exact syllable matches

au coin
au noir
au point
du matin
au soir
boat boy
boat boys
bone oil
the body where
bones join
was positive on
both points
coal oil
coal oils
by script by
under the same
code point
code points
comb joint
comb joints
thimble full of
corn oil
corn oils
Crow Point
dough boy
for boy
fears for myself,
for Boy
Everybody's out looking
for Boyd
He works
for Boyle
common Bengali names
given to passions
for boys
The Woodcraft Manual
for Boys
, current
for coin
and then begs
stage again, looking
for coins
for joint
a single skip
and Margaret jump
for not leaping
have to jump
I am looking
make you jump
my womb leaped
of God shouted
speechless will shout
them and wept
for joy
blood to shed
They're looking
to trade blood
went in there
We're prospecting
for oil
dozens of sketches
for oils
a hectic chase
to be playing
for points
false ambition, some
for spoil
from the verb
form doit
each other at
in more than
four points
Danny IS the
ghost boy
Way it
goes, boys
than just a
gold coin
was represented by
gold coins
gold point
known as the
gold points
his own eyes
grow moist
up in hell,
home boy
horse boy
horse boys
with him but
Joe Toye
must be a
joke choi
kind of a
That was a
low point
points and his
low points
calmly, in a
low voice
you'll certainly get
more boils
canst thou bear
to worship and
more joy
real close-- one
more point
toil had been
more toil
that makes the
vessels make the
most noise
one with the
thus scores the
most points
- I had
- you had
again, we have
and I had
and she had
and there is
and you have
Because I have
because they had
because we have
Because you had
because you have
business, I had
but I had
but I have
But there is
But we have
But, I had
fact we have
guess I have
guess we have
have given us
He had
I had
I have
I really had
I simply have
I will have
if we have
I-I have
it, you have
I've got
knew she had
know we have
left me with
limit, I have
love, we have
matter gave her
me, I had
mean, I had
mine and had
Nixon and had
of linches had
Potter has
set you have
She had
So I have
that I got
that I have
that they had
the custom, makes
the kid had
Then I have
there is
There was
They'd have
to listen had
unless you've got
was left with
We had
We have
were left with
We've got
when you got
when you have
why you have
You have
you may have
You-You had
no choice
I experience
in them, and
no love and
that there is
no joy
of something making
There was
no noise
blubber, but contains
East that has
where there is
where there was
no oil
And Elena has
come from the
I mean, there's
realize there is
said there was
see no purpose,
that shielding, there's
the play has
There's just
no point
They are
no toys
am to have
and animals have
but I had
in the matter,
that have
the press has
those who have
wich she has
no voice
I'm grape
nose boy
o poi
common phrase is
for one second,
really get together,
oh boy
joy, oh pain,
Oh Pain,
oh joy
she usually gets-
oh, boy
playful rich -
Oh, boy
a 16-year
An eight-year-
An eleven-year-
are a hurt 13-year-
body with an 8-year-
finger off an eight-year-
front of my nine-year-
heart of a ten-year-
I'm a 9-year-
I'm sorry,
is one rough
kill a 10-year
last, in a seventeen-year-
man but an
man is a twelve-year-
murdered an 11-year
of your arm's
sex with an eleven-year-
Stadium with a nine-year-
the chemistry set,
the twelve year
to be nasty,
to me, an eleven-year-
turned into a sixteen-year-
you to thank,
old boy
demographic, ruled by 13-year-
more mature than twelve-year-
up 10 year
old boys
load of trashy
old noise
experienced neither poverty
or boils
Perhaps from marketer
or droid
from a limb
or joint
greeted with terror
loyalty, or trust,
produces amusement, delight,
or joy
or noir
discovery of petroleum,
such as wine
or oil
blood or birth
or soil
greeted by sign
or voice
and made my
and of his
It was my
Ivan made his
life, made his
not by our
policy of our
She made her
that of their
they made their
to accept their
to make her
to make my
own choice
make in its
own coin
one in ones
own Coin
fight on our
nuclear, on our
own soil
and of their
own toil
Everything has its
happy with my
just heard my
record of his
sound of his
sound of my
to find her
to find my
without hearing his
own voice
vanishes into its
own void
pork loin
pork loins
and Silent Bob are
Barry Goldwater was
who are still ardently
loan on my
Rolls Royce
ago you had the
and assault my personal
compartment of the Ballon
we were in a
Rose Croix
rose oil
rose oils
basketball games and
score points
short loin
short loins
wanna see a
show boy
smoke point
smoke points
lighter to his gas-
soaked toys
sore point
sore points
stone oil
Stowe Boyd
a traumatized lot,
And all
reach all of
you mixing with
those boys
the thunder of
those loins
kiss her on
those moist
toast point
toast points
like the Special Olympics
be, To taste
whole joys
ask, that's the
does, that's the
it is the
It was the
kind of the
lesbians, that's the
sister, that's the
that is the
that kinda the
That was the
That's like the
That's the
They missed the
this, that's the
were missing the
which is the
whole point
all and save
crazed rampages on
I am not
I didn't off
spend time with
the suffering of
They got
your boy
For you and
Oh gotta save
your boys
Always and forever
and you takes
before you, make
But you made
can leave, it's
go, that is
have to make
if you had
It is
It was
it was always
It's NOT
Now you make
Now you take
Now you've made
Ok you've made
or die, make
or not is
select opponents of
ship, it was
So this is
That is
That it was
the college of
the country of
the dee-jay of
the men of
them, it wasn't
time to make
vital organ of
will, because that's
with me, it's
Yeah, pick one,
You can take
you got around,
You had
You must make
you're comfortable with
You've made
your choice
other side of
your coin
aiming precisely at
get it near
your groin
it puts on
your joints
the time of
your joy
gird up
goes off in
your loins
think with all
your noise
But I get
But what's
I mean, what's
I take
So what's
think you made
What is
You have made
You made
You've made
You've proven
your point
one is healing
your soil
and play with
go finish alphabetizing
to break all
will burn all
you pick up
your toys
hands and raise
I can hear
I found in
I heard
I miss hearing
let them take
me from hearing
much bass in
of sarcasm in
That explains
that tone in
the shiver in
the sound of
the top of
They are
thought I heard
thought I recognized
time I heard
to talking in
was to raise
What's with
without first softening
You promised me
your voice
something's wrong with
YOUR voice

with 1 extra syllable

a long time
ago, Joyce
approach point
barrow boy
barrow boys
control joint
control joints
control point
control points
Space Ghost and
Dino Boy
out of that
fallow soil
Helmholtz coil
Helmholtz coils
hollow point
hollow points
and a big
hollow voice
indoor voice
indoors voice
to self-express with super-
jumbo noise
of the original
Murrow Boys
outdoor voice
outdoors voice
primrose oil
who was their
shabbos goy
shabbos goys
tableau noir
tableaux noirs
are more marketed
toward boys
then turns back
toward Lloyd
Ask for the
unknown joy
Yellow Boy
yellow boys
zero point
zero points

with 2 extra syllables

Aleppo boil
Aleppo boils
audio coil
audio coils
Chicago Boy
Chicago Boys
Eleanor's voice
mosquito coil
mosquito coils
piano droit
pianos droits
pisiform joint
to meet the
Scottsboro Boys
a little, hitherto
uninformed boy