exact syllable matches

are of -
the enemy
a multitude, as
a complexity
not writing
a concession speech
A circle is
A doll is
a dream, but
an accident, but
bargaining will be
between walls is
ecclesiastical basis were
infinite space as
is, lying is
It is
needed before became
pattern and finally
that change is
that they are
the election was
toleration and protection
a necessity
Suicide is frequent
among ex-junkies
be nothing
but a memory
succession suggests nothing
but necessity
no teacher
but the enemy
But the heirs of St
church a den of thieves
not using the
colonel's recipe
become depressed, retreat,
conserve energy
is to
cut the enemy
Double Jeopardy
of the
Earl of Chesterfield
and know
first the enemy
from a pleasant dream
the past
from her memory
Characters are born
from necessity
Be Derived
from One's Enemies
from the dreadful deed
those seized
from the enemy
know her
from the mezzanine
heard, but never seen
her against a tree
Some kind of
herbal remedy
that is routinizing
Hubbard's legacy
miserable outcast
hugs some memory
in every one
hundred pregnancies
hurt her terribly
us, or
hurts the enemy
and you're
will be
You've become
just a memory
just a second, please
requires a
love of memory
love the tender meat
sex with your
mother, 70
devotion and
much, much energy
is not a
muffin recipe
protein intake into
muscle energy
muscle memory
must protect the Queen
are up at
number 17
so are you,
Number 17
if you have
observed carefully
objects concerned all
occur severally
a quarter
best part
for three-quarters
of a century
of a death machine
the form
of a guarantee
the beauty
of a legacy
a bit
of a melody
be jealous
the possession
of a memory
in our lack
of amenities
profound philosophical implications
of complexity
is a kind
measure of devotion,
their own degrees
of fidelity
on the idea
of Fidelity
written out
of her memory
a part
of her pregnancy
of the law
of heredity
a thing, except
far higher order
in the doctrine
Making a virtue
me includes him
society implies it,
species the offspring
still limited form
under the category
under the pressure
We're acting out
of necessity
Make a Virtue
of Necessity
the attentions
the successes
of one's enemies
furthest reaches
of one's memory
in the center
of serenity
no moment
of smug clarity
a high degree
of solemnity
of some dreadful deed
the echos
of some memory
the meaning
of such memories
would come
of such treachery
of the 10 girls here
of the best of three
of the central sea
the course
the silence
of the centuries
Another crime
con job
crime caper
geopolitical disaster
greatest artists
greatest fight
greatest inequities
influential persons
intellectual cohort
pep talk
piano style
state paper
the attitude
the beginning
the blaze
the challenge
the end
the fuck
the heist
The pill
the scoop
the turn
the word
underrated writers
of the century
league's Team
The Close
the Crime
of the Century
keys,The anthem
of the destinies
air forces
alongside that
and demoralization
and weaknesses
are worthy
equal force
existential negation
full brunt
in troops
O chastiser
other sign
physical destruction
the arrival
the belly
the bullets
the career
the destruction
the hands
the heart
the part
the spoils
the words
the wrath
without deception
of the enemy
the identity
of the Entity
of the heresies
all sense
of the melody
the memory
of the memory
the self-celebration
of the peasantry
and Songs
of the Peasantry
of the second week
of the seven seas
the secretary
of the treasury
He's head
the heads
of the Treasury
of the Western Sea
of us get some sleep
a betrayal
of what 17
like all your
other enemies
Heartland or any
other entity
Focus on the
other memories
be neutralized by
other tendencies
of firearms and
other weaponry
to measure a
person's energy
that would
serve the enemy
some of hell's uglies
Some of them were mean
it before
someone gets lucky
and precious
stuffs, whatever pleased
suffered less from fleas
do fly After
summer merrily
world in
terms of enemies
All of
the amenities
co-operation will gain
the ascendancy
so where is
the complexity
to make
the connection here
Galilee in
the first century
the value and
the necessity
latter will increase
the perplexity
the subject of cheese
the subject of meat
It isn't
of utilizing
the sun's energy
longer in
the third century
beginning of
the Third Century
cannot accept
the word enemy
I make
the worst enemies
four dice line
up sequentially
us a rental please
that protect
us against fatigue
He gave
us the recipes
Our clans
were once enemies
if you
were the enemy
as to
what consensus means
what must heaven be
what's ahead of me
have to
work together here
whole wide
world but enemies
world of Devils here
as a
world of memories

