exact syllable matches

needs to
be wound back
freaked out man
I just
freaked out, man
greenhouse plants
here now, yeah
would hunt
me down and
Please let
me down, ma'am
You let
me down, man
Lance shutting
me out, and
is tripping
me out, man
me, how sad
can kill
me, how's that
means round, fat
kind of dull,
meets cowhand
need ground staff
I can
see now that
keep your
speed down, yeah
This ain't the
treehouse, man
the fifty-seven
we now have
We'll count that

with 1 extra syllable

It's my
copies of the
Annie soundtrack
heard on the
CD soundtrack
this is just smoke-filled-
coffeehouse crap
is so
heavy now, Sam
Mickey Mouse cap
Mickey Mouse caps
Mickey Mouse hat
Mickey Mouse hats
Mickey Mouse plant
Mickey Mouse plants
from The Punisher
movie soundtrack
for a
Sonny Chow fan
sorry 'bout that
I'm working
steady now, and
definitely have
very loud fans
am a
very proud man

with 2 extra syllables

17 now and
now, I
sincerely doubt that