exact syllable matches

believe, more than
I'll score you
5 points
blind boil
blind boils
king,Although a poor
tell your poor
blind boy
always a very
bright boy
- but not
a Brown Buffalo
became an outcast
become a vegetarian
by force, but
from your life
give it meaning
give it up
left alone, not
living like this
me, suck cock
people are alone
pregnant with Brian,
pregnant with Lynn,
them join us
This time
by choice
myth was created
other things discovered
by Freud
Professor Cutter, joint
by joint
the same name
by Joyce
worked out point
by point
like something gained
by toil
it was saved
by toys
to go through this point-
will be a
child's toy
screaming, like a
child's voice
you mind, silly
Christ boy
Please don't
cry, boy
cry, boys
You deserve to
die, boy
Live or
die, Troy
dry point
dry points
eyed boy
eyed boys
me in the
eyes, boy
and pick a
fight, boys
thoughts on the
fight, Floyd
person doing it
finds joy
Jenson was a
fine boy
lies in the
fine choice
down to one
fine point
cholesterol shot up sixty-
grand total of forty-
Well done, Footlights,
five points
Let our colors
fly, boys
is now Stephen
Fry's voice
when you do
guy voice
and protests as
high points
shrieking in that
high voice
up to a real
from the moment
has changed since
of research when
I joined
ice point
ice points
couldn't be Roy,
I'm Roy
He thinks
me because now
I'm soiled
Lady and her
No more
rest of your
life points
rest of her
life, boy
light oil
having them colored
lights goin
were a monster,
like Boyd
I don't even
like boys
He does not
like noise
have a guy
to call people
like Roy
doughnut cause it
like toy
houses look just
these guns are
like toys
line noise
didn't stand in
line, boy
A real,
live boy
this is a
live voice
teaches us to
Time to
live, boy
understand the female
mind Troy
either body or
mind, boys
all arrive, eh,
all know that,
All right,
always the hardest
Be strong,
because of you,
Dammit, you're
damn lucky you're
fashioning such weapons,
Find someone else,
Give me back
good look at
here you are,
I were younger,
idea waking up
I'm killing
in the future,
into that heresy,
its way into
last whisky with
let me kiss
lucky you was
me and heal
me some time,
Nobody uses
of the world,
Persall, this here
proud of you,
realized that's not
Reminds me of
Sit down,
That was
the right place,
There is
things for you,
This is about
to a tee,
to the moralists,
train you well,
Up here,
way they killed
We need you,
Well played,
what's right for
Who are you,
you learn that,
you're the best,
you've been tellin'
my boy
could look after
my boy,
brothers and they're
But not
But, not
for custody of
in all of
it all to
I've lost
like I tell
Oh, Jesus, all
spaceship, I got
to Italy with
too late for
you're gonna beat
my boys
My Boys
a coffin---THAT is
a scale was
Because that's
do-- you respected
I don't regret
I have made
I stand by
is my decision,
It was not
It's no longer
I've made
life has been
life, my death,
might not be
My body
My body,
My way,
now on is
Pretend this is
That is
That was
That wasn't
the details after
This is
what, it was
you, but it's
my choice
His freedom
His life
His mannerisms
His money
My choice
His family
My Choice
help me stretch
my coil
a bayonet into
burning sensation in
shooting pains in
think I pulled
my groin
Best kush filling
my joints
be ignited by
friend, my pain,
I'm tripping over
my joy
The fire in
the fruit of
my loins
I couldn't hold
where is
my oil
anyway, you get
awful, and that's
brief illustration of
but it makes
but it proves
But that's
But this is
But you get
European swallow, that's
god, I've forgotten
I have made
I return to
I've proved
mean, you get
people, for proving
that glass, is
that is not
That was
think I made
what was
you don't grasp
you for making
you for proving
You get
You see
my point
give me back
world will be
my toy
and play with
Claus will burn
I want with
me and steal
My clothes,
rid of all
so they become
my toys
acoustics to re-create
and started multi-tracking
Can you hear
doesn't sing with
end couldn't hear
hardly sounded like
have listened to
hears of me
I am raising
I lost
Just with
Listen to
me, that had
my voice, follow
my words, of
now to lift
Please, hear
pretty much trashed
really good in
romantic quality in
The fans love
the land in
the sound of
the truth heareth
this chair absorb
voice is also
wanted to hear
welcoming tones of
Well it's
who once inspired
you can recognize
You just stole
You know
you to follow
my voice
be wrong with
MY voice
He was a
us as a
nice boy
time was last
night boy
night soil
Mother had
nine boys
pied noir
pine oil
pine oils
at a motivating
price point
price points
hasn't met the
right boy
always make the
by making the
even made the
he's made the
I made the
It's the
make - the
she makes the
She'll make the
to make the
we made the
what is the
you made the
you make the
you're making the
right choice
right join
right joins
only at the
right point
Am I
It's all
right, boys
You're absolutely
right, Lloyd
Isn't that
right, Roy
spike oil
spike oils
Maybe you'll
strike oil
I like your
style, boy
tied oil
tied oils
tight oil
time point
Okay, and now
try joy
a buttered scone,
A dirty
ass you punk
I'm a dirty
Michael's a skinny
with no gun,
Yeah a dirty
white boy
action for Southern
of bitch ass
sport for middle-sized
white boys
and lined, twenty
or less, ten
these shoes, four
white coins
White Noise
wide boy
wide boys
There is a
wide choice
is my lovely
wife, Joyce
It's the
Wild Boy

with 1 extra syllable

alpine coil
alpine coils
What a horrible
design choice
himself with that
disguised voice
that man had
This is the
divine voice
meet at some
finite point
inside voice
for judging your
is absolutely a
is an unacceptable
it's an actual
that's a valid
lifestyle choice
books consumed the
burn the
burned the
burning the
burns the
burnt the
wisdom out of
midnight oil
Midnight Oil
was using His
outside voice
At this
precise point
provide choice
more of a
shoeshine boy
shoeshine boys
need a new
shoeshine droid
you have here,
tonight, boys

with 2 extra syllables

dynamite voice
is called a
McIntire joint
troops swinging around
overpriced toys
She's been working
overtime, boys
irrigation can also
salinize soils
grows terrestrially in
serpentine soils