exact syllable matches
Democracy a quite
abstract one
saw your
ad, and uh
him, including me,
less of me,
Someone like me,
would be me,
write for me,
Al Franken
it is I
am absent
presence, the other
an absence
his gut like
an acid
any greatness into
Seattle to conduct
Street to conduct
the consequences of
an action
a poet or
here to be
I would be
I, too, am
my life as
new career as
of Variety is
reinventing myself as
Unfortunately, it's
You call yourself
an actor
ever had with
myself that I'm
worth loving is
an actress
and she's making
to bring out
an album
got to have
an anchor
subject's body at
They have
an angle
ago, I got
and look for
do not need
had never been
have to know
he couldn't give
he doesn't have
I didn't have
in Homicide has
Is there
Nobody has
not stay for
politician must give
problem doesn't have
seems I have
they don't have
was looking for
will give you
will not venture
an answer
I'm gonna get
an anvil
a glass or
a knife cutting
an apple
the blood of
an Arab
lie concealed in
particles, smaller than
the nucleus of
an atom
and immoral thought
conception, in thought
focused on comedy
for fresh thinking
human thought, feeling,
life, between dream
need both understanding
of sound judgment
opportunity for movement
substitute for thought
they love landscape
and action
by their words
respecting his character
and actions
We came before
We come before
and after
be yours, powerful
and agile
and fear, lust
feelings of animosity
of confusion, fear
of excitement, apprehension
pain and sorrow
secrecy and hatred
sense of depression
and anger
has many sides
and angles
series of questions
and answers
actually dislike milk
and apples
occupation for loafers
and bachelors
to hell
and back first
all twisted around
writes inside out
and backwards
good ones
and bad ones
from regimental cooks
and barracks
men like Carnot
and Barras
is still withered
and barren
kill you, me,
and Batgirl
take of monarchs
and battles
floorboards with quilts
and blankets
that is smitten
and blasted
as something unapproachable
and callous
small arms, mortar,
and cannon
as soybean, lettuce,
and carrot
was like peas
and carrots
men have lands
and castles
to molest ranchers
and cattle
also broadly limit
and channel
hotels and baggage
and chatter
of different interests
with all kinds
and classes
singer, fashion designer
and dancer
bread with elves
and dragons
Or playing Dungeons
and Dragons
into milk,
and drank her
I'm aging faster
keeps coming, faster
to spin, faster
and faster
the sharp lines,
and fractures
with 50 pedals
and gadgets
men with toreadors
and gamblers
that is grasped
and gathered
of Nigeria, Sudan,
and Ghana
reach up
and grab one
history and culture
and habits
conversation relaxed
and had fun
Mixture of feathers
of the bludgeons
and hammers
a kind mayor
and hamsters
the policeman's billy
and handcuffs
of assault weapons
and handguns
those firearms
and hang tough
in silence,
and have done
his job
run along
see actors,
and have fun
eat food
and have stuff
room for traps
and hazards
of the cypress
and jasmine
Way of heaven
and Kwannon
barriers of race
model of style
of Polish derivation
world is literature
and language
to immediate scorn
and laughter
myself cranks, faddists,
and madmen
End is want
and madness
dark with envy
filled with hatred
and malice
cannot serve God
and mammon
are obsessively examined
and managed
code of forms
and manners
country, my lord
and master
or be met
and mastered
airs of tyrants
and masters
these prearranged games
and matches
Before mind
in time, space
parallelism between spirit
transforming all being
ultimately between mind
and matter
all about luck
parts, intelligence, reason,
raw with honesty
your ideas, energy,
and passion
the same desires
theory of affections
and passions
peace of shreds
and patches
of the earth
and planets
The medium roams
and rambles
mass of hate
and rancor
up envy, avarice
and rancour
To grievance
and rapture
bombs, rockets, missiles
and sanctions
to be bonds
and shackles
know, try
and shag her
proceeds by jerks
and spasms
that wound
and stab us
the body,
their chairs
and stand up
was about money
and status
but the knots
and tangles
of silver cups
and tankards
government officials, death,
and taxes
this one
this world
and that one
still very slight
and transient
the letters to
Ann Landers
are widely regarded
as action
their mouths, spake
as asses
beings and not
as chattel
never as effective
as habits
referred to themselves
as hackers
almost as bad
that was regarded
as tactless
to Europe count
as travel
was Hallowing also
at Batson
a dim room
a link chosen
and picked me
even if picked
is to write
myself by writing
on the front
power to act
at random
and he teaches
at Stanford
give my heart
back answer
It's the
back passage
back stabbers
jobs can't have
bad apples
was even a
bad gambler
Like a
bad habit
me when something
something really very
bad happens
he had occasional
bad manners
servant, and a
bad master
good servants but
bad masters
Bad, bad,
bad Santa
That was
bad staff work
are the least
bad taxes
Very bad,
bad, Santa
makes sense to
ban handguns
