exact syllable matches
8 May
age play
both hands, and
aim straight
They're all tramps,
ain't they
ale stake
ale stakes
while your dog
ate steak
bake sale
bake sales
base case
Bay State
blame game
blame games
brain drain
brain drains
brain fade
brain fades
brain gain
brain gains
brain grey
brain wave
brain waves
break gates
cage stage
cake plate
cake plates
cane brake
cane brakes
the island at
Cape May
Cape plane
Cape planes
case base
chain case
chain mail
chain mails
wish I can
change fate
c'mon, c'mon, c'mon,
change, change
chase plane
chase planes
chase tail
clay slate
clay slates
Craig Raine
I do not
crave praise
said that was
cray cray
date rape
date rapes
least until that
day came
day shape
day shapes
were on that
day slain
day trade
day trades
I waited all
day, Jake
It was
eighth grade
eighth grades
face paint
face paints
it does not
fail safe
failed state
failed states
faint praise
first and last
fake date
Fay Wray
flame bait
frame rate
frame rates
freight train
the buses and
freight trains
gain weight
a six-pack on
game day
me one on
game days
game face
gate rape
gate raped
gate rapes
gate vein
gate veins
jumped up and
The cops
gave chase
said much that
gave pain
gave way
gay blade
gay blades
apron and that
gay face
Gay Games
gay plague
grave stane
gray jay
gray jays
gray rape
gray rapes
gray tape
gray tapes
gray whale
gray whales
great ape
great apes
root of all
great change
Great Dane
Great Danes
be the last
of that last
great day
These are
Yes, these are
great days
superhuman achievements and
great fame
Great Game
Great Lake
Great Lakes
a few are
great names
great pains
Great Plains
grey jay
grey jays
grey rape
grey rapes
grey whale
grey whales
hay wain
hay wains
jade gate
jade gates
jail bait
jail break
jail breaks
have survived Babar's
jails wail
jake brake
jake brakes
Jake's steak
James Bay
James Blake
James Braid
James Frey
James Mace
Jane Wayne
k k
kain kain
kay hey
laid waste
lame brain
lame brains
lay chase
lay claim
lay day
lay days
lay waste
lays waste
made slaves
made strange
made waves
mail train
mail trains
Main Page
main stage
Make haste
make hay
make sail
make strange
make waves
make way
makes strange
makes waves
makes way
male gaze
May 8
But that
may change
May Day
May Days
May game
May games
may may
mefi ae
nae nae
nail plate
nail plates
city, one last
name change
name Crane
name day
name days
name names
name vase
month they got
paid late
pale ale
pale ales
pale face
Paske day
pay day
pay days
pay grade
pay grades
pay raise
pay train
phase space
phrase name
phrase names
place name
place names
plain Jane
plain Janes
plane wave
plane waves
plate sale
plate sales
play date
play dates
I can
I can't
let's not
play games
play safe
praise name
quake lake
quake lakes
great times on
race day
rail freight
rail hail
rail trail
rail train
rail trains
rain day
rain days
rain gauge
raise Cain
rake rake
rape face
don't believe it was
from your dearest pal
uh-uh, not
safe day
safe days
safe space
Saints Day
Finland as an
saint's name
It's yard
sale day
house on that
it, later that
which occurred that
same day
On that
same page
return of that
same phase
same same
feeling the exact
time the exact
same way
save face
well together and
save space
save state
save states
saved game
saved games
say grace
scale mail
scale mails
sei whale
sei whales
slate gray
slate grays
slate grey
slate greys
slave state
slave states
slave trade
slave trades
revival of the African
snail mail
snail pace
snake case
snake rake
snake rakes
snake tail
space age
space cake
space cakes
space case
space frame
space frames
space race
space wave
space waves
spray drain
spray drains
spray paint
spray paints
stage name
stage names
stage race
state aid
not dependent on
State aid
state space
Be brave and
stay brave
steak bake
steak bakes
straight chain
straight chains
straight face
straight lace
straight trade
strain gauge
in a fast,
strange ways
tae maide
tail vein
take aim
Kick ass and
take names
but I can
take pain
take pains
a separation shall
fact, do not
free conversation can
may by chance
mode does not
new attack can
teachings of Islam
that it cannot
that reorganization can
that transformation can
the changes that
the current bylaws
this did not
take place
take shape
take slave
kicks ass and
takes names
this slaughterhouse that
takes place
takes shape
tale quale
tape safe
tape safes
eggs and ham
taste great
were chattering as
they ate
as professional as
Then off
things just as
they came
the seasons as
they change
the neon god
they made
of the cars
they make
teeth or are
they nails
they suffered and
they paid
want the cops
they pay
more people than
they save
are better than
as tough as
be perfected, as
chick magnet, as
one-on-one tutorial as
qua non as
so great as
the head, as
the now, as
the pike, as
to town and
Young love, as
they say
to stay and
they stay
temporary basis and
they stayed
convince them that
they'd failed
They've changed
trade name
trade names
the growth in off-
trade sales
train mate
train mates
veiled plate
veiled plates
profit races and
wage rates
wage scale
wage scales
Wage slave
citizens and not
wage slaves
waist chain
waist chains
wait state
wait states
Hold on,
wait, wait
waste gate
waste gates
waste tray
waste trays
wave plate
wave plates
wave train
wave trains
weight gain
weight gains
whale tail
whale tails
Zane Gray
Zane Grey
We've gotz
ze grail
with 1 extra syllable
gloomy, and there's always--
And there's
always cake
always caves
things change, things
You can
always change
attention that he
always craved
The curious masses
the end, they
We would
you do, you'll
always fail
limit war have
always failed
there isn't, there's
always faith
road so late,
'tis the flower,
Always gay
mine they are
always gray
man it is
person it is
Really slow and
that flights are
always late
difference is not
our enemies have
always made
appearances, and you
always may
always pays
away, Malcolm will
always play
The one Superman
always saves
a booby, I
asinine things they
dad used to
his study, I
jars, as I
meticulous business, I
said what they
second best, I
So you
stupid thing people
that what you
That's what I
that's what we
what do I
What do you
always say
The destroyer is
always slain
It was
always Snape
went, but pity
always stayed
often, but not
always, male
not just an
arcade game
arcade games
state and later
Bombay state
was incorporated into
Bombay State
drama of the
sung on a
vastly more expensive
Broadway stage
him on the
stint on the
campaign trail
Cascade Range
I miss the
Galway Bay
a halfway hospital,
halfway jail
Pancake Day
Pancake Trail
rentier state
rentier states
with 2 extra syllables
decollate snail
decollate snails