exact syllable matches

Tolkien ----
all be angels
that we are
all created
God of
green stretching across
is lord of
life that pervades
on Earth, for
one privilege over
seeks to understand
that lies behind
the oneness of
the pinnacle of
the rhythm of
the sake of
tribe but for
worst thing in
all creation
the Lord of
all Creation
sacred thing -
all creations
We are
all creators
make us
all feel better
Duse - they're
one-man band -
all theater
All these games suck
danger, fighting
all these metas
walk through
all these phases
get to
all these places
What are
all these presents
You ask
all these questions
All these questions
to explain
all these weapons
different in
all three cases
all other things
collections of matter
illusions, the illusions
low frequency -
with which they
are created
Because we
are creators
You chiefs
are peacemakers
findings of scholars
scoring, and judging
treatment of AN
where your food-offerings
are presented
Besides, they
are real painters
are these data
are we headed
are we, bless us
are we, cavemen
So, what
are we, helpless
world's most heavily
armed teenagers
attacked two Indian
army bases
the Continental
army gets up
than a Soviet
Army pension
here was an
Army Ranger
Navy SEALs or
Army Rangers
This is the
army, Mason
perfect counterpart to
Audrey Hepburn
Barney, welcome
to say about
Bobby Taylor
finds his brothers
body later
body needs and
body pleasures
body presses
indistinct separation of
body segments
Rapture is a
body, Delta
up your whole
body, Karen
bon me semble
bon te semble
bonnie fechter
are a very
bossy engine
box she came from
Do not
call here ever
My brothers
call me danger
call me Leonard
You'd best
call me Sarah
confront this thing
called creation
are elsewhere
called green peppers
People simply
called me Nameless
called me their chum
those annoying humans
called teenagers
and queen is
called tierce-major
carte de credit
Caul, be careful
help the
cause he hated
Charlie, tell 'em
Uh, hey,
Charlie, wake up
go get some
coffee later
don't have a
It's a
coffee maker
coffee makers
coffee senna
coffee sennas
call it a
dispenser on the
DOING to the
head on the
up on his
with my Rajasthani
coffee table
Drapes and
coffee tables
comprehends her
copy edit
and the, uh,
I wasted
You always need
copy paper
copy papers
copy Rachel
Cosby sweater
Cosby sweaters
am clad in
costly raiment
dar e vender
the third victim,
Darcy Taylor
Mine's the
Dark Green Ranger
Angel was the
Dark Revenger
dog eats strangers
donkey engine
donkey engines
Donkey, wake up
drop-leaf table
drop-leaf tables
false relation
false relations
farsi bella
fonds de pension
fonds de placement
movie about
fonts he rented
was present when
Frosty melted
What a
gaudy entrance
God be their judge
And then
beautiful things that
there is that
God created
New is the same
Godfrey Kneller
All of
god's creation
are active in
eternal majesty of
of everything in
the genius of
the souls of
God's creation
of all of
God's creations
think I
got these trainers
Gottfried Feder
Gottfried Herder
hardly ever
shifted it to
Hari Seldon
Harvey Danger
one your
heart created
I eat a
hearty breakfast
hockey player
born to be
One day, you're
hockey players
environments conducive to
goal has been
the country in
the umbrella of
We want more
job creation
noble I'm a
job creator
achievers, producers, and
job creators
Johnny Canuck
Johnny Canucks
trying to replace
Johnny Damon
Johnny Nelson
Jon Pineda
la mierda
Santa Fe de
la Ribera
vizcacha de
vizcachas de
la sierra
Retributive justice is
largely Western
human affection and
lofty effort
squire to the
lofty heavens
I oversee
loss prevention
find the
lost steam engine
Mar de Barents
you're gonna pork
Marlene Desmond
marquee player
marquee players
not related to
Marty Feldman
What a
naughty fella
in a secret
Nazi cable
family during the
language in the
Nazi era
all the standard
Nazi gestures
Nazi helmet
the most ghastly
Nazi methods
- as a
Nazi sadist
Nazi Shepherd
had known became
Nazis later
have the right
nobby parents
nom de guerre of
Evil is
invaders should
rulers should
topics should
not be mentioned
I better
I'd rather
not be pregnant
loyalty will
purpose can
not be questioned
storms and
that can
not be shaken
Prisoners will
not be taken
I will
not be threatened
that it had
water, was discovered,
not created
I do
not feel better
associated are
not free agents
not keep their word
hover flies, are
not predaceous
We have
not reached greatness
words, right,
not real statements
members, but
not weak members
know we never mention She-Who-Must-
not make an
obscene gesture
calls and their
obscene gestures
individual bowls
on each table
the other
on free labor
by sailors
on steam vessels
on Team Jacob
John Hancock
on these papers
and relief
on these questions
of mind
on three levels
Pai Natal
palme di Betel
when the
parties break up
Party Central
into a celestial
party chairman
party dresses
is the best
most daring birthday
the best birthday
the best damn
Your first
party ever
looks like a
party favor
of our little
party favors
as the Republican
party label
party member
of an average
Party member
than a thousand
the demands of
trust of the
party members
was promiscuity between
Party members
was made a
party question
Pauli vector
Pauli vectors
can call me
Polly Esther
you wake up
Polly parrot
pomme de terre
raw sienna
raw siennas
Rodney Bennett
Ronnie Reagan
Thomas Meehan, and
Ronny Graham
I have razor-
in on my razor-
sharp reflexes
G-d ignores
sloppy questions
Congratulations on my
have settled for
not one for
sloppy seconds
sorry, Helen
I'm so
sorry, Sarah
beauty of the
spectacle of the
starry heavens
stock theater
Tarim Basin
tawdry laces
toddy ladle
toddy ladles
I made
Tommy breakfast
trolley laces
exchange I
want 3 staples
want me treasure
a musical legend
a similar disturbance
and the Mediterranean
and the world
beginning the Universe
care how it
did not exist,
easily as it
for which he
for which I
how the illusion
how the world
in the world
moment the file
nor how he
or how it
poor hapless minority
sole benefit it
the first Reaper
the reason Pakistan
this magnificent organ
when her body
when the cosmos
when the group
was created
the word that
was Creation
months a report
was presented
told her she
was pretentious
solution for dissent
was repression
And it
was theater
was three questions
colored cellophane or
washi paper
That'd make
ya feel better
Zante currant