First City
Bank and Trust
Black Adder
Black Album
welcome than tweedy
black bachelors
for a little
black rabbit
got fired from
Black Sabbath
does on a
blank canvas
that no man
can answer
anything else you
can gather
action than I
of justice I
the ketchup I
can handle
any real conversation
other thing that
who knows what
can happen
can have 'em
candy I
can have some
the mind with
canned chatter
questions that I
can't answer
way that science
can't capture
for everything you
It's nothing I
There's nothing they
whisper I just
can't handle
can't happen
the whole
cat at once
fast enough to
catch rabbits
There is no
chance after
thing about first
class travel
watch me
crash and burn
day with the
damn package
Pull your
damn pants up
everything, the whole god-
damn planet
Dan Rather
tree like a
fat badger
you're suddenly a
fat bastard
such a very
fat rabbit
Albert Hackett, and
Frank Capra
Frank Zappa
pillow like a
gaffed salmon
being at the
landing in the
Nor at the
Grand Canyon
he was international
grand master
none of us
had bladders
a spy she
had captured
after he
had handed
as though nothing
no such accident
Ransomes knew what
sorry for what
story about what
the wonderful things
To deplore what
had happened
much or
half as much
territory unclaimed or stones
feel Thy
hand as Judge
you of the
hand cannon
History already
has answered
one who
has had some
has begun
has half done
But what
feared would happen
happen to me
is precisely what
sure was impossible,
the same thing
Then what
uncertainty about what
Yet, what
you something terrible
has happened
The Eagle
has landed
permanent and vital,
the IDEA that
has lasted
The boy
has talent
Each time they
have answered
Does he
have asthma
really nice to
have backup
knows I don't
have cancer
We don't
have handcuffs
ago May not
as well not
intellect, nothing will
much, that wouldn't
of it could
simply would not
that floods wouldn't
that never should
that something must
then something must
this could not
This wouldn't
have happened
You've got to
have standards
have that one
I won't
have that word
and car collector,
Jack Castor
Great War, the
Last Battle
described in the
Next to the
last chapter
laugh at her
way she
laughed and cursed
watched a
man hanged once
of Economic
Man that much
man, but for
man's absence
from the missing
man's barracks
difference between
map and world
This is
mass madness
start our flooded
Nash Ramblers
with respect to
past action
utilized in a
planned fashion
working at
Pratt and Sons
That sunders
sand and surf
found was
sand, and blood
patient, you
shall have her
the Romans,
shall stand up
bits of
smashed badgers
don't be a
stand patter
play a one-legged, Nigerian
content with questions
than answers
killed more men
marching against you
than cancer
were much odder
than dragons
fear, is stronger
than habit
be little more
than madmen
is more alive
is more powerful
than matter
Friendship is more
have more muscles
than talent
less validity
than that one
You have my
thanks, hacker
that led to
that action
love went into
the music on
that album
little part of
to give you
We need
that answer
poor Adam eat
that apple
I enjoy
that as much
the squad
that bags 'em
going to get
that bastard
a metaphor for
moment we'll observe
order to win
that battle
Tell me about
that blanket
a technique
that can work
depends on accepting
that challenge
of submergence in
that habit
as obscene as
Be can make
before I let
created, how did
do things like
going to let
how you made
I can't let
interest to let
is about things
leaders who make
like, when did
much to let
power to make
refused to let
Somebody else made
When did
you won't let
that happen
I know how
No, just things
those dreadful things
you know when
that happened
all and everything
be smothered before
every big thing
exactly know how
guy despite everything
hate it when
not understand anything
ultimately control everything
we do when
that happens
my claws on
that mammoth
couldn't pack
that man's lunch
could live in
that mansion
by prying into
have I, for
kids, or for
of car for
Or ever, for
Or Hearst for
or Toby, for
Or wrong for
other insect for
Pioneer Press for
the consideration of
to death for
that matter
love was all
mattered and all
not the skin,
truth and beauty
that mattered
and that's all
do with them
don't really think
in the world
is the place
is the struggle
not my death,
Novelty is all
sorry, that's all
That's all
the only thing
the only wisdom
The stuff
upon are all
we say it
Well, none of
What is there
what you do
that matters
with every day
that passes
The point is
that passion
source-level abstraction of
that pattern
He's from
that planet
I'd trust
that rat fuck
out of all
that status
just ignore everything
that's happened
anvil with a little
yeah, and, uh
with 1 extra syllable
Boston and the
aircraft landed
attack happened
you have inferior
attack pattern
are in the
Baghdad basket
buttoned, even in
combat action
water, a
saucepan, and some
using on the
soundtrack album
with 2 extra syllables
dirty, repulsive,
overfat and smug
Do we
understand balance
Do you
understand, Alex