exact syllable matches
Gods sell
all for paine
explanation in
all four ways
me like it's
all OK
and make it
make sure we're
off, it was
So it's
tell yourself it's
Thank goodness, you're
all okay
pink, it was
all opaque
This is
all so strange
All Souls Day
having plenty
all your days
and lost
all your mail
something for
all your pain
succeed in
all your ways
phases and
all, don't they
Compare baboon, and
also babe
and the external
also change
also chaste
trick again, but
also fails
entire collection, is
also fake
Mediterranean source, which
also gave
me, so I'm
also great
also Haines
But I
thing which we
also hate
insect the word
also named
and Beth are
but you were
also safe
-which our textbooks
also say
Compare gage and
also wage
for an
arch or gate
are for play
skills that
that cigarettes
are for sale
are For sale
are loans made
here there
are no grades
where there
are no lakes
and there
are no lanes
if my orders
are obeyed
sports hotline, those
where our lives
are ok
Corn Flakes
are OK
have to pretend
hope the girls
me the kids
mean my brothers
you and I
are okay
angels and devils
are portrayed
of Corona
are so brave
her songs
its way
the people
are so great
are SO lame
are your names
these tests
are your prey
their residents
are your slaves
fucking dangerous cigarettes
know what you
where the kids
you and I
are, okay
it my left
arm, okay
popular here as
Art Modell
barndoor skate
barndoor skates
the starting
blocks or gate
and everything
blocks your aim
We're building a
bomb, okay
in her master's
borrowed place
into your cardboard
box, okay
better wear a
bra, okay
70 year old
broads, okay
called foreplay
when they
called your name
no longer
calls for praise
you to stay
calm okay
the town stays
calm, okay
in the
car for DAYS
a cycle,
car or train
wants a wild
card, okay
fell into the
personnel in the
cargo bay
was two cop
cars, okay
carte soleil
cartes soleil
Kill not,
cause no pain
on the glistening
charcoal base
And this
tend to be
charcoal grey
I'm gonna karate-
chop your face
profoundly influenced by
Claude Monet
generally including
claws or nails
hairball that
clogs your drain
Concord grape
Concord grapes
Congo snake
Congo snakes
see him
cross home plate
thought ever
cross your brain
eyes are
crossed for days
da croquet
have to
dock your pay
Uh, you're a
dog, OK
you're a tiny
dog, okay
natural cats,
dogs or snakes
to my
dogs, don't they
that you can
fall, OK
it's not your
fault, okay
away, so they
follow chase
If it's
followed, great
the evening night-time
follows day
beholden to
God for grace
Oh, thank
God for jail
walk with
God, for fame
an agent of
God, okay
the market is almost
interposed, and the
gods obeyed
gone both ways
Did you cut
Gonzo's cake
So we
got four days
sure she
got home safe
got no brain
Pity it's
got no BRAIN
They ain't
got no brains
I have
got no brakes
got no mates
But I
got no plane
Mouse ain't
got no race
got no shame
got your name
Hall, okay
of the
hard cold days
the ball so
hard, OK
not find, or
heart obey
than your
heart or brain
of his inmost
heart portrayed
me in your
heart, OK
me in your
heart, okay
hognose snakes
hollow rail
hollow rails
money, no
job, no taste
just wanted a
this is our
job, okay
for doing those
jobs, okay
Matt or
John or Dave
Wake up
John, Okay
Koch snowflake
Koch snowflakes
over a very
large domain
Not contract
law, okay
Long court case
had been
long so pale
at this
longed for place
when I
lost those games
have you
Would have
you had
lost your way
Don't go getting
lost, OK
hurts me a
lot, ok
the average American
macho male
a mano a
mano che
Rachel, Cassie,
Marco, Jake
make his
mark, or fail
Markov chain
Markov chains
marsh horsetail
marsh horsetails
- It's
club is
company is
here are
man is
Morrison is
policy is
sovereignty is
toads, they're
We are
not for sale
and it's
NOT for sale
orthodoxy did
not hold sway
Linda Bowman and
not Modell
that we see
not Montaigne
Or I shall
The car does
not obey
but that was
often, and it's
not ok
day This is
That I'm
that this is
not OK
And that's
But it's
I am clearly
It was
know that it's
me, Champ, you're
no, I'm really
No, it's
robots crimes are
That is
This is
to say it's
not okay
and it is
NOT okay
the earth did
not rotate
-- that's
do is
not so great
Study Hall,
not Soul Train
your heart,
not your brain
And it's
not your face
genes are
not your fate
That is
not your game
this is
not your grave
not your maid
is that
not your name
President, is
not your place
not your way
ways are
not your ways
And no, I'm
fire, damaged or