with 1 extra syllable

had much more
accurate memories
continue without an
adequate remedy
After the death of St
breast cancer of
animal charities
and arriving in
another century
Another day
another destiny
and got
beaten up terribly
destructive, without this
beautiful clarity
depart to my
beautiful melody
death with a
intrusion on a
beautiful memory
that has
become a rarity
then it
becomes a memory
in the
Chamber of Deputies
human destiny, courage,
cheerful serenity
name of white
christian supremacy
with several
classes of enemies
Color possesses me
in the
Congress of Deputies
into a patriotic
corporate entity
him to have
knew you had
low intelligence and
criminal tendencies
Crimson Avenger, please
Cruel necessity
greatest and most
were our most
dangerous enemy
That's a
dangerous heresy
disease requires a
dangerous remedy
this despicable and
dangerous tendency
artform, it's a
delicate recipe
their inescapable, uniquely
determined destiny
will defeat a
determined enemy
courage, perseverance, and
determined energy
You have a
different destiny
very at risk,
difficult pregnancies
board of
dozens of charities
pass for an
eloquent brevity
impossible labyrinth of
endless complexity
another hangs her
eternal destiny
a NIGHT, of
allegory, but an
eternal memory
as internal or
but also its
by the internal
external enemies
Welsh Triangle
faded from memory
post men to
fraudulent destinies
freedom of their country
future of their country
a single
garment of destiny
facing the
Giant again, McGee
gotten the best of me
love, the
greater the jealousy
Martha Stewart has
Hanukkah recipes
happen again, trust me
by Dave
Hebner, the referee
is but a
helpless perplexity
Honor her legacy
my life
honor her memory
I have a
horrible memory
of logic and
hostile necessity
been used on
humans, successfully
is love and
infinite energy
and plunge into
infinite reveries
acted out of
in accordance with
Mythos out of
the fountain of
the voice of
inner necessity
conversation, without this
instant fidelity
instruments, there must be
notion of lurking
internal enemies
declaration of an
internal enemy
of my most
intimate enemies
isn't the end of me
profound pleasure and
joyful necessity
run into another
liberal heresy
by overtaxing his
limited memory
be an almost
limitless energy
litter of dead puppies
of laughter and
little solemnity
is no
longer the enemy
kind of a
masculine energy
mainly a
matter of memory
What you are
matters tremendously
to physical and
mental complexity
happily for
millions of centuries
or subject to
minimal penalties
homosexual Prime
Minister, Edward Heath
just a
most stunning
your singular
moment of clarity
in these
moments of clarity
power, a
monster of energy
of intellectual and
moral complexity
fulfilment of our
national destinies
eclipse in the
national memory
and sisters are
vengeance upon his
natural enemies
destroy, are my
natural enemy
the true
nature of memories
equity or their
neighbor's necessity
you to
observe the entity
and it
often hurts terribly
you count on
our fidelity
clear due to
our trajectory
our worst enemies
even in
is still
to humiliate
our worst enemy
communities for
society for
together for
over a century
brought around
expression sanctified
numerous teachers
slow dissemination
over the centuries
insure victory
over the enemy
people just get lucky
by the
people of Chesterfield
are a
people of destiny
people one seldom sees
a test of
people's fidelity
is a
phantom, a memory
comets and
planets rush endlessly
ain't too
popular, eh buddy
internal debate and
populist energy
power of memory
power, Necessity
have beaten a
powerful enemy
It gives off
powerful energy
problems of their countries
is the
proudest of pedigrees
break through with
redoubled energy
on a free
which means free
return trajectory
We gotta
reverse her destiny
Sacra of their country
suffices to
season a century
checked out on
Senator Kennedy
ambition Is a
servile fidelity
and pillage for
century - for
century -- for
it was over
national society for
of the past
on us for
they have for
several centuries
going back to
simpler melodies
Morality is a
social necessity
and indigenous
of our
once rich
sources of energy
spoken of mental genes
should have
stolen her recipe
dominating it in
subsequent centuries
who manifest the
subtlest energy
a fortune doing
surrogate pregnancy
symbol of their country
on the
Tablets of Destiny
lyrics of frail
tenderness, elegies
from all those
terrible memories
Texas forever, Street
tens of
thousands of enemies
some sort of
trouble, apparently
him fulfill his
long for this
ultimate destiny
up against the
ultimate enemy
Ultimate Enemy
will become an
urgent necessity
valuable energy
learned a
valuable lesson here
our own
version of Destiny
its own
versions of therapy
Insane and
violent jealousy
disorders call for
violent remedies
say you have
to combat his
violent tendencies
Violent tendencies
is for your
visual memory
published as
Woman of Destiny
will be a
wonderful legacy
It's a
wonderful therapy

