exact syllable matches

only Sir Thursday's
boots remained
It's a
cute nickname
them to
do in space
like they
do in Spain
want to
do is play
All they
do is pray
have to
do it, Faye
sakes, don't
do it, Snake
do it, wait
hours to
do this stage
nothing to
do with age
what to
do with gray
anything to
do with trains
What Porsche
do, is they
But it's
Cause I'm
Ok, you're
show, it was
That pollution is
the third-world, we're
Yeah, yeah, it's
doing great
to these, and
few escape
They make so
few mistakes
agrarians with a
foolish faith
born into your
foolish race
Above the
fruited plain
So each
group is maimed
I made a
It was a
This is a
huge mistake
man practising the
member of the
substance of the
Jewish faith
that's not a
Jewish name
extermination of the
old as the
thing as the
Jewish race
annihilation of the
destruction of the
endorse for the
should be a
to destroy the
Jewish state
I founded the
partition and the
Jewish State
institutional restrictions on
Jews remain
knew his name
will break
loose his chains
he would
lose his way
hair will
lose its shape
ball of a
losing game
I'm not
She's not
losing weight
my sepulchre, a
moving grave
the windows of
moving trains
expressive Silence,
muse His praise
the ceiling and
music plays
maze of
new deer trails
Long demurs breed
stays,Long demurs breed
new delays
savagely beats the
new inmate
I'm lucky, a brand-
somebody needs a
new nickname
new things came
changes on
evening of
known as
New Year's Day
in a
room with Jade
good this
root BEER tastes
weed, while the
root remains
rue this day
emotions must
rule his brain
go to
school with James
western cities' high
schools became
know Artemis isn't
shooting straight
table with a pickle-
shooting train
their centre and
soon decay
Just a
soothing gray
blood running
through his veins
only coming
through in waves
Splendour shining
through Its veil
make it
through this day
half going
through this plane
I've passed
through this stage
everyone go
through this state
and sensible way
Are you ready
dead is going
him told him
humans morally ought
Show me how
tell him how
telling them how
to decide how
way for you
to behave
except the freedom
love serves but
to betray
standing next
to Bill Gates
way back
to Brick Lane
all things go
and increases but
contrary, are doomed
tissue will continue
to decay
he lacks attention
paid little attention
patience, precision, attention
some real attention
with vigorous attention
to detail
a scalp, something
any ready-made object
do not care
I may seem
of naturalism tend
sacrifice every thing
to display
so dreadfully easy
to erase
A movement
and allowing her
and negative energy
and their struggle
appendages, I managed
balls always trying
bodies, which need
but he managed
cares no longer
come to Australia
crew were trying
decide they're going
ever helped you
every frantic attempt
for a way
for the aliens
for the others
gonna go through
he foolishly hoped
He managed
helped a slave
His desire is
his hip tried
I have
I help myself
I just want
I want
I was going
if he tried
if we're going
in can hope
It has
It was time
Jackson's trying
made me want
made no attempt
man has managed
my allies time
need a silencer
of the chance
of the school
of their guards
Once I thought
one, would like
open the door
or died trying
out a way
police when trying
shot while trying
that he wanted
that individuals try
the best chance
the other side
their lives, trying
those we sought
to allow them
to buy time,
to encourage her
to learn how
to suffer Him
Unfortunately, Diana manages
want no one
was killed attempting
we are trying
We need
weltschmerz is easy
What struggle
You don't have
You have
your soul trying
You've got
to escape
Don't Try
To Escape
chaos he sought
to evade
all things ought
could not afford
to exchange
Anyone care
by name, tried
describe not try
did my best
didn't have time
do well not
don't even have
don't have time
for the president
had not helped
I need
I refuse
is very hard
It is hard
it so hard
it to others
It's hard
it's very difficult
kind of hard
No need
No time
of an hour
one that has
our main task
please, allow me
then allow me
theory would have
there is nothing
we have yet
What is there
which he endeavored
would be hard
you are trying
You don't need
You want
you'll allow me
to explain
just got
to fifth base
be bothered
to give chase
life was
to give pain
be compelled
will have
to give way
a signal
to his base
a bat
acting another
his hand
I said
say it
were lovely
to his face
must submit
to his fate
bit more
is on
turns back
way more
to his game
to come
to his games
life hurries
man right
to his grave
living up
to his name
hunter apologizes
to his prey
giveth sustenance
to His slaves
them back
to His ways
he doesn't have
to inflate
The point was
to inhale
