exact syllable matches
bite the big one
bite the biscuit
bites the biscuit
gentle daughter, the
blind Alicia
of lack of
blind commitment
indeed, and learned
blindness enough
Brian Mistler
Brian Wilson
the weather was
brightening up
a bigger car,
brighter children
talents of our
brightest children
Tom DeSanto and
Bryan Singer
We're trapped
by a killer
also settled
by a river
conveyed but
ever hurt
by a symbol
we understand
by a system
by a vision
by a whisker
were probably tended
by assistants
policy, though not
who are Anglicans
by conviction
is blanched,
by earthing up
just got captured
by gorillas
whole world enveloped
by nothingness
by one big firm
logarithms contracted
by one figure
in utter detestation
by physicians
made little worse
by punishment
got attacked
by some pigeons
India conquered
by the Briton
sliced off
by the Chicken
man beloved
by the children
and reverenced
of heaven
by the Christians
was captured
by the Indus
they starve
by the millions
and wetter
changing us
getting smarter
worse off
by the minute
bisque makeup
by the mirror
simply embarrassed
by the result
was created
by the spirit
be illuminated
by the Spirit
is written
by the victor
is written
by the winners
have been preserved
by tradition
of the invitation
by Virginia
of the
Child of Christmas
you had a
client dinner
fluctuations in the
climate system
But of what
crime convicted
on with our
crime unhindered
cry a river
champeen of the
cycling world
diamond is dust
child's heart
died a little
in many and
diverse interests
I'd rather
drive a pickup
is that
fight coming up
you can
fight the system
cheers the
fight, but Mr
circle around the
final figure
final illness
that was her
final mission
a less favourable
to the desired
final result
mentioned in the
final scripture
final sigma
final sigmas
final whistle
final whistles
the supreme and
final wisdom
find us, kill us
That's a
fine tradition
fire chicken
matter a little
fire kindleth
fire mission
fire missions
fire pistol
fire pistols
fire system
not on
fire, it's fucked
putting out the
fire, Mr
giant chicken
giant hyssop
giant hyssops
was Jack the
Giant Killer
fighters is a
giant lizard
guided missile
guided missiles
on a
guy a little
guy's a winner
That's just one
guy's opinion
That's not that
guy's position
turn around and
high addiction
High Churchism
High Commission
High Commissions
of wealth, and
high position
can provide the
dare, is the
it is the
product of the
highest wisdom
hire system
Hendricks hadn't
hired Mr
hybrid vigor
hybrid vigour
I a villain
I forgive her
I gutted her
I love his puns
I love this stuff
I love this world
I loved him once
I loved this world
do that,
I must become
king Charles
of Elizabeth
Russia, Elizabeth
I of England
I were with her
how much
I worshiped her
- the
Ice Truck Killer
I'll just listen
I'm a,
I'm a chicken
I'm a Christian
a father,
Not because
I'm a killer
I'm a kiss slut
I'm a Mick, sir
of dogs,
I'm a pitbull
I'm done with her
I'm the traitor,
I'm forgiven
I'm from prison
I'm fucking done
I'm the Riddler
I'm the villain
losers and
I'm the winner
inherit my dad's scrap-
on this tire
iron business
wash and
iron his shirts
iron liquor
Introduced by Sir
Isaac Pitman
Isaac Singer
Island pigeon
Island pigeons
out at Robben
Island prison
island rhythms
Uh, Gilligan's
Island, Mr
I've done enough
Everything that
I've just witnessed
all that
do that
on some
kind of business
and a
kind of cripple
isn't that
kind of hitter
kind of lizard
That's another
kind of prison
deliver that
kind of result
some other
kind of return
a special
Like some
kind of rhythm
kind of sickness
kind of signal
become some
kind of symbol
It does
kind of tingle
had some
kind of vision
a certain
kind of wisdom
kinds of weird stuff
loves all
kinds of women
Kiron Skinner
kleiner Finger
Knight won his Spurs
You are a
liar, Mr
licenced victualler
licensed victualler
life of his son
and the
life of Mr
The Double
Life Of Mr
life of this world
Light the signal
lighten things up
lightening up
their empire
like a business
stalking her
like a chicken
play one
play someone
like a fiddle
done up
like a kipper
Is that
like a lizard
screen acts
like a mirror
kind of
like a pin-up
flowed past
like a river
the hustle
like a sister
is volatile,
like a spirit
them off
like a sticker
like a whipped pup
he was
like a wizard
steel construction and pot-
the tongue a map-
these flies a moth-
like appearance
slut just
like her sister
sane individuals, much
like Patricia
Must've hurt
like the dickens
do not
I didn't
like the result
pass on
like the river
must not
like the sitter
their part,
like the winter
away just
like us princes
only have,
like, a minute
background was,
like, a whisper
like, turn it up
a certain
line of Mr
a long
line of quitters
line of striction
line up his ducks
lines of striction
involving the
lines, the rhythm
lion lizard
lion lizards
raincoat and
live a little
Ross Lynch and
Maia Mitchell
Michael Bishop
Michael crichton
Michael Lydon
Michael Richards
Robert Bolt and