to us it's
not, okay
it down a
notch, OK
I am NOT
Nott, okay
hold him
off for days
off okay
Get it
stupid smile
that frown
that look
that smile
that thing
the ferret
the smile
off your face
and shut
to be
off your game
it pisses me
off, ok
chop your arms
I'm not signing
really big fucking drop-
this whole thing
turn the lights
off, okay
about to OD
on cocaine
can go
on for days
eyeball out
on home plate
New grass
on old graves
with the emphasis
robot that runs
on propane
never drank
on show day
this world
on those days
petered out
on those scales
cash in
that is
on those tapes
say depends
on your age
my money
on your bail
feel it
on your blade
and piss
practice neurosurgery
they feed
on your brain
the icing
on your cake
have fun
having fun
on your date
a crimp
on your day
a mustache
a ponytail
a smile
a spider
and pore
are sitting
big smile
camera focused
dog grin
draw smiles
expression is
fall flat
fucking face
gets stuck
goddamn things
got cake
gotta stomp
greed written
have something
huge smile
improper expression
is written
It shows
judgmental look
my nose
of horror
Right down
slack-jawed look
sun shining
that look
that wind
the grimace
the look
the nose
the sun
there water
this look
Th-That look
thumb tack
to pound
tread marks
up flat
void expression
weird look
What's that
you have
on your face
you back
on your game
house and
on your gates
fresh flowers
put roses
someone trips
on your grave
by focusing
on your hate
we'll work
on your name
I took
on your pain
Peace begins
the food
on your plate
thoughtless aspersion
on your race
your problems
on your shades
got one
the NFL
on your tail
is hot
on your trail
and be
and go
best be
But you're
can be
should be
well go
on your way
no, hold
on, no way
damn lights back
on, OK
keep the bag
Throw a 75
on, okay
oxbow lake
oxbow lakes
do the air
not the talking
part, okay
be spare
parts for Kate
They're live,
raw, profane
rock cocaine
measurements with
rods or scales
Rollo May
Estelle Taylor and
Roscoe Ates
It doesn't
it will
rot your brain
knows TV
rots your brain
She already
saw your face
in such a
small domain
everyone can write
songs, okay
on that corn
stalk, okay
Star Wars Day
mAKE a
StaR wArs gAME
bunch of
Star Wars games
under the
Star Wars name
cereal will
start your day
Starve your brain
just got to
just has to
You never
stop, okay
where the similarity
stops, okay
was neither
strong nor brave
Jade, she can
talk okay
we should
talk, okay
do the team
talks, okay
Board of Education
trombone case
neither outward
walles nor gates
drops, the
walls grow grey
away from the
walls, okay
I don't
want your pain
you whatever you
want, okay
It just
wants more, change
Forced training
was for slaves
was most days
was no face
asked if I
God, but coffee
him know it
him that I
Mom said it
one point, it
think voting Tory
thought that costume
was OK
a while, she
and thought it
but then it
confirm that it
cried, but he
ever think that
funky, but he
happened, if I
I'd confessed, I
make sure I
me that it
see if all
Third time, it
uh, kissing Josie
very best, I
We said it
You thought that
was okay
Constitution of America
was ordained
'Cause she
students did
was so brave
aluminum one
was so fake
anymore, she
was so frail
accomplished that
thought it
was so great
was so lame
idea it
was so late
and I
since I
someone who
when he
when I
yesterday Mary
was your age
Quinn, how
Uh, how
was your day
Dalek-- What
was your name
other hand,
was your play
was your vase
whose idea this
was, okay
bathroom and
will not
wash your face
Watch your nails
powerful objectives,
Watch your play
Watch your tail
don't need a
wok, okay
I-I was
wrong, OK
one time they're
she'll realize she's
this whole thing
wrong, okay
gonna have that,
ya ponce
hide anything on
ya, OK
with 1 extra syllable
a Blitzkrieg
my talons
winds blow
across your face
We can
adopt okay
suppose we got
along okay
We'll do a ride-
along, okay
Alphonse Daudet
I embrace the
Chicago way
put out the
cigars, okay
consumers, who
discard more waste
like it's a
football, okay
forgot your change
heathens have made
Gelato faint
grandma's okay
Is eight
o'clock okay
is a network
robot, okay
tomorrow came
See you
tomorrow, Jake
the day after
tomorrow, kay
But look at
tomorrow's date
Genericization of the
trademark Colgate
be relied
upon for aid
the heat
upon your face
will dance
upon your grave
called even
upon your name
with 2 extra syllables
Its a fucking
marathon, okay
any insurance
seminar, for days
in the
tabletop war game
rooting for the
underdog, okay