book, Showing Compassion
to Inmates
invent a reason
we wish not
to invade
am referring
to is AIDS
comes down
to is faith
we're close
to its base
the doors
to its cage
Mayans tried
to kill Clay
I used
to lift weights
so cruel
to Miss Bates
are they allowed
fiscal policy came
Happy Consciousness comes
no distinction ought
they allowed stupidity
united and determined
universally and steadily
We intend
when treason seeks
to prevail
so I have
to refrain
and blindly seeking
to regain
had fresh adventures
to relate
be expected long
if life is
memory, my existence
they will promise
to remain
who overwhelmingly voted
to Remain
would subject me
to restraint
want the community
to retain
a homage
to Rick James
hope is
to risk pain
any visits
to this base
as applied
to this case
the relevance
to this date
about me
an echo
and published
believe that
brought us
carried further
continues on
Democrat voter
evil-doing continues
for me
French Republic
frequently reprinted
goes on
has been
has persisted
have continued
I do
in syndication
It flourishes
I've lived
my memory
not dulled
of mountains
of that
one knows
overbearing megalomaniacs
performance repertoire
personal computers,
Philippines, even
rages on
remains true
resting place
served me
still felt
struggle continues
that continues
that persists
that statement
the consequences
the place
the same
the world
them, even
think so
vanished entirely
vision problems
which endures
which persists
with me
to this day
well therefore
to this Day
of Christ
to this faith
condemned humankind
willing consent
to this fate
being according
I had
redeeming factors
to this game
hold on
to this pain
and emptiness
and Patrick
bring her
bring him
brought them
brought you
coming back
ever happened
have come
I return
so much
they did
they do
will return
to this place
him even
way on
to this stage
she's done
to this state
Not just
to win games
is certain
to win praise
dance away your
effort to reduce
tooth decay
was difficult, the
troops prevailed
it in its
true details
of which
truth is made
zombies while the
two escape
use details
beseeching leaders to
use restraint
might have
used his name
to be
used this way
the method we're
using fails
the old crude
view remained
is about people
who behave
reserved for those
who betray
salaries of those
who remain
Well then,
who will pay
I'm the great
whooping crane
We'll see
who's insane
wounded name
see the shade
The more determined
you became
you bring Nate
yourself and
you did great
I'd rather
you did say
you feel guilty-
you displace
And that
you engage
help but make
you engaged
How did
I could help
is to help
off here, while
way I'd let
you escape
my men before
testing just before
you escaped
that spell until
you explain
God give
you His grace
and put
and throw
I left
people like
to put
you in jail
to see
you in pain
will destroy
you in place
look on
you in shame
Hinkle, are
It could make
Martha, are
me - are
What are
you insane
talk to
you it's great
Not like
you Miss James
What's it to
you piss-face
The case
you relate
my death, only
you remain
certain something that
you retain
What do
you think Craig
God bless
you this day
it to
me change
me leave
to seeing
wouldn't leave
you this way
didn't tell
you which date
you whip Shane
Retreat, and
you will age
You will change
twice, punishment
you will face
resist, but
temper and
you kill,
you why
your life,
you will fail
more than
you will gain
the progress
you will make
you will pay
after all,
you will say
you will, say
you with hate
to help
you with scales
it burn
you with shame
What are
you, insane
I'll kill
you, Will Kane
And you thought
you'd escape
A Christmas present
you'd exchange
no idea how
you'll behave
day-dreams of his
youth disdain
You've been great

with 1 extra syllable

you interpret an
acoustic wave
be a damned
amusing game
to the
bathroom this way
body was
consumed with flames
her from the
consuming flames
Settle your
dispute with Kain
from some maddeningly
elusive place
religions based on
exclusive claims
afford us any
exclusive trade
do not
Do people
improve with age
both clans spiraled
dependencies, ultimately falls
into decay
she didn't go
into detail
right to go
will not go
into details
danger of falling
into disgrace
convert them
into fixed states
worms ate
into his brain
bullet right
meat cleaver
pins flattened
pointed it
into his face
and intelligence
into his game
she was
into his place
lift humanity
into its place
simply born
into this fate
get sent
I've got
to get
into this place
to break
into Weird Tales
to hang
onto this place
able to
produce this flame
Remove his brain
My heart
resumed its place
continues even
star, even
unto this day
am brought
unto this place

with 2 extra syllables

This is an
absolute disgrace
reason to
continue this date