exact syllable matches

rental shoes, size
9 regular
Aye, there's the rub
Like a
bike messenger
their feelings
blind their judgment
a duel
by Aaron Burr
First used
by Edmund Burke
brought out
by Edmund Gunter
trod to death
by elephants
not be stopped
to be obscured
by eloquence
are not supported
cannot be modified
by evidence
before being killed
by Helena
by Ken Curtis
would slip
by less observed
a guide tool
by mariners
the ones obsessed
by measurement
being eaten alive
by predators
by reference
known and liked
by regulars
As said
by Seneca
was demonically aroused
by sensuousness
Everybody swayed
by sentiment
or dislocations caused
by settlement
be delayed
by several months
to death
by several Sons
was created
by Shed Productions
journey was
by special bus
and a tramp
by temperament
a mouth surrounded
by tentacles
be distinguished
by their colors
of living,
by their culture
of power
by their governments
by their hunger
therefore valued
by their husbands
be loved
by their mother
into shape
by their mothers
be done
by their numbers
indifference to it
by Westerners
, mentioned only
by Xenophon
Bye, chair number one
mother of a
child emperor
dissect a puppet
A one-
eyed elephant
eyes, then the tongue
in things others
find pleasurable
He was a
He's a very
fine gentleman
one of the
five elements
that doesn't involve stir-
fried tentacles
guy gets the girl
limits to this
guy's arrogance
chumpiest noir
guys never were
hide them from us
high sense of the word
fired at very
high temperatures
shape used in
high-strength structures
is where
I ended up
herself and
I entered her
I entered the church
Why would
I ever burn
What have
I ever done
first hole
I ever dug
first dime
I ever earned
best speeches
dumbest thing
greatest speeches
roll record
sax player
sickening thing
stupid theory
unlike anything
I ever heard
I ever heard of
I ever heard one
of mathematics
I ever learned
betrayed everyone
first girl
first person
only thing
only woman
woman that
I ever loved
I get a what-what
I get another
I get her number
I get just one fuck
about thrust,
nails when
props that
I get nervous
I get the brush
I get the guns
I held a brush
I kept the gun
I mess stuff up
the night
I met someone
so incomplete
I never heard
whose name
I never learned
I never loved her
way, Prue,
I never touched
I press the button
I render what comes
I rented a truck
That's right,
I said cousin
know why
I said murders
do as
I said, Mullah
I smell onion
I tense a muscle
I threatened her
I wear rubber gloves
meAs before
I went under
bravest thing
saw everything
I'd ever done
I'd get sunburned
I'd never hurt her
I'll get the guns
I'll never judge 'em
I'll never learn
I'll press a button
feel it,
I'm dead certain
a guy, but
I'm feminine
I'm Preston Burke
I know
night, but, one-on-one,
I'm terrible
Look where
I've ended up
awful thing
best drawing
best thing
good thing
hardest thing
horrible thing
sanest thing
satisfying things
scariest things
stupid thing
That's all
worst thing
I've ever done
best news
best secret
best singers
darn cusser
dumbest thing
funniest jokes
funniest thing
hilarious thing
honest question
horrible thing
loudest profanity
pathetic thing
retarded riddle
ridiculous thing
saddest thing
silliest pseudonym
silliest thing
sweetest sound
sweetest thing
the best
thing thing
unusual voice
worst impression
I've ever heard
I've ever heard of
I've ever heard one
important thing
I've ever learned
lost everyone
only woman
than anyone
I've ever loved
any place
I've ever worked
one thing
I've never done
I've never done drugs
I've never heard of
consider what
I've said, Brother
kind never does
government files, citing
libel concerns
fantasies to make
It made
sort to make
who makes my
life bearable
away for consecutive
or two about
Three time consecutive
life sentences
life when work comes first
in your private
life, Henderson
light enters the world
Light help the world
It was
like caramel
Was it
like eggs vs
we can talk
like gentleman
me, humor is
like medicine
stood about them
like sentinels
like their mother
Be still
like vegetables
like, when stuff sucks
an earthquake with
lime gelatin
to examine a
live specimen
my best customer
one of
my best customers
being, against
my better judgement
happen despite
has overcome
it against
my better judgment
my brethren, but Love
You had
my cell number
number or on
my cellular
who sees
my dead husband
fire is still
I'm in
I'm out of
my element
They mock
my eminence
God save
my emperor
always be
My endless love
hasn't it,
my errant son
it outside with
my etiquette
immunized him against
my evidence
know who
my ex husband
a date with
good example is
you could be
my ex-husband
you mean
my ex-husbands
You can be
my general
front of all
my generals
is playing with
to rip off
my genitals
And not
my gentle son
More than
my hair color
goes with
my hair colour
and such was
him again in
is part of
Murder is
my family, on
my heritage
weight on
my left buttock
of yore, Maryland,
my Maryland
Well, that's
my mental structure
Did you get
have to check
need to check
my messages
money over to
my messengers
my methods of work
Chaos inside
my nebula
I have
my neck covered
And you're
my next customer
clearly as
vengeance for
my parents' murder
knew who
was, who
my parents were
lose you and
my pedestal
Please protect
my Pegasus
My precious one
otherwise likely have
my preference
occupied by
my present work
want Lions in
my regiment
mysterious patterns on
my retina
who should receive
my reverence
a Master,Where is
My reverence
give you
my Second Sons
would pass around
my sentences
fear to express
my sentiments
my share of troubles
and brittle as
my skeleton
there goes
my special purpose
little holder for
my spectacles
committed against
my step mother
courage to tell
You are not
my stepmother
battlefield suited to
one that suited
That is
my temperament
the power of
my tentacles
Ooh, pardon
my terrible pun
devoured all of
I ate all
my vegetables
myself of the buck
refuse to make
myself suffer
myself the trouble
of hate
myself, but, uh
was a very
nice gentleman
it has well-
nigh deafened us
night, General
some blind, half
night-elf mongrel
the thing
nightmares come from
Ninth Festival
the time and
quite delicate
of the epidemics
quite evident
so myself was
quite excellent
in algebra in
quite general
Oh, he was
quite sensible
through the morphologic
wall of the
right ventricle
side entrances
side-necked turtle
side-necked turtles
a human for
size reference
are generally medium-
sized slender birds
of citizens on
slight evidence
Steinbrenner, sir
tie, then the shirt
are reducible to
time measurements
time preference
at the same
time, flexible
taking up your
time, Reverend
the Uigur
tribe welcomed us
trigeminal nerve
trigeminal nerves
ahead and
try better work
any happily ever after-
type sentences
type settlement
type settlements
type specimen
type specimens
vice chairperson
appearance belies a
vile temperament
operate heavy machinery
while genderfucked
size of a
white elephant
white elephants
great flood of
white emigrants
hatred of our non-
white heritage
white nebula
white-headed duck
Literally, the
white-headed one
Why meddle further
He is
why men murder
a more
widespread verb knutzen
an elephant, a
wild elephant
of their most
wise emperor
Richard Fuller,
Wise Sentences
Wright Edelman

