exact syllable matches

I just
ain't Samson
ape hangers
drank water and
ate rations
babe magnet
babe magnets
bail bandit
bail bandits
baked Alaskas
base angle
base angles
base classes
base gases
based language
bay antler
bay antlers
brain cancer
brain cancers
I might have
think I suffered
told you have
you must have
brain damage
in blood and
brain matter
and a
brain that works
a lunch
break and stuff
poor bankrupt,
break at once
break dancer
break dancers
break dances
cage dancer
cage dancers
cage dances
cage matches
to everything that
came after
one that
came at us
Cape jasmine
Cape jasmines
case fraction
case fractions
case grammar
case grammars
shut, and the
chains rattle
season of
change had come
Everything has
changed, Alex
Your luck has
changed, Francis
chase after
Chase Allen
chave Allen
chaves Allen
humankind from
clay and blood
Clay tablet
Clay tablets
shoot several
Danes at once
Dave Allen
a hangover the
hangover comes the
day after
a bad
a long
day at work
two pack a
day habit
it might one
day happen
you, that
day has come
day matches
a rough
day, and, uh
will come a
day, Vachon
days after
passage of
days and months
couple of
days at work
The final
days have come
more than a
day's ration
revive the
days that were
hurt Dark- uh,
Drake Mallard
Drake Passage
face flannel
False evidence must
face sanctions
have all
failed at once
guts and
time and
faith and love
of the Black
Flame Candle
frame grabber
frame grabbers
freight wagon
freight wagons
Cameron and
Gale Anne Hurd
game master
game masters
gate crasher
gate crashers
gauge glasses
gave battle
gay basher
gay bashers
gay cancer
the black
gay slang term
grave dancer
grave dancers
These are
grave matters
gray amber
gray langurs
increased concentration of
gray matter
for you at
Gray Matter
power of all
great action
great thoughts and
great actions
you're not a
great actor
talented and a
great actress
it was
great at first
script had a
great balance
another period of
thing, but a
this time of
great challenge
think has done
great damage
gifted actress, a
great dancer
great grandsons
then, he caused
great laughter
whims of the
Great Magnet
Great Malvern
great master, a
traced by the
great master
harmonies of the
great masters
Pluto was a
great planet
it was a
great tackle
a talent, a
He was a
you have a
great talent
grey alders
grey amber
grey matter
Central for an
H Wagon
hay wagon
hay wagons
Hey, that hurts
way into that
jail wagon
James Adler
James Agate
James Allen
James Cannon
James Clapper
James Dashner
Jane Adams
Jane Addams
Jane Wagner
Jay Chapman
K ration
K rations
eat a can of
in the packages of
Lage Landen
of confirmation of
Laine Hanson
after Clearwater
Lake and the
He's just a
late fanger
Late Latin
late tackle
late tackles
made after
People just
made that up
Charge the
main cannon
geography is our
main challenge
make after
we can
make that work
More at
make, mattock
makes after
Maske machen
do not
mate have none
room service,
mate, and girls
communicating as
mates and stuff
May apple
May apples
ruptured, that miracles
that something dangerous
may happen
name after
down the
name at once
Probably from the
name Crandall
that's the
name that stuck
Al are
All are
All counties are
All places were
All were
American counties are
Both after
Both are
Both counties are
Both places were
county seat are
county seat was
fort, which was
in turn was
It was
River, which was
the counties are
The places are
the South Island,
named after
Named after
whose father was
named Alan
than the man
was a man
named Stanton
names after
name's Axel
name's Chandra
name's Dallas
eine lange
Nase machen
over the
page at once
gold on the
pale handle
The half-
pay captain
pay packet
Only people can
pay taxes
phase angle
phase factor
phase factors
the verb
phrase smash up
the verb
phrase tack up
the verb
phrase wrap up
are rather
plain and dull
by just
plain bad luck
we're worthless,
plain, and dull
on a
plane and come
plane angle
plane angles
plate glasses
charge the
plates at once
I can
play bad girls
play catch-up
They are not
that they are but
sure would have
played Clapton
race glasses
race hazard
race hazards
rage and love
golfing holidays and
rail travel
rain barrel
rain barrels
rain dances
themselves do not
raise action
grow crops, and
raise cattle
prescribed smiles and
raised glasses
to dull a first-
rate talent
rate taxes
Ray Allen
ray grasses
sage thrasher
sage thrashers
Saint Basil
Saint Francis
the latest All
Saints album
goods and
sales taxes
it from the
same angle
it's all the
same answer
will find the
same answers
are the
same as one
squeeze inside the
same bathtub
be weaving that
same blanket
yet ever the
same Ganga
I have the
same jacket
dialects of the
lot of the
one and the
speaker of the
they lack the
same language
deduced after the
in just the
in much the
in the exact
same manner
most of the
same people, the
same passions
names on the
things on the
same pattern
to have the
same patterns
even from the
here on the
occurred on the
same planet
sane by the
same standards
shit fire and
save matches
else can
here can
say as much
maybe not
say that stuff
you can't
say that word
se cacher
se cadra
se passer
se placer
se planter
shale gases
throttle to blast
Slade backward
violence of a
slave master
lands and
slaves and serfs
was from
space and stuff
space blanket
space blankets
will enter a
space capsule
space capsules
Open a sub-
space channel
space factor
space factors
space lattice
came out of
transportation, that of
space travel
Space travel
spacecraft bus
stage wagon
stage wagons
stained glasses
state actor
also interact with non-
state actors
of the
state as such
state pattern
state patterns
builder cum-city and
state planner
state transfer
state transfers
its possible
states at once
and do not
stay planted
stay tackle
stay tackles
that what happens,
stays happened
jaw was
straight and firm
straight angle
straight angles
gave anyone a
I want a
We've earned a
straight answer
Straight answer
American people some
straight answers
strange matter
holiday on a
strange planet
tail dragger
tail draggers
tailed maggot
tailed maggots
Taint that blood
Every nation can
was I gonna
take action
take after
you can
You can't
take that one
Take Thatter
Take Thatters
takes action
takes after
These are not
taped matches
Who are
they after
How are
they balanced
easily as
they can one
of purpose
soft, but
they can serve
they can't love
stating the evidence
they gathered
armpits, as
loudly than
world what
they had done
Realize that
they had guns
they had the
quickly after
they had Trump
How thoroughly can
necessary or not,
see things as
they happen
after all
all that
everything that
surpassing all
they have done
with aught
they have earned
have fun,
they have fun
they have guns
or facts
they have learned
to know that
they matter
What are
they, flannel
trade balance
down the
trail and turns
train captain
train captains
veil dances
Wade Hampton
wage packet
was the handsome minimum-
wage slacker
wave packet
You destabilized the
wave pattern
out of the
way faster
across the
way had one
It was a one-
way passage
it got
way past words
by the
way, that hurts
weigh anchor
weighed anchor
deeds are
weighed and judged
weighs anchor
in four different
weight classes
I am
ze bankrupt

