exact syllable matches

characters created
by Bob Kane
by Brock Yates
have been influenced
may be influenced
Phonetically influenced
senses probably influenced
by cognate
muscle, strengthened
by cross grain
a candle,
by God's grace
Nowadays mostly replaced
by guardrails
by John Kaye
by John Sayles
a quote
and discovered
Ward Beecher
by Mark Twain
be discouraged
by small sales
and written
by Tom Swale
be-longing to a
relics of a
bygone age
the glory of
bygone days
death, I
cried all day
and their
cry was great
like the lost
Deimos base
He tosses
dice all day
one the
Die Hard way
of juice to
die onstage
time Rochester's
died on stage
Falstaff actually
dies offstage
that makes his
eyeballs ache
eyes are they
I can
fight all day
You want a
fight Andre
the rich
guy got saved
Are you
guys all gay
got you
guys all raped
guys are fakes
guys are great
guys not gay
That's why
I always
him, which
I call rape
run till
I drop, hey
top, but
I got played
Why can
Why did
I not say
Henninger and
I part ways
but when
I saw Dale
pound, and
I want change
world that
I want changed
want places,
I want dates
cannot say
to think
I was brave
of God,
I was changed
dancing since
died when
Ohio when
smoking when
stopped when
the time
I was eight
tell him
I was framed
didn't know
I knew
is that
really thought
was convinced
I was gay
always thought
say that
I was great
even realize
That's why
I was late
is how
just how
know how
I was raised
was beaten,
I was raped
and guilty,
and therefore
know that
make sure
I was safe
that moment
I was saved
me because
I was vain
been buying
ice all day
icebox cake
icebox cakes
I'm Charles Vane
I'm scared,
I'm not brave
generation so
movie, and
sorry, uh,
I'm not gay
I guess that
I've always
It's all
I've got, Shane
he notices
I've lost weight
Choose to be
conclusion, just be
kind always
Now, what
kinds are they
sit around
life all day
come to
life on stage
the character to
life onstage
and my
first requisite is
life, always
coherent in his
life, onstage
lenses for blue
light blockade
after she leaves,
by examples just
end up hospitalized,
Halfway, just
help ya Cody,
It's pulling itself
moppets were perfect
their rulers, just
like always
wanted to be
like Andre
They're selling
like hot cakes
babies are selling
Everybody is raping
is gonna sell
issue is selling
They're selling
up kraut scientists
like hotcakes
carries around
like John Wayne
looks a lot
like Margate
will look
like on stage
some sounded
like tall tales
Which is,
like, always
do I look
like, Scarface
Nothing left but
lines on-page
I would not
Live Alway
all the
live long day
All the
live-long day
through my
mind all day
had an eager
have peace of
mind always
I want for
my entree
Oh, how
my heart ached
see you,
my heart breaks
just made
my heart race
up out of
my heartache
state for freezing
my latte
lose with
my lost faith
sleeping with
my prom date
accurate pictures of
my prostate
nice long break
direction of the
pylon chain
get on the
right parkway
who was always
right, always
stay by his
side always
originality by these
signs always
Skylar Grey
crises in the
flowing into the
or across the
Taiwan Strait
sides across the
Taiwan Straits
conspiracy His
time doth take
to waste
time on games
at all
times on base
tried, all failed
White Hart Lane
to a
White Sox game
why not stay
speed of
wind on sail
to their
wives all day
I will
write always

with 1 extra syllable

of here
alive, are they
if we're
alive, Are they
Bullseye was great
marriage itself a
lifestyle enclave
I am
outside God's grace
replied Dante
parties and
sometimes on trains

with 2 extra syllables

will make
parasite gods blaze
order to
sanctify God's name
are not
satisfied, cause pain

with 4 extra syllables

nicotinamide adenine
dinucleotide phosphate