exact syllable matches

sound like
a word anymore
he's not
a wuss anymore
don't want a
brother anymore
who employs
butlers anymore
Chuck, just let me go
clutch assembly broke
comes up very short
does perplex me so
life, but it
used to matter
doesn't anymore
Doesn't anymore
From a French creole
from directly or
from the Dead Sea Scrolls
not the same
hurdle anymore
not gonna
hurt her anymore
judge your
husband any more
learn from Henry George
learn the sets we throw
trying to
merge us anymore
not be my
to be a
wasn't really my
you're not a
mother anymore
mean, his
mother's barely cold
much fun any more
don't see
much of anymore
I don't get
nervous anymore
an extension
of a semitone
of a steady growth
the Battle
of Canary Wharf
A diminutive
of Concepcion
any kind
of love anymore
of the Dead Sea scrolls
of the prairie war
to any
wasn't two
of us anymore
this kind
of world anymore
one does any more
shoot each
other any more
don't like each
should see each
to hurt each
other anymore
head in the
oven anymore
be that
person any more
am not that
can't be that
not even a
wouldn't be a
person anymore
me not to
purchase anymore
even the best
ruffled petticoat
You're not in
Russia anymore
allowed on public
shuttles anymore
to be a
squirrel anymore
to see them
you need not
suffer anymore
can't wait for
summer anymore
really have those
summers anymore
together on
the arrest report
you touch
the birds anymore
don't know
the clubs anymore
don't run
meds from
the ER anymore
don't touch
the stuff anymore
country in
girl in
law of
policeman for
the world anymore
first sign of
give you much
trouble anymore
to be your
uncle anymore
hold of the
unconsenting soul
up against me, no
just his screw-
up son anymore
you have to
wonder anymore
to a
world of petticoats
young, the very old

with 1 extra syllable

kill wild
animals any more
not know one
another anymore
because I'm not
beautiful anymore
helmet wouldn't
buckle up anymore
deal with idiotic
calendars anymore
hide behind my
camera anymore
Casper the Friendly Ghost
they don't eat
coconut anymore
coconut embryo
I just
couldn't run anymore
to worry about
diapers anymore
can tell the
couldn't tell the
difference anymore
disciplinary loaf
that it
doesn't hurt anymore
It simply
real, it
That stuff
the Constitution
thing just
doesn't work anymore
dogma of any sort
enter The Scary Door
the bother about
funerals anymore
officer and a
gentleman anymore
I'm not
gonna run, anymore
it's not
gonna work anymore
grandson of Henry Ford
get a decent
hamburger anymore
in the
human world anymore
No one's
that wasn't so
innocent anymore
you just
isn't fun, anymore
isn't one any more
not a
not your
wasn't a
little girl anymore
American writer aren't
marginal anymore
able to practice
medicine anymore
murders of any sort
never again be closed
to compile my
packages anymore
passion of any sort
will not
poison us anymore
You're not so
prejudiced anymore
of rational
production any more
of human
reference any more
the three
three main
scriptures of Tenrikyo
has a
single unvaried tone
taken a heavy toll
They couldn't
uncover any more
at bo-peep
under her petticoats
be business as
not politics as
usual anymore

with 2 extra syllables

accountable anymore
to be
comfortable any more
to be so
considerate anymore
contentment, but very short
hostages of their egos
idea of scary porn
not a
magical girl anymore
really is
responsible any more

with 3 extra syllables

criticism of any sort
motherliness of any sort
opposition from any source

with 4 extra syllables

cannibalism of any form