exact syllable matches

sig -
what's that word
have to
become bank clerks
in a pattern
becomes matter
been a bad girl
Our vets have
shrines had already
been abandoned
It would have
that it has
been disastrous
book that's ever
been imagined
been killed at birth
that's a
big, big factor
have been the
biggest battle
that of a
British captain
fit into the
British pattern
proponent of hated
British taxes
turned into more
cheerful channels
beer and
chicken and stuff
chicken salad
to sing a
Christmas carol
Christmas Carol
now feel this
civic passion
is a particularly
clear example
agreement nor a
clear-cut battle
only in a
crippled fashion
Deer Lick, and us
the hell
did it happen
did this happen
as I'm concerned,
prove that it
didn't happen
didn't have much
didn't have one
And he
didn't have work
joke and
didn't laugh much
or low, it
was, and it
didn't matter
allowed in a
drinking tavern
ceiling is
dripping, and uh
shoved up your
turns in the
English Channel
fluent in the
fully mastered the
happening to the
people pervert the
styles of the
will exterminate the
word in the
written in the
English language
grammar, under various
figures grammar
race is
filled with passion
am too
filled with sadness
new hops per
finished barrel
they will
fit the pattern
help me
flip this mattress
joy, the
gift of laughter
Gilda Radner
give him action
art doth
give the fashion
we are
given at birth
still he
glittered and hummed
I'll give
him a carrot
don't know
him from Adam
by seeing
him in action
is always
hinting at us
become unjust to
his companion
joke and tease
his companions
his achievements and
trained it by
his example
his junk and cuts
theories, and
his sheer malice
a head,
Ages down
my head
in a basket
never participated
in a battle
hot dogs
in a blanket
people dying
in a capsule
the lock
in a language
always living
in a pattern
you're involved
in a scandal
my father
in a tractor
even up here
group of snowboarders
plans to drill
in Alaska
had has ended
many of us
that may end
in disaster
of friendliness
in his manner
and certain
in its action
become fixed
in its patterns
that I was
in Nebraska
his eggs
put them
in one basket
being ratified
perhaps, utilized
to apathy
in some fashion
in such language
not involved
in the action
awaits him
show up
will interested
in the answer
the worm
in the apple
in the ass, huh
creation hangs
destiny hangs
Europe, hung
races--could be
revolution hung
in the balance
heard burping
rotten egg
in the basket
drown it
in the bathtub
had died
in the battle
doom was
in the branches
him or
in the cabin
appear together
in the Canon
Lucy back
in the canyon
filthiest word
in the language
in the last one
Drusilla joins
in the laughter
of greed
in the masses
a choice
a say
no choice
or another
in the matter
in the mattress
the moment
in the saddle
certain passages
in the Talmud
one dies
in this battle
out here,
in this canyon
treat me
in this fashion
in this fat purse
also belongs
in this galere
actually utilized
be organized
shoved out
upon us
in this manner
and lives
in this mansion
are clean
be eased
entire Guild
he stands
his way
my Government
in this matter
also shares
in this talent
is decisive
in what happens
jack up their
income taxes
inner sanctum
is a bad word
nature, there
is a balance
if it
is a cancer
is a challenge
his head
is a craftsman
completes ten
this Fidel
is a master
sir, it
is a slander
The God's name
is Abraxas
This shit
is bananas
The problem
is clear language
and suffering people
is compassion
to pay what
is demanded
of absolute expediency
is disaster
and the second
is disastrous
is his passion
another thing than
of something that
is imagined
is inaction
grammar but
is it grammar
and there
is nerve damage
complete anarchy,
of charge,
Transcendental Meditation
is the answer
in America
is the ballot
Today efficacy
is the challenge
is the hangar
that word
is the hangman
of Medan
is the master
me he
is The Master
is this madness
me, which
is what happened
ass, this
Surely, this
is what happens
itself could
it command love
of shit that
it demanded
places, but
it did happen
complain if
it does happen
leaf separates
it from madness
you shall have
it hereafter
and sustains
could see
it in action
and leave
it in Latin
dwells upon
it is transient
It just happened
It just happens
It shits and fucks
sure that
it will happen
it, with that gun
it's a bad one
streets, because
it's a habit
fail to understand
its attraction
often amazing for
its exactness
fictions that organize
its expansion
It's just standard
It's the last verse
want to
kill a dragon
George to
kill the dragon
who was
killed in action
wounded or
killed in battle
You look
kinda dapper
that shalt be
king hereafter
I do love
sherbet lemon and
knitting patterns
thing and
lit the candles
words and very
little action
Little Anna
out of the
little bastards
of a
little black stuff
heart beating a
little faster
little lamp burned
Little Rascals
Don't forget your
little satchel
The sage
lived in Gallia
with stories of
living action
but by some
living channel
effect on the
fail for the
the middle and lower-
middle classes
I destroy the
nearest planet
as he
nears the basket
Compare Browning,
Pippa Passes
Richard Savage
like the
rings of Saturn
it's the
risk, the gamble
jumped the snake
river canyon
call LISP a
scripting language
mankind on a
silver platter
Jurgen and The
Silver Stallion
eyes, and long
silver talons
but there are
society is seek
simple answers
may lie in
simple grammar
money was no
was a comparatively
simple matter
inherit the
sin of Adam
since the last one
she would
sing the standards
take back every
single Arab
imperiled in every
single battle
life on a
single planet
duty and
skill in battle
to the
sphere of action
intellectual cultivation,
spheres of action
not let your
spirit slacken
atom bomb,
We have
split the atom
most effective
springs of action
it was
still the fashion
love the
sting of battle
don't need no
stinking badgers
show you no
stinking passes
terror And
swifter than love
an entire
system at work
Things just happen
cat, terrible
kind, amazing
things will happen
do you
think of Amber
and so
thinking at work
brought about all
would have prevented
this disaster
Beale, to preach
this evangel
This one, that one
tipped the balance
toothache or a
twisted ankle
Start, you
vicious bastard
willingly Because
which it matters
poodles are
wicked bad luck
free institutions
will withstand much
Willa Cather
are to
not just
win a battle
him to
win the battle
to dry out
Windsor Castle
wish is granted
the world
with a dagger
with a fast one
to meet
with a gambler
the path
with a hatchet
a cage
with a panther
favor women
with big asses
honorably, lovingly and
with detachment
with dirt and love
my Freia
with her apples
he wrestled
with his passions
running about
with lit matches
in together
with the action
with the blanket
who remained
with the captain
Good luck
with the dragon
smack it
the one
with the hammer
in company
too often
with the latter
Get down
with the Nana
was asking
with the Panthers
by uniting
with the planet
sympathy lies
with the rabbits
are consistent
with this answer
can deal
with this matter
within patterns
of our
women and girls
of an author's
written language
was the
year it happened
this a
year of action
Proverbs in the
Yiddish language

