exact syllable matches

bite the dust
bites the dust
Brian Klug
bridle up
bridled tern
of the species are
brighten up
brightened up
brightens up
and not
by a but
was shot
by a smudge
mother is shot
by hunters
to Abraham, not
by murder
and improved on
be drawn on
I was taught
by others
hurried along
hyperthermia caused
by the drug
bitten off
by the Hulk
and robbed
by the Kurds
reacted upon
by the world
by thunder
be pecked on
by vultures
Bye, love birds
Chian earth
Clyde puffer
Clyde puffers
cries uncle
crime buster
crime busters
cry buckets
cry cupboard
cry uncle
dial up
diamond bird
diamond birds
diamond dove
diamond doves
diamond duck
diamond ducks
diamond dust
dime a ver
Drives 'em nuts
dry nurses
eye color
eye colors
eye colour
eye colours
fiber gun
fiber guns
a weapon all
fighters love
file server
file servers
final A
final club
final clubs
final cut
final cuts
final girl
final girls
I cannot
find the words
the thought
finds the words
Fire Birds
fire truck
fire trucks
fire up
fire whirl
fire whirls
mouth is on
fire, sir
fired her
fired up
fires up
five hundred
here are
five of us
flight number
flight numbers
flight of earls
to be a top-
flight surgeon
fly fungus
as the sparks
fly upward
friar bird
friar birds
Friar Tuck
GLIDE number
GLIDE numbers
glider gun
glider guns
Allah had not
guided us
why are
guys such jerks
defenses went on
I'm on
Lombard was on
high alert
High Churchman
High Churchmen
high color
High culture
high dudgeon
high hundreds
high jumper
high jumpers
high summer
high touches
hired gun
Healers, not
hired guns
because you are
HIRED, sir
I love lunch
I loved her
kind of socks
I preferred
ice buckets
ice circle
ice cupboard
ice cupboards
ice sculpture
ice sculptures
Iceland gull
ices up
earth as far
I'm concerned
iron cements
iron gum
iron gums
iron lung
iron lungs
I've done worse
that was
kind of dumb
It was
kind of the
and all
of all
up all
kinds of stuff
kite jumper
kite jumpers
Kite Runner
kite runners
knight service
Life of Earth
God and not
life service
with a hard
light bubble
light buckets
lighten up
lightened up
lightens up
tonight, off
like a bird
being squashed
like a bug
fame was
It was
like a drug
play guitar
like a duck
your arm
like a girl
you talk
like a wuss
The wheels are
like circles
everything they saw,
like color
much Eddie was
like Cuthbert
country was not
It's not
like London
Aunts are
like mothers
We are not
like others
like someone
did not
like the word
Like worst worst
lime sulfur
lime sulphur
line function
line functions
line number
line numbers
the wrong
line of work
lion cub
lion cubs
liven up
Midas touch
and abandons all
minor ones
minor term
minor terms
minor third
minor thirds
-- he was
and he's not
And you're not
because you are
But that was
But you're not
Especially not
He was
hell you are,
He's not
his head, not
I am not
I gotta call
I have lost
I lost
I'll go call
man was not
man who was
me, Judah was
So, you're not
the weight off,
They've got
this man was
up job on
walk out on
who was not
my brother
have I lost
my brothers
my circuits
is so not
Orange is not
my color
You're my heart,
my compass
my art was
Secrets are not
them is not
my concern
so officially NOT
my cousin
basketball was
my first love
And then call
because you was
thought I saw
Wynn, Grady was
You are
You was
my husband
ink blots on
my journal
lives depended on
people dependent on
my judgement
my job, not
my judgment
I have on
same combination on
my luggage
an eye on
And I lost
and you are
are totally beyond
better hands on
But not
but this was
butter up was
I want
if she was
kitchen, hits on
my date was
Polly was
pretended she was
realized that was
She worked hard,
terrible effect on
that she was
They've got
things up was
Who was
You are
You are not
You're not
my mother
maybe I'd solve
my murder
look at all
my muscle
mouth, she's got
That's not
You got
You've got
my number
You are
my puppet
theater, you are
my puppets
lesson, but not
life, who was
You boys are
my purpose
few meters off
my rudder
exerted on
my skull, huh
an itch on
it was not
kept stepping on
my stomach
My Struggle
theater for all
my struggles
sandwich, that was
my supper
greedy crows off
my turnips
powerless to stop
Why not
my uncle
cousins, and all
my uncles
down on
my uppers
Egypt with all
My wonders
I thought
my work done
These are
my workers
That was
nice of her
nicen up
nicens up
niger From
night person
nine hundred
nine one one
nine one ones
Named after John
Piatt Dunn
pie server
pie servers
pie supper
pie suppers
pilot nut
pilot nuts
pine kernel
pine kernels
pine terpenes
pirate bug
pirate bugs
pirate perch
pirate shirt
pirate shirts
price current
price currents
Prime number
clues that are
prime numbers
prime the pump
psi function
psi functions
which caused
quite a stir
Naturally, they're all
quite concerned
I was
quite the stud
reisen durch
Rice Bubbles
rice burner
rice burners
rifled slug
rifled slugs
I want
rifles slung
right From the
riot girl
riot girls
riot grrl
ripen up
rise above
rises up
science up
side hustle
side hustles
citizens live along
side others
on all
sides of us
sign function
sign functions
They will not
silence us
Simon Birch
siphon cup
siphon cups
sizes up
slider pump
slider pumps
spices up
spinal nerve
spinal nerves
spiral worm
strike a nerve
striped muscle
striped muscles
no more on
thy brother
tiger cub
tiger cubs
tiger mum
tiger mums
tiger nut
tiger nuts
tight junction
tight junctions
tighten up
tightened up
tightens up
time burglar
time burglars
reserved for one's long-
time lover
time tunnel
time tunnels
in the part
timers club
fire and sword,Beyond
Time's hunger
trial run
trial runs
contexts, but not
for people, not
laws, but not
social condition, not
the city, not
the latter, not
them worth not
vice versa
a rectangle, but not
white currants
white hunter
white hunters
white knuckle
white mustard
white person
White Russia
White Russian
White Russians
white truffle
white truffles
why the fuck
wild mustard
wild onion
wild onions
wind tunnel
wind tunnels
wire brush
wire brushed
like he was
Wyatt Earp
Y current
Y currents

with 1 extra syllable

Alright, brothers
word for child,
alright, mother
Carlyle circle
Carlyle circles
weight of this
godlike burden
mostly text-based, diary-like,
online journals
with freshly laid
Rottweiler turds
How wild their
watchfires burn

with 2 extra syllables

as a master
alongside others
Oh, that
peroxide vulture