exact syllable matches

be killing after lunch
even capable of
being inhabited
draw backs to
being intangible
She's the one
being irrational
we are
dealing with animals
he hits it at someone
He lives in Canada
keep it in Kansas, huh
Meaning it's natural
precinct with badge number
see it in action, huh
she is in Canada
sleeps with his camera
we still in Canada

with 1 extra syllable

that there wasn't
anything inaccurate
Beauty, true
beauty, is intangible
country pillaged and plundered
fifteen years in Brandenburg
I love
happy, living animals
Percy Sinnett, and others
that that
story is inaccurate

with 2 extra syllables

or even
recently extinct, animals
Trinity is in that Person

with 3 extra syllables

approach of
eternity is implacable
symbol, whose
testimony is infallible

with 4 extra syllables

insecurity it brings, has doubled