with 1 extra syllable

active world that does
has attracted exceptional
artistic talent
made to choose
befitting language
more to
being a master
being his last words
its tail
being the axis
much as their
British companions
Bullshit is rampant
as the titular
character Malcolm
only the light
characters travel
while still
chewing his carrot
coming The Hammer
a condition for
consistent actions
You've shown
courage, compassion
position for a
critical battle
will satisfy the
critical palate
dating the fast girls
Attention, Interest,
Decision, Action
is a very
distinguished passion
doing up at Hearst
doing with that shirt
move is
driving a tractor
who was
dying of cancer
in the most
ethical manner
agreeable to his
ethical standards
bring decay and
even disaster
and vast to
darkness you can't
I can't
they could not
thing I can
things they can't
even imagine
go about
finding a phantom
of the
forces of matter
service, compassion,
forgiveness, and love
I'm not
fulfilling that stuff
means not
having a master
having contractions
waters and
healing the planet
who is
holding a package
you're just
howling with laughter
something as
insipid as love
feel like
kicking a habit
civilization is
killing the planet
corpses, without
knowing what happened
We're not
without them
letting it happen
life forms no
logical patterns
soldiers for
making it happen
striving, working,
making things happen
is the
meaning of tantra
ego into objectively
meaningful channels
vision into a
meaningful pattern
were all
merciful and just
Mixing thrills and girls
I got
nothing but laughter
like, and
nothing will happen
to have
noticed the madness
hope I
outlive the bastards
owning this battle
telegram spurred the
Pacific Scandal
teeth and
packing a hamster
he had
perished in action
Permission granted
it as a
personal challenge
gossip, rumour, and
personal malice
is a purely
loyalty as a
personal matter
personal matters
men tend towards
physical action
she was
playing a dancer
someone in your
position, Captain
to be happy,
practice compassion
sometimes the
President has won
there have been
privileged classes
appealed to
racism at first
I'm not
religious as such
the concerns of
religious factions
Buffalo, and Chief
Running Skunk-Backwards
back and
seeing what happens
as three such
severe contractions
with the
shaping of actions
been like
snuffing a candle
is a very
spirited dancer
preserved in
Spirits of Anger
a still more
striking example
and initiative in
technical matters
and her four
terrific dancers
I believe
tragic things happen
treating him as such
Tropic of Cancer
rotates about a
vertical axis
people ever
walking the planet
wearing a flag shirt
near to
winning this battle
significance, relationships
within a pattern
have been
wounded in battle
and begin
wrecking the planet

with 2 extra syllables

for the
advantage of classes
can also call
America fragile
confident of the
American answer
or sleeps in
American blankets
daughter in the
American fashion
drinks out of
American glasses
use that authentic
American language
was, even by
American standards
American enterprise and
American valor
of a complete
artificial language
and she's
attacking the planet
up and
becoming a captain
path to
becoming a Master
of as
carrying a banner
individual compassion, not
collective compassion
guy's definitely the
Cosmetic Assassin
often leads to
creative disaster
stubborn cunning,
defeating the hangman
certainly is an
elusive companion
bound to
exhibit some pattern
by bold and
heretical action
found in any
historical annals
these bridges,
ignoring the chasms
can't see its
indelible pattern
Are you
inviting compassion
woman by
marrying the hangman
and unconsciously in quantum-
mechanical language
artist's airs, you
narcissistic bastard
case is
opposite with Sandburg
by setting a
positive example
way forward that
precluded disaster
programs and policies
preventing advancement
title, and
privileges and perks
it in a
realistic manner
In memory only,
reconsidered passion
of someone
reporting the battle
rewriting her bad one
said nothing, a non-
rhetorical answer
era, something very
significant happened
continue looking for
significant patterns
not alter
singleness of passion
is as
unfamiliar as love

with 3 extra syllables

expansion, therefore, is
automatic expansion
were a purely
biological matter
his existence
coextensive with matter
irreconcilably anti-critical and anti-
dialectical language
It is
ecological balance
tight circumstances and
economic disasters
top of the
economical ladder
a Christian and
evangelical manner
Tweezers, matches, twine,
geological hammer
not made of
indestructible atoms
she had
inherited a mansion
parasites of this
specks on an
insignificant planet
interested in actions
translations into another
metaphorical language
moment of apparently
overwhelming disaster
happen, in its
probabilistic fashion
disagree with all
psychological answers
accompanying emphasis on
voluntaristic action

with 4 extra syllables

accreted power or
gerontological status