exact syllable matches
to the flame-
and burned
It consists of
8 chapters
the information
aimed at us
didn't know he
ate carrots
the guy who
ate planets
shortness of breath,
brain cancer
I might have
Is this
think I suffered
told you have
brain damage
practically taste the
brain matter
and a
brain that works
very loyal, very
brave faggot
a lunch
break and stuff
poor bankrupt,
break at once
Gimme a
break, Aqua
before or what
the moment which
to everything that
came after
one that
came at us
diagnose this
case at once
change channels
season of
change had come
the right to
change masters
Everything has
changed, Alex
Chase Allen
nothing but
clay and dirt
shoot several
Danes at once
of you guys
date Sharon
dates and stuff
Dave Allen
hangover comes the
tomorrow or the
tomorrow, then the
day after
a long
discussing his
start their
the best
day at work
it might one
day happen
happy this
Zulu, your
day has come
Hardly a
just arrived with three-
day passes
bathroom on my
things in your
day planner
will come a
day, Vachon
couple of
days at work
The final
days have come
more than a
day's ration
in the
revive the
wholly, the
days that were
at me for
days, Brandon
hurt Dark- uh,
Drake Mallard
studies till the
eighth standard
in the
face and run
Maybe your
face blackened
of pure
time and
faith and love
great forces,
Faith and Love
brought up christian
faith rather
together with supposedly
fake handcuffs
of the Black
Flame Candle
a little
frayed and scuffed
of capital
gains tax cuts
Cameron and
Gale Anne Hurd
you play the
game backwards
Only the
you that this
game matters
anymore, I
gave that up
They are using
gay gangsters
power of all
great action
great thoughts and
Strong convictions precede
great actions
to be a
great actor
She's a
talented and a
great actress
it was
great at first
script had a
great balance
songs and really
great ballads
posts in the
their long expected
great battle
She became the
Great Callas
think you're a
great captain
another period of
great challenge
think has done
great damage
gifted actress, a
never be a
you'd make a
great dancer
some mysterious reason,
great dancers
Rejoice with
great gladness
their grandsons, their
great grandsons
great happens
whims of the
Great Magnet
great master, a
He is a
traced by the
great master
harmonies of the
great masters
Forward is the
great password
it was a
great tackle
a talent, a
He was a
great talent
King must continue
great taxes
She's a
great tracker
don't like that story,
Central for an
H Wagon
in The
Hague as judge
passion, for
hate and love
and people who
hate Apple
loved to
hate at first
that guy actually
hate ramen
have more
hate than love
hate that girl
Jesus, I
hate that stuff
HATE that word
Hey, Sharon
hey, that's love
way into that
jail wagon
James Agate
James Allen
what exactly
James had done
Jane Addams
companion and collaborator
I live with
Jane Wagner
Jay Chapman
eat a can of
in the packages of
haven't been
laid that much
I spoke with
of confirmation of
Laine Hanson
you're a little
late, handsome
races be
made as one
but he also
made madness
you just
made that up
Charge the
main cannon
the choices we
make matter
women will
make that one
Did you
you just
make that up
we can
make that work
do not
mate have none
room service,
mate, and girls
communicating as
mates and stuff
and one things
At night, it
ruptured, that miracles
stupidly for what
that something dangerous
to discussing what
may happen
that I
what he
may have done
may have quirks
nailed that one
to his
name and blood
know their
name and stuff
the same
name as one
an old betty
named Langford
a weird guy
named Radford
than the man
was a man
named Stanton
name's Alex
name's Axel
name's Chandra
name's Ratchet
over the
page at once
hammers, nails, uh,
paints, plaster
earth grows
pale and dumb
and they shouldn't
doesn't like to
I refused to
Only people can
the little people
We don't
pay taxes
if you
pay that much
the population, which
pays taxes
strength to
phase back up
they named the
phrase after
to her
place and fuck
are rather
plain and dull
is given in
plain language
It is just
plain madness
we're worthless,
plain, and dull
charge the
plates at once
get to
play as one
I can
play bad girls
sorta need to
play catch-up
trying to
play that stuff
play that up
They are not
that they are but
game's been
played and won
sure would have
played Clapton
elevate the
race at once
and McQueen
race past us
rage and love
rain, and sun
themselves do not
raise action
regardless where
raised can learn
prescribed smiles and
raised glasses
slid slowly into third-
rate status
to dull a first-
rate talent
Ray Allen
Draco, X-
Ray glasses
States by Del
Rey Manga
praying for a
safe passage
the latest All
Saints album
For fuck's
sake, Malcolm
You're paying
sales taxes
it from the
same angle
always give the
answered with the
it's all the
will get the
same answer
it the
same as love
are the
same as one
exactly the
You're the
same as us
gotta eat,
same as worms
squeeze inside the
same bathtub
gone through the
same battles
be weaving that
same blanket
ourselves in the
same cabin
To share the
same campus
non-psychics with the
same challenge
arisen in the
seizures in the
same fashion
I have the
same jacket
and speaks the
another in the
communicate in the
could speak the
they lack the
they speak the
same language
spoke the
same last words
also in the
exchange in the
in exactly the
in the exact
not in the
same manner
