exact syllable matches

of air
- the fan
to come together -
a bed of sand
never find
a better catch
batters have
never get
You have
a better chance
have become
other side
to become
to becoming
you were
You've become
a better man
Isn't negotiation
them on
a better path
a blend of and
A blend of and
creation by
manipulated by
a central bank
grin like
a Cheshire cat
the reverse of
a democrat
a Christian and
a Unitarian and
disloyalty, calls himself
draft calls himself
fever, calls himself
I am
I'm not
political history was
Rights Act under
to have been
a Democrat
defended against
a French attack
sound of
a fretless bass
A friendless man
buttocks with
a gentle hand
father was
a gentle man
gentleman is
a GENTLE man
look like
a hairless cat
a hectograph
that I'm
a jealous man
don't have
a leg attached
he had
a lemon ranch
fatal with
a lesser man
You are
a megafan
melons from
a melon patch
Rottweilers were
a menace, man
to send
a message back
it was
a metal can
a pair of pants
a pair of saps
ranger and
a pregnant man
a game,
a reckless prank
you can expect
a reprimand
Alicia deserves
anyone gets
be granted
been given
could have
don't have
dreamed of
ever got
Everyone deserves
everyone deserving
gave heaven
give her
give someone
give us
given us
giving them
gonna get
gonna give
grant them
he deserves
he gets
I get
I got
I had
it get
Maybe get
not get
often get
people get
She's earned
start with
the world
to have
us all
was given
we got
would have
you deserve
You got
you've had
a second chance
A second chance
committed such
a senseless act
a set of fangs
thing was
a setup, man
possession of
a severed hand
It had
a special crack
to have
a special pass
a speck of ash
a stretch of sand
a tenth of that
two-dimensional projection of
a tesseract
left us
a treasure map
a weatherman
This admits the
affection gap
all over
and started
everything, start
again from scratch
offers us religion
again, perhaps
single game
against a man
defending arms raised
against attack
of labor and
against finance
could be launched
of economic strangulation
against Japan
the rug
against the crack
I am
against the draft
hitting up
against the glass
and stiff
against the plank
of dynamite
against the tanks
then husband was
arrested, and
begin the
ascent of man
made the
series, The
Ascent of Man
test of human
attention span
to suit limited
attention spans
the others
You are
aware of that
awareness band
awareness bands
But there's a catch
but where's the Bat
many signs of
celestial wrath
collected stamps
Ancient books were
collected, and
Compare buff, yaff
Compare curved and
compare Dutch and
Compare knor, knarr
Compare the and
recall and
compare the facts
need is a
compression wrap
concessions stand
concessions stands
consensus trance
a normal and
contented man
directed graph
directed graphs
directed path
directed paths
of blood, the
director asked
Sterling, I'm
Director Vance
resemblance of the
Earl's epitaph
fly Before they're
forever banned
Oh name
forever sad
forever stamp
my pack of
forever stamps
She said
will be around
forever, man
did not
forget the fact
favor and
nice and
other and
forget the past
Forget the past
shield them
from air attack
Originally dialectal,
from western France
brother a
girl ever had
different young
girl gets attacked
I meant
her message pad
be on
her parent's plan
your sister
her sweater back
just hatched
herself a plan
Just gentle pats
just send her back
Just tell her that
said that
love never lasts
Compare the Anglicized
Magellan and
You had
much better dance
many known but
neglected facts
naked Tom
of Bedlam mad
its related invention
of crescograph
there a lot
of Democrats
his Waves
of Depth attack
a part
of Heaven's Plan
some kind
of metal man
suggested a letter
of reprimand
sense out
of senseless facts
All part
of Sharon's plan
a member
of Special Branch
in the case
of Tesseract
as part
of their attack
had knowledge
of their canals
the effects
of their collapse
the men
of their commands
of them earned rank
you one
of them Rugrats
and imagination
dominant religions
of Western man
One, get a plan
para- and
the film that
perfected that
in an electrostatic
potential map
their respective electrostatic
potential maps
or farm, a
potential trap
and an Associate
Professor at
propeller shaft
propeller shafts
Protect the staff
Mickey Mouse
Protection Act
pay the jizyah
protection tax
Ravenna grass
function of natural
selection, man
Analyzable as a
stem adapt-
about the
subject of plans
word pairs
such as -
was asking
such questions as
I should have
suspected that
the bogus
suspects, the flask
glaring days, Time's
suspended blank
see the
terms mentioned at
The air turned bad
The bell just rang
the best of hands
You have
the better chance
are not
is now
the better man
that pays
the census tax
operations by
the central bank
, and
agents in
the central banks
disappear like
the Cheshire cat
the death of that
crazy idea of
crime was by
do care about
for Johnson and
historical antithesis of
it, such as
keep clear of
like Clinton and
means infiltration of
often as did
racist tone of
same initials as
the Saudis and
the Senate by
we heard from
you don't like
the Democrats
The Devil Bat
parcels of
the dreadful past
the end of man
the end of that
one with
the endless tab
to pocket
the extra cash
trade of
the gentle craft
the ketchup at
cat calling
cop calling
pot call
pot calling
the kettle black
accomplishments of
the leisure class
Theory of
the Leisure Class
life take
the lemons back
The Leopard Man
regarded by
the less advanced
develop at
the next advance
care about
the next attack
distance from
the parent plant
something like
The Parent Trap
the parrots can
reason over
the peasant brand
gotta get
the pencil back
to send
the penguins back
they might bait
the pentagram
ocean and
O'er all
trees,O'er all
the pleasant land
place of
the present sham
regardless of
the question asked
peaks of
the rebel land
The Rebels, Chap
end of
middle of
stuck in
the second act
as of
numerous than
the second class
what's with
the second half
the sense of plant
the snares of Man
the invention of
the telegraph
Quoted by
the Telegraph
fly off
the terrace yeah
dedicated to guarding
the Tesseract
Where's all
the treasure at
and get
the weapons back
I am,
the weather man
The Weather Man
survivors of
the West attack
it this far
much grew up
we must stay
together and
played Night Crawlers
together, Frank
Pull yourself
the team back
together, man
barely holding yourself
together, pal
might risk the
tremendous chance
I heard a
tremendous crash
That, and
uh, Democrats
umbrella ant
umbrella ants
umbrella grass
umbrella stand
umbrella stands
to mention such
unpleasant facts
I am an
unpleasant man
themselves on an
unwelcome land
whatever temperament, by
whatever path
say what
words never can
bile fertilize
yer precious plants
yourself a chance
You call
yourself a man

