exact syllable matches
his prayer shall
be abomination
types, we would
be abominations
and fifty could
be accommodated
that is to
be approximated
be consolidated
Thought to
be from ostentatious
be the marks of greatness
Breach of Promise cases
is beyond all
decent contemplation
ape has a
to have a
decent conversation
friendship is
deep but complicated
Dieckmann condensation
Dieckmann condensations
allowed, are of
equal obligation
the way
he runs operations
Didn't you
hear her conversation
heed a call of nature
It's my
legal obligation
tell you
me of moderation
measures cause
me some consternation
me the pardon paper
that cost
me world domination
or the
means of observation
which to
meet the obligation
Accordingly they
need a compensation
peaceful contemplation
peanut operation
And so can
Queen Consolidated
way the
real world operated
a bond market
research operation
of desperation and
secret consolation
apparent desperations and
secret consolations
about Sen-chan from
some sort of top-
secret operation
See apostemation
do not
see the consolation
sheet of carbon paper
a state of
speechless consternation
tree trunk called a caber
we were all buck naked
we were not complacent
Wien approximation
with 1 extra syllable
agreement on a paper
present form of
alien domination
City of Fallen Angels
Claudius Ptolemaeus
capable of such
curious contemplation
the seventh
degree of concentration
it a
degree of obligation
in varying
degrees of concentration
and to
on, procreate,
increase the population
3 percent of
India's population
was ridiculed by
Israel commentators
Julian oscillation
linear combination
linear combinations
linear operator
theory, algebraic geometry, non-
linear operators
whole theory of non-
linear oscillations
names of
many such operations
avoid a possible
of a possible
nuclear confrontation
criticism as an
obvious observation
biological state created
only abominations
this in our
previous conversations
directives and cancels
previous obligations
the children
receive the confirmation
in a
series of observations
hereby express our
serious condemnation
Not another
prints, and in
to have a
serious conversation
This is a
serious occupation
Denial of
Then the
Soviet occupation
11 percent of
Syrian population
Theory of computation
a collection of
various observations
laws, all its
various operations
Zuni was
very much populated
and is
condemning people
worthy of condemnation
with 2 extra syllables
a series of
amphibious operations
biennial oscillation
percent of the
Cambodian population
University of Washington
Centennial Convocation
of peoples under
colonial domination
lose the
dignity of consecration
disagreement was a vain one
trace the supposed Indo-
European populations
Germany, of all the players
It was a
hilarious conversation
potential resistance to
imperial domination
debarred, from all
industrial occupations
to dishonest or
injurious occupations
to launch their
insidious operation
takes on an
invidious connotation
support among the
Iranian population
Memorial Convocation
consolation, a
mystery of consolation
adopt a
policy of moderation
transmogrifying into an
unholy abomination
the most
unworthy of toleration
with 3 extra syllables
is the
activity of concentration
Cassiopeia constellation
casually across the table
communities across the nation
Hamiltonian operator
pre-industrial societies of
homogeneous populations
Europe, interspersed with
miscellaneous observations
as the
necessity of obligation
in a
variety of combinations
their continued
variety of modulation
a wide
variety of operations
with 4 extra syllables
beyond all
exceed all
possibility of computation