching my drift
cavorting with filthy,
cheating psychics
criticised it
gods whose eyes
darted lightning
are you
dodging like this
dying, I think
should be
equipped like this
longer held
even by kings
I don't
even like him
my batteries,
even my beer
nobody, not
even my kids
You're not
even trying
to an
evening like this
entail rising and
falling timing
am I
enough of
feeling like this
the Jamaica State
Fighting Irish
to be
fulfilled by him
Boring in and
gouging, biting
hurting my wing
mixed together,
living like pigs
she wasn't
looking, I did
when he
loses five years
death of
magic, I think
but you're
Christians act
nothing like him
There is
There was
nothing like it
being is
nourished by it
energy, and his
peerless writing
because the
public buys it
there with the
punches flying
without gaining
something by him
it was
something I did
comparison to
funding for
have done
I did
never see
start with
to be
usually goes
you do
something like this
Something like this
Something, I think
is CBS
standing by him
They should
subsidize him
it stops moving,
prohibit it or
subsidize it
am I
talking like this
prescribed to them,
testify this
other people
touching my things
even ten
produce ten
verses like it
I hate
waiting like this
to keep
wearing my ring

with 2 extra syllables

mean I'm
anything like him
didn't want
ever seen
never heard
never seen
anything like it
but never
it done
never known
anything like this
in men
becoming like Him
is the
beginning, my dear
finest hour of
collective lying
to be
corrupted by it
I mean
of Duke's immensely
creative writing
Four billion
divided by six
good sense of
dramatic timing
always explain
everything like this
regular part of
hominid diets
to Russia only
intensified it
It merely
intensifies it
into some
perspective, I think
are partly
riveted by him
Tormented by guilt

with 3 extra syllables

to be
captivated by it
for finally
recognizing my films
are utterly
unaffected by it

with 4 extra syllables

arrow Of its
reverberated lightning