can feel the
Hani shared the
same passion
connected within the
names on the
that follows the
same pattern
even from the
here on the
occurred on the
same planet
else can
here can
hesitate to
say as much
I didn't
say cancer
planned to
say last month
I wouldn't
say that first
maybe not
say that stuff
do you
don't you
you can't
say that word
that is to
say, action
what do we
say, Alex
women, they
say, have sons
One couldn't
skate backwards
For those
slain at once
of some would-be
slave master
They don't
slay dragons
will enter a
space capsule
Open a sub-
space channel
came out of
early potential for
is vital to
jet-engine or even
never wrong about
next phase of
psychological effects of
transportation, that of
space travel
due to my
sprained ankle
along without comprehensive
state action
The United
States has none
like to
stay at the
and do not
stay planted
that what happens,
stays happened
jaw was
straight and firm
gave anyone a
give me a
I expect a
I want a
We've earned a
straight answer
Straight answer
American people some
lives every day
straight answers
You were running
straight backwards
back something very
But then something
Then something
strange happened
start speaking some
strange language
there would be
strange laughter
holiday on a
strange planet
all committed to
and business leaders
Every nation can
I have to
in turn, will
itself unless we
know how to
that the President
the ability to
the need to
this country should
us forward to
was I gonna
take action
bend rules --
not pay to
take chances
you can
You can't
take that one
He always
takes chances
Jews, why
they act thus
one will
they add up
Who are
they after
they answer
How are
they balanced
of purpose
soft, but
they can serve
and people
they can trust
they can't love
won't work,
they can't work
about time
they catch up
big when
they catch us
humiliated when
they crack up
or why
they had come
else said
world what
they had done
addicts but
they had fun
Realize that
they had guns
quickly after
they had Trump
the phone
they hang up
are not produced,
certain events before
necessary or not,
recognizing things before
savor them when
see things as
they happen when
they happen
setting in which
they happened
is if
they have butts
after all
all that
announcing what
do, what
earth would
for what
it is
surpassing all
they have done
with aught
they have earned
have fun,
they have fun
they have guns
hate those
they have hurt
brains because
they have none
complexes or
they have us
defend what
the freedom
they have won
never mend,The characters
they mangle
matter how quickly
they scampered
also beautiful when
they scatter
succeed in anything
they tackle
to talk before
they tangled
Nor were
they that drunk
in politics, don't
they, Francis
down the
trail and turns
get away with
vague answers
only in a
veiled manner
all bloody
veins and pus
give him a
wage packet
was the handsome minimum-
wage slacker
wait, that's uh
You destabilized the
wave pattern
far do Tidal
Waves travel
makes his
way back, hmm
out of the
way faster
It was a one-
way passage
way past the
it got
way past words
by the
way, that hurts
My name is
Wayne Campbell
actual cave beneath
Wayne Manor
in more
ways than one
deeds are
weighed and judged
in four different
weight classes
with 1 extra syllable
of whom are
always absent
later, they
always catch up
present Fashion is
always handsome
These things will
They must
This doesn't
Why does this
always happen
I find something
The unexpected
The unfamiliar
This is what
this, something bad
always happens
always have done
hurt, you
is to
always have fun
mannequin, you'll
always have work
go to war
we want doesn't
always matter
always mattered
While performance almost
always matters
always passes
can be
could be
arranged at once
is eating
away at her
appearance in political throw-
away pamphlets
away, Jasper
away, Masta
but I have
backstage passes
horse or a
I'm a
style of a
ballet dancer
certain time, people
became callous
became scrappers
little thing, a
out like a
birthday candle
the pussy-juice
cocktail, and the
I want to
create anger
gravitational field, to
create matter
every few
decades, and love
cutting away their
decayed branches
murdering civilians by
delayed action
preferred weapon of
deranged madmen
hand painted
details and um
government should not
dictate actions
dictates action
and prepare my
escape capsule
utterance that he
escaped madness
him there's an
escaped rabbit
It's all
essay and stuff
like a gold
exchange standard
little to
explain that world
Explain that, Chuck
female dragon
desire from the
female masses
Musselshell with a
female panther
often more
humane than us
years of your
inane prattle
A tsunami of
insane Daleks
breaks out in
insane laughter
Jermaine, Jackson
and wow,
okay, yeah, but
about it using
profane language
tryin' to buy
reggae albums
pass unnoticed and
remain barren
this earth to
remain stagnant
Mohawk or special
shoelace patterns
it pertains to
subspace travel
the winner of
today's challenge
attitude acceptable to
wasn't, especially by
today's standards
in a more
wholesale manner
with 2 extra syllables
John Adams and
Abigail Adams
parents Jack and
Abigail Salmon
to happen to
cabaret dancers
wolf, or the
CIA jackal
implanted with a
dna sample
kind of humdrum,
everyday badness
in the
microwave, and uh
first, in altogether
separate masses
sequence of its
separate strata
with 3 extra syllables
to particular or
subordinate matters