Michael Wilson
Michael Winner
Michael Witzel
this situation
might appear, but
out an entire
migrant village
at a
rattle a
r-r-racing a
talk a
talking a
mile a minute
operas, and
mimes were written
with the
mind of Mr
enmity and single-
minded witch hunt
hearts and
minds of millions
mine were his words
a lovable but
minor figure
Coal Burn, a
minor river
mitral regurg
my assistant
than one of
my assistants
city because of
just because of
my condition
the limits of
Those are
my conditions
All under
my dominion
never sets on
my dominions
I'm after
my first chicken
and then become
my nourishment
and it's not
At least that's
At least, that's
But that's
But, that's just
Cornette, and that's
however, is not
if you want
like to present
this is not
You asked
my opinion
my mind and
my opinions
my permission
ad absurdum of
believe that that's
I lost
my position
ahead and cancel
my prescription
please just have
my punishment
continues, I withdraw
my subscription
I had
my thoughts and
my suspicions
My blood,
This art was
my tradition
my words, Mr
My work is done
My work, it's done
It's a
nice tradition
bank of the
Niger river
on the
night of Mr
on a
pile of Christmas
pilot fishes
Pinus nigra
pious fiction
pious fictions
bills, burst
pipes, bus tickets
price of his blood
pride of pickford
Sort of a
primal intern
primers ministres
exists in large
private business
Private business
education and a
private income
planning, and disregard
private interests
Quite a picture
Quite the reverse
the providing of
right conditions
him the
right of return
and find the
it was the
right position
give us the
rightful result
And I'm the
rightful winner
and the
rights of children
My arch
rival in love
Adaptation of
among writers of
an author of
Australian writer of
context for African
cyberspace genre of
expensive kind of
have always written
modern fantasy and
romantic novel, not
ship-centric style of
something out of
still bordered on
streets, it's all
the literature of
Wells and
science fiction
Science fiction
of Fantasy and
Science Fiction
and also author
science fictions
in the Christian
Science Hymnal
It's not rocket-
science, this stuff
of the realm of
scientist first
scientist stuff
They were
scientists once
side of this one
us from a one-
sided mirror
where the
sides curve inwards
of sounds and
silences from
need words, but
silencing does
power, and the
silent wisdom
Silent Witness
Simon system
air, the
sky, the rivers
And the
sky's the limit
Sky's the limit
Sky's the Limit
spider skimmer
spider skimmers
spike addition
spike additions
Spike punches her
spiral ginger
spiral gingers
sheer breadth of
Steiner's vision
my lord, and
thy conditions
or paraphrase upon
thy Opinion
tidal river
tidal rivers
tightening up
some vacation
time coming up
how much
time does Mr
in the
time of Hitler
tire kicker
tire kickers
put animals on
trial, Mr
You ever
try shutting up
a burst
twice a minute
Tyburn ticket
Tyburn tickets
Tyburn tippet
type of glitten
have that
type of richness
of a
type of system
most diverse
types of system
tyre kicker
buyers from the
tyre kickers
VI of England
vinyl insert
vinyl inserts
will defend our
vital interests
vitamine A
white magician
white magicians
Why does it hurt
Why does it work
why the dickens
purpose and
wide of vision
Wife of William
my fat
wife's cunt, nigga
in his present
wild condition
by the
wiles of women
wire bridges
through a bank's
wire system
man and a
wise physician
of things aren't
wise, Melissa
will, that able
writer Mr
with 1 extra syllable
starting off from
acquired results
is Special Presidential
Adviser, Mr
align the crystals
alliance system
Allied Publishers
an objective
ally of Hitler
State Library and
Archives Commission
time anyone
aside from Mr
Compliance with what
confines of this world
you did not
conspire because
derives from this word
Goliath, listen
treasure-seeker, or a
gunfighter, Mr
Hawaiian Pidgin
in the linked
online edition
government posts are
parttime positions
shape-shifter, and
sometimes a trickster
beer, and
sometimes something worse
air, presents a
starlike appearance
stockpile of queer smut
an endless
supply of minutes
supply run with us
will not
survive the winter
country full of
unrivalled riches
not altogether an
unwise provision
does a
vagina wiggle
things with
vaginas in 'em
with 2 extra syllables
disconcerted by their
aquiline appearance
doing is
classified but Dixon
ability to
power could
power to
energize the Crystal
I say infamous
genocidal figures
my part,
improvise a little
because it
justifies the sinner
than the
merchandise of silver
which materially
modify the result
is unconscious, but
otherwise uninjured
both clown and
pantomime traditions
One Heavenly
Paradise coming up
parasites of this world
Recognize a nigger
stabilizer theorem
inner truths that
underlie appearance
with 3 extra syllables
perfection which
characterizes his work
testimony of this
homogenized tradition
who can
identify the killer
you to
identify the picture
conscious of our
uncivilized appearance