with 1 extra syllable

after death the damned
novelist has been
of course, be
role can be
altogether bad
the free north
to feel uncomfortable
among Democrats
called an
Angel Second Class
Anger swept the land
of view, or
apperception mass
characterized as Fodorian
Architectures, as
four degenerate
bastards ever had
Christian Democrat
Christian Democrats
Cinderella dance
cinderella stamp
cinderella stamps
you like
Danger, Texas Man
wife and
daughter never had
be related to
Cognate with
Cognates include
dialectal and
German colloquial or
dialectal Blag
didn't text her back
doesn't get a chance
doesn't get the chance
doesn't get the Flash
ever, ever has
extra pair of hands
extra pair of pants
extra pairs of hands
faces wear one mask
fervent prayer of thanks
as an unassailable
religion, the one
fundamental fact
on no
further questions asked
of the
German central bank
gonna get a cat
gonna get a chance
gonna get her back
gonna let her pass
no one's
gonna yell attack
gotta tell the gang
by papal or
governmental bans
wish you
haven't entered that
haven't left the van
Hayden mention that
incandescent lamp
mimic fluorescent and
incandescent lamps
Ingres, there's the man
and the
by the
of the
venerate the
intellect of man
interest, an
interest of man
reinterpreted as the
interjection hach
Perhaps from the
interjection scat
islas del Canal
It'll never last
jungle telegraph
jungle telegraphs
statues, but with
Latin epitaphs
of a
middle level rank
mukluk telegraph
Plotting to
murder Tear, perhaps
tight and
never ever wack
never mentioned that
never met the man
leading into
Never Never Land
never shared a man
never-never land
This is not
There's a
nickel question tax
undesirable but
nonetheless a fact
facilities by
other central banks
their colours on
our Cenotaph
our epitaph
This is
our second chance
them under
our shared command
to remind
ourselves of that
decided call
ourselves The Band
parents yet, but thanks
peasant wealth of France
people and
places, never facts
a German
power metal band
Power's scared of hats
serve as a
proper epitaph
operation of a
providential plan
some extent, the
purple hektograph
purple velvet plant
purple velvet plants
for were
questions never asked
Reagan Democrat
Reagan Democrats
can't believe you
recommended that
basket to
represent a stand
here to
represent the staff
75 would be
represented as
represented that
from graves, a
resurrection man
resurrection plant
resurrection plants
Richard wears a hat
well as the
sacred Pentagram
And a
second second chance
good graces of
to two-thirds of
Senate Democrats
Grant a one
sentence telegram
someone else a chance
in questioning,
someone mentioned that
and white supremacist
Douglas and the
southern Democrats
you're a
special special man
taken care of that
indicating present
tense from -as
transcendental act
tyrant never sat
right to organize
under Democrats
wanna get a tan
Tall in his
watermelon patch

with 2 extra syllables

Anderson, welcome back
another jet of gas
Another pair of hands
Assassin, second class
because of powerful
corporate Democrats
children in the
developmental lab
carry out
different mental tasks
was enforced by
elected Democrats
Empires never last
Fontenelle tells us that
Hannibal Lecter mask
Hannibal Lecter masks
Liberal Democrat
but common amongst
Conservatives and the
relations with the
Liberal Democrats
Mandarin, Red Skull and
view of the
moderate Democrats
Mountainous Karabakh
National Democrats
proper ceremony and
national telecast
chief petty
officer second class
chief petty
officers second class
He composed
several epigrams
traditions set us back

with 3 extra syllables

including the
approximate methods and
not a very
comfortable Democrat
complicated set of facts
feathers of fellow
congressional Democrats
the general
education level and
short, black, white,
Republican, Democrat

with 4 extra syllables

to the
evacuation center at
number of
individual mental maps
as an
unintentional mental act