exact syllable matches

et la
bouche qui ment
brown creeper
brown creepers
against black and
people and angry
saw lots of
brown people
cloud genus
clown beetle
clown beetles
will get that
cow creamer
cow creamers
crowd pleaser
crowd pleasers
That's a
Crowley, clerk
crown ether
crown ethers
crowned eagle
each spiral goes
just drags us
Something was digging
down deeper
danger of breaking
let these girls
down either
basically, we chase
down evil
down here, huh
Let's hold it
down, people
put me
down, please, huh
downy birch
Will that
drown people
Dyaus Pita
will never be
found either
found speakers
ground beetles
This is hallowed
ground, people
house keeper
house keepers
tells us
how he loved
how he runs
this is
how he works
you care
how she does
be careful
how we judge
how we learn
is just
how we run
and see
how we work
say it out
loud either
spokesmen have all the
love of a
lousy buck
to me you
to me, you
lousy bum
apart inside your
lousy gut
Mao Tse Tung
Mao Tse-tung
near Hana on
Maui From
mouse lemur
larger than other
mouse lemurs
Listen up,
mouth breather
mouth breathers
the heart the
mouth speaketh
Council will
now be heard
anyone else does
now either
us can
now feed us
now she what
now she's hurt
her and
now she's stuck
going on right
now, either
now, Steven
but he's turned
more than the out-and-
out evil
out feelers
they're carried
out feet first
than carrying
out field work
I handed
I was handing
out leaflets
right out, wiping
out people
Come out, come
out Peter
the vision Blotting
out reason
Crocs and an inside-
out T-shirt
just figured something
out, Beavis
Let's move
out, Eagle
I figured it
out, people
of thousands of
pounds needed
to make yourself
proud either
are a very
independent, educated and
proud people
The world is
round, people
snout beetle
snout beetles
Cockney doesn't
sound evil
of the unwonted
sound sequence
clear, your voice
sounds deeper
sounds real fun
North Brewham and
South Brewham
South Region

with 1 extra syllable

Bush doesn't care
about beavers
Jesus jokes
about Caesar
What's so good
about Cleveland
and more worried
about Deaton
and children's programs
and female are
about equal
and don't learn
I first learned
I know something
special, even alien,
to be knowledgeable
about evil
excellent book
about free verse
empty philosophical debates
never actually been
Our revolution's
the outdoors, it's
what, today is
about freedom
about Freeman
been reading all
about Greenbeard
true believers are
about heathens
Everybody just forgot
Is this video
not just talking
the oppressed, what
Wanna talk
about Jesus
the big fuss
about Lisa
know this
about me, but
to worry
about me, sir
You knew
about Neera
I thinking
about Neil Young
a good feeling
a Roosevelt know
and find out
Cats know
Command is
Development is
do we care
enjoy finding out
Fiction is
He cares
he doesn't care
He really cared
Here, we care
I don't care
I know
nice to care
say the same
saying bad things
to really care
today by caring
used to care
want to think
what they say
what you say
about people
to be
about real nerds
in this room
about reason
Oh-oh, I forgot
about Seaman
about teamwork
a shit
about these girls
be clear
about these terms
siege for
about three months
for you-
about three tons
military officers, how
about treason
you really know
about Venus
and his attitude
about weakness
Sensei Ping says
about weasels
anything to me
about Weevil
I was talking
about wieners
are you talking
what you're talking
about, Beavis
was that all
about, Peter
Why does God
allow evil
fun to be
your lunch lying
around either
Great planning
around here, huh
miss you
around here, sir
Dixie ain't
around neither
have to go
around people
With it, I'll
arouse Grima
heavy novels and
background research
compound meter
compound meters
contradicted myself to
dumbfound people
man remains an
earthbound creature
alone like a
lighthouse keeper
lighthouse keepers
on a
playground here, huh
we're not very
profound people
away as something
somehow evil
on Markham and
Stackhouse either
order and anarchy
without either
A love
without equal
be no good
without evil
a Christmas
without free stuff
Justice is meaningless
without Freedom
of full cooperation,
without leaders
have a country
without people
we be today
without PETA
I do this
without Peter
And not
and prolonged it
as having killed
do not kill
existence is not
gods dispense suffering
had only passions
it is not
like a wildfire
like authority exercised
question, without reservation,
to do good
which maintains itself
without reason
wounds rotting over
without treatment

with 2 extra syllables

boardinghouse reaches
Morgenthau, Sr