exact syllable matches

aisle seat
aisle seats
bai ji
bice green
It does not
bind me
guys can all
bite me
bright field
bright green
Bright Week
by ear
War is caused
by greed
ball had gone
him and not
who are harmed
by me
by vectors, crossed
by speeds
by steam
fermented to alcohol
by yeasts
chai tea
chai teas
crime scene
crime scenes
Cry 3
Dai Di
generalized location marked by
door of all
die East
we will all
die here
dime piece
drive wheel
drive wheels
dry clean
dry cleaned
dry cleans
dry heave
dry reach
eye bleach
eye teeth
It shall not
the solution cannot
find me
fine bean
fine beans
and Miami, gone
five weeks
fly leaf
fly screen
fly screens
fly sheet
fly sheets
high beams
high C
high heel
Big box on
high heels
High Peak
high priest
high priests
high sea
high seas
high steel
high steels
high street
high streets
high tea
high teas
hind teat
hind teats
hive bee
hive bees
we're riding all
I feel
Everywhere, it's all
I hear
accept another God,
I leave
like that, not,
the caterpillar part,
The cops,
The stars,
I mean
wannabe rock stars
I meet
and that's all
Bill's all
chance, that's all
days are all
doze, that's all
garage is all
her, that's all
It's the dog
more is all
That's all
to get all
I need
first motor car
myself and all
I see
the fractal shard
I seek
store and bought
They've got
ice cream
ice creams
ice feet
ice field
ice fields
ice queen
ice queens
ice sheet
ice sheets
ice tea
ice teas
iced cream
iced creams
iced teas
I ever thought
I'd be
Thank God
I'm free
but I'm not,
I'm here
heard, from all
I've seen
knife pleat
knife pleats
Kyle Cease
Kyle Reese
A broken heart
lies here
They're compressed hard
light beams
light cream
light field
light speed
I'd prefer not,
like here
Models are
like jeans
all men are
and they'll all
Because it was
God, and God
have another boss
He might not
He's a lot
in it, hard,
Make him not
most reporters are
on the job,
She's another grimoire
She's not
were a lot
you may not
you will not
like me
you just not
like ME
into a pot
like meat
each other's arms,
like streams
lime green
lime greens
line feed
line feeds
line speed
line speeds
be getting some cross-
lines here
live steam
live stream
live streams
live tweet
will of God
might be
mild steel
mild steels
mind bleach
mite cheese
do it on
my beat
fingers on
of sunlight on
my cheek
winds play on
my cheeks
I want
It was
This was not
yall spying on
my dream
queen of all
She haunts
then shit on
want shit on
you tread on
You're treading on
my dreams
it back on
my ear
ah-I'm back on
and lie on
back up on
be light on
be swept off
big blisters on
ever, light on
feel it on
get back on
got back on
hell, landed on
I still got
I'll land on
I'm dead on
I'm light on
joints and on
me light on
the grass on
thinking fast on
Where are
with anacondas on
my feet
cannot be on
get it off
my field
keep Santana off
my heels
the grease on
my jeans
but I'd lost
I forgot
I lost
keys, where are
Mum, where are
Where are
why I dropped
my keys
dandling them on
my knife on
played knick-knack on
take you across
my knee
a lifetime on
bunnies painted on
came out on
get down on
I'm well off
me down on
Now I'm on
than live on
the desert on
to live on
to living on
to play on
was down on
my knees
I'm working on
my meal
enjoy living beyond
my means
that she's not
my niece
my partner, not
my priest
You are not
my queen
Catherine is not
my Queen
impossible and beyond
library, something beyond
my reach
are NAKED on
Our God was
my shield
my heart on
my sleeve
the bomb on
my street
going on on
my streets
say, I want
my tea
a bitch got
ever be, on
got morons on
Neptune are on
power, I'd lost
sort of on
want her on
my team
gonna brush all
knocked out all
my teeth
Come on,
my treat
Nice Dreams
night cream
night creams
night green
Night Key
night meal
night meals
Nile green
Nile greens
Phi Bete
pine green
pine greens
pine tree
pine trees
pipe dream
pipe dreams
prime field
prime fields
for him was
quite real
rhyme scheme
rhyme schemes
rice bean
rice queen
rice queens
right field
right fields
and I'm not
can get off
Come on,
Everything isn't all
here they are
I was
is this part
It just stops
It's all
Let me off
liberty I've got
My car's
Pony Mountain was
see they are
Something's not
the answer was
the bullshit stops
the world stop
There's something not
those things are
want him brought
We start
what's going on
wronged me are
your father was
your lessons start
right here
Right speech
rye seed
rye seeds
side piece
side street
side streets
sight reads
size queen
size queens
slime eel
spike heel
spike heels
spike team
spike teams
strike sheet
strike sheets
'til the clock
strikes three
style sheet
style sheets
tide wheel
tide wheels
tie beam
tie beams
King Clip-on
Tie here
We're all part-
time here
time keep
time keeps
time sheet
time sheets
time stream
time streams
time thief
time thieves
type B
vine leaf
vine leaves
white beech
white bream
white breams
White Heat
white heats
white meat
white meats
white pee
White Sea
white sheep
addition there are
town, sleeping on
white sheets
white tea
white teas
white week
white weeks
fish that long,
wide stream
wild feed
wild feeds
Wild Fields
wild geese
wild leek
wild leeks
wind shears
wind speed
wind speeds
wind stream
wind streams
wine key
wine keys
wine thief
wine thieves
Wylde Green

with 1 extra syllable

Like a
bonsai tree
and so is
online free
cadmium yellow and chromium-
oxide green

with 2 extra syllables

the emergency ward
alongside me
Devonshire cream
Devonshire tea
Devonshire teas
be a carbon
monoxide leak