with 1 extra syllable

a chance to survive-
of Hypoderma and
allied genera
war, brushed
aside their concerns
this Hinduism
behind secular terms
Talk in short,
concise sentences
enables me to
define several
temperature to another
defined temperature
a compound of -
a compound of Chinese-
Compound of -
From -
in Japan of -
derived elements
that uses pared-down
design elements
essence as the
divine feminine
I was the
divine messenger
finite element
finite elements
headlights never come
environment that
highlights their culture
search and
inquire, never judge
myself and any
outside messages
and hasn't an
outside reference
do with the
that of the
outside temperature
more and more
precise measurement
Precise measurements
remind them of her
which is latent,
seedlike, germinal
It was
sometimes terrible
sulphite caramel
sulphite caramels
value of the
surprise element
love with
vampire Edward Cullen
So, isn't my
website excellent

with 2 extra syllables

25 cents a month
of the dominant
alkali element
your hand into
calcified gelatin
so-called highly
civilised Western culture
He's a very
erudite gentleman
species, to
exercise their muscles
glorify generals
You have a
mercantile heritage
windows are highly
organized spectacles
Otherwise, they're just words
realized prayer doesn't work
thus to
satisfy their judgments
get with Obama's
socialized medicine
move into new
subsidized settlements
we fused,
Sugilite went berserk
a degree of
synchronized resonance

with 3 extra syllables

75 cents a month
generalized element
generalized elements
lobotomized vegetable
Substantivized feminine of