with 1 extra syllable

paquet -
of whom are
always absent
understand only after,
always after
of trusties is
always ample
later, they
always catch up
present Fashion is
always handsome
that does not
These things will
They don't
They must
This doesn't
Why does this
always happen
always happened
feared in secret
I find something
The unexpected
The unfamiliar
This is what
this, something bad
always happens
always have done
hurt, you
is to
always have fun
mannequin, you'll
always have work
go to war
we want doesn't
always matter
always mattered
While performance almost
always matters
always passes
always ramble
always slanders
natural disposition seems
always tranquil
We can't turn
away Santa
away, Masta
but I have
backstage passes
become a professional
cop, not a
horse or a
I'm a
style of a
to become a
ballet dancer
ballet dancers
ballet master
ballet masters
a baby's first
little thing, a
out like a
birthday candle
the pussy-juice
cocktail, and the
or may not
contain matter
felt that
heartbreak as one
Jermaine, Jackson
latte factor
Lorraine glasses
nonstate actor
explore multiple
pathways at once
higher risk of
prostate cancer
doesn't have the
type has the
Rh factor
back to a
Borrowed from a
borrowing from a
From a
survival from a
substrate language
the winner of
today's challenge

with 2 extra syllables

John Adams and
Abigail Adams
parents Jack and
Abigail Salmon
to happen to
cabaret dancers
conjugate acid
conjugate acids
conjugate angle
conjugate angles
conjugate axis
fireplace matches
holiday package
hurricane lantern
hurricane lanterns
capacity of
Magistrate and Judge
in the
microwave, and uh
mind that
operates as one
rattlesnake master
rattlesnake masters
Watergate salad
Watergate salads
information about the
time of the
Watergate scandal

with 3 extra syllables

and help me
annihilate Santa
Compare antimatter, which
annihilates matter