with 2 extra syllables

it with
another celestial, please
be your
say, my
area of expertise
atrocious, apparently
is not an
autonomous entity
economy is never
available centrally
of the
Bosnian Serb entity
the race for
commercial supremacy
Consider yourself lucky
That's the
Corrigan trajectory
discover her destiny
literature, the
easier the parody
a waste of
have so much
emotional energy
heart and with
entire fidelity
the most exaggerated
estimate necessity
ripen into an
ethical necessity
existence of their countries
a net
exporter of energy
face their most
They are a
formidable enemy
and you know,
general telepathy
treason become our
implacable enemies
due to my
insatiable jealousy
because of his
intangible memory
invasion of their countries
Invention, Necessity
level of their
irrational tendencies
some form of
limited telepathy
conclusion disclose no
logical necessity
can avenge a
malevolent enemy
and a
maximum of clarity
as unavailability or
medical necessity
the Viking
Museum of Weaponry
noble relations of
mutual fidelity
mine arise from
mutual necessity
any manifestations of
nationalist tendencies
the concept of
natural necessity
sometimes controul our
natural propensities
opinion of men, trust me
period of mental sleep
of the
persistence of memory
They have a
phenomenal memory
our civil and
political enemies
cause of our
political enmity
of dubious and
questionable memory
nation in this
remarkable century
What a
remarkable legacy
liar with a
remarkable memory
must invest in
renewable energy
Renewable energy
the constant
renewal of destiny
uh, during
Sexual Awareness Week
It was a
tremendous necessity

with 3 extra syllables

hope to be
administered successfully
form a well-managed
agricultural peasantry
noted for his
architectural expertise
inertia but a
congenital perplexity
Conservation of energy
You violated
Conservation of Energy
liberty, safeguarded by
constitutional guarantees
virtue of the
constitutional guaranties
development of mental peace
is a very
disagreeable century
of the
Dissipation of Energy
domination of alien
episcopal supremacy
an enormous
and unprofitable
expenditure of energy
systems arise from
historical necessity
the bidding of
implacable necessity
and you're
is total
incapable of empathy
measures- of the
individual deputies
is not an
individual entity
mental capacity and
indomitable energy
liberation of their country
to be a
material necessity
abdicate, but-share its
by a mere
slavery and Southern
political supremacy
course of history's
predictable trajectory
terminated the enemy
it is an
unconquerable enemy
Unthinkable complexity

with 4 extra syllables

war and
annihilation of enemies
what has been
anticipated potentially
freedom, not a
biological necessity
terms of its
computational complexity
think it an
indispensable necessity
tides are
manifestations of energy
topic of almost
theological complexity
from a modern
theological necessity
a bitter but
unavoidable necessity
touch of an
unimaginable ecstasy
in increasing
utilization of energy

with 5 extra syllables

but an urgent
humanitarian necessity

with 6 extra syllables

rationality itself, an
epistemological necessity