exact syllable matches
Abel sum
Abel sums
ace of clubs
Some are
aged, some young
aid worker
aid workers
angel dust
move anything on
Angel Dust
angel dusts
angel lust
April 1
Asian dust
Asian flush
bagel girl
bagel girls
BASE jumper
BASE jumpers
base runner
base runners
methods of mass
based struggle
Bates number
Bates numbered
Bates numbers
blade jumper
blade jumpers
Blade Runner
blade server
blade servers
brain buckets
brain surgeon
brain surgeons
brain worker
brain workers
Brain, the Third
break cover
break the buck
break the duck
breaks the buck
cake number
cake numbers
cake server
cake servers
cake urchin
cake urchins
came unstuck
cane cutter
cane cutters
caper spurge
to soften and
change colour
art can
can not
girls can
individual can
Love can't
that can
change the world
Change the world
suburb that
changed the world
claim jumper
claim jumpers
cradle crust
cradle crusts
crape myrtle
crape myrtles
crepe rubber
crepe rubbers
data bus
data glove
data gloves
date mussel
date mussels
date of birth
dates of birth
dates of births
I've got International
Day covered
day of term
day sucker
day suckers
day worker
flood and
drain the world
he was
drained of blood
eight hundred
again, all
eight of us
face fungus
at that
face of hers
faces up
facial nerve
facial nerves
fail upwards
faith supper
faith suppers
fake the funk
flame structure
flame structures
frame buffer
frame buffers
frame drummer
frame drummers
frameless From
Fraser fir
Fraser firs
some fat and
gained muscle
gave a fuck
gave the dirts
grade grubber
grade grubbers
grape kernel
grape smuggler
grape smugglers
gray squirrel
gray squirrels
great bustard
great bustards
great circle
great circles
great hundred
great hundreds
Greek men are
great lovers
Great Russia
Great Russian
great skuas
little worth and
great trouble
great uncle
great uncles
grey mullet
grey plover
grey plovers
grey squirrel
hale boven
They all
hate cultures
Century, by Paul
Hayes Tucker
hazel nut
hazel nuts
James Burnham
James Hutton
James Irwin
James Thurber
Janus word
Janus words
Jay London
jay thrushes
Kate Upton
knave of clubs
knaves of clubs
lace curtain
lace curtains
laced mutton
laced muttons
laces up
lagered up
lake sturgeon
Lane Kirkland
laser gun
laser guns
We can talk
later, um
lay brother
lay brothers
lay person
lay persons
lay rubber
Laysan duck
Laysan ducks
that God
made a girl
I got
made fun of
am not
made of dirt
made the cut
force are
insides are
made up of
torn asunder and
made worthless
maiden plum
maiden plums
maiden run
maiden runs
get robbed, shot,
maimed, murdered
maize syrup
maize syrups
a hysterectomy on
Major Burns
major term
major terms
major third
major thirds
us and
make a fuss
make fun of
We do not
make judgement
make muffins
make the cut
does not
make the monk
makes fun of
makes the cut
mason worm
mason worms
nail cutter
nail cutters
nail fungus
Naked Lunch
name server
name servers
From trademarked brand
name Thermos
Natal plum
Natal plums
gun turrets and
naval guns
Neighbor love
pages up
paint buckets
painted bug
painted bugs
pale thrushes
paper birch
paper cup
paper cups
paper cut
paper cuts
paper punch
from under that
patient's lung
phase function
phase functions
phrasal verb
phrasal verbs
at that
place, a bunk
here of all
places, what
It was
plain murder
plate girder
plate girders
play of words
play structure
play structures
Quaker gun
Quaker guns
Rachel Cusk
rain buckets
rain gutter
rain gutters
rained buckets
rains buckets
raises up
That was
rape culture
Ray Comfort
Ray Hudson
they brought back
Raymond Burr
razor bump
razor bumps
razor burn
razor burns
sacred fir
sacred firs
cops, not
safe from her
like, say, Carl
Sagan does
sagest durch
sale of work
sales of work
eyestalk and
Innocence can
man can
save the world
have I not
saved others
saved the world
Saved the world
did not
will not
say a word
say uncle
say word one
scalar curl
scalar curls
less common than
sei above
Shake the World
shaken up
Shameless us
shea butter
shea butters
as imposters, and
slay others
snail butter
Space Shuttle
space shuttles
Space Shuttles
stable girl
stable girls
stage busses
stage mother
stage mothers
staple gun
staple guns
straighten up
tail gunner
tail gunners
tail number
tail numbers
take a dump
take a turn
take cover
take one up
Take the Plunge
take the studs
take the stump
take the sun
and 4 are
of wine-colored was
painting technique, was
taken from
taken turns
takes cover
takes the plunge
takes the studs
tame the cunt
Hey, what
They come first
They love blood
, but Can
amount of harm
But, Can
they suffer
will suffer- as
they suffered
tendency and eons
they worship
trade surplus
trailer truck
trailer trucks
fall, the bomb
trails converged
vagus nerve
vagus nerves
wage earner
tenth of all
wage earners
wave function
The Endless are
wave functions
wave number
wave numbers
feats on
waves of words
long, long
way from us
drag and
weigh a ton
rock that
That box
weighs a ton
Buzz off
whale humper
Vere are
ze others
with 1 extra syllable
Arrow was
always a dove
always a word
It will
always adjust
honour, family
always comes first
course, he was
motives are not
always corrupt
covers were
always done first
courage, but not
always judgement
is gone, there's
always justice
But I'll
always love her
guess he
always loved her
the GNU project
always prefers
but there is
always someone
garden, it was
always summer
Always the love
always turn up
bad penny
always turns up
the law is
always unjust
always were the
I guess I'll
always wonder
ever think about
Australia much
Townsville meatworks, Queensland,
Australia, ca
it as an
Australian word
bangtail muster
bangtail musters
blockade runner
blockade runners
champagne buckets
cocktail onion
cocktail onions
cognate of the
concave function
concave functions
Conway Zirkle
Madre Russia
electric shock for
nonfatal ones
octane number
octane numbers
Pancake Circuit
pancake number
pancake numbers
pancake syrup
pancake syrups
parquet circle
parquet circles
thousand head of
Pompeian scum
attacks, strokes, and
prostate trouble
smallscale sucker
smallscale suckers
or off the
taxpayers bus
an anglicization and
Bible as a
dynasty as a
senses are a
used as a
with elision, a
translation of
Translation of