with 1 extra syllable

black dots
across each segment
Antoine de Saint-Just
playing at the
Balaji temple
at that stage,
beyond creation
His contribution goes
beyond theater
His greatness
of which
cannot be measured
that injustice
cannot be questioned
the world
cannot be stable
epoxy resin
epoxy resins
Grignard reagent
Grignard reagents
hydroxy ester
a very good
kabaddi player
uh, take a
karate lesson
fear during the
McCarthy era
Minkowski spaces
cave in the
edge of the
Fog in the
located in the
spiders in the
Mojave Desert
together, there was
nobody better
that, and
This practically
nobody else does
Nobody else does
nobody get hurt
gun and
Nobody moves,
their jobs,
to know,
with that,
nobody gets hurt
Nobody gets hurt
Pirani gauges
Revati Crater
just go find
somebody better
from Washington
well and
wife before
somebody else does
by lifting
somebody else up
it call
somebody else, huh
you work for
You, you
somebody famous
I do,
line before
way before
somebody gets hurt
Somebody help her
somebody help us
she's falling,
somebody save her
able to beat
somebody senseless
somebody tell us
deserves to be
somebody's bacon
Did she steal
somebody's dentures
a spot on
somebody's table
unarmed teenage girls

with 2 extra syllables

Abercrombie Baker
caballo de vapor
everybody else does
Everybody else does
Everybody gets one
Everybody wake up
a TV in
everybody's basement
Everybody's wasted
speakers in the
Kalahari Desert
sculpture than the
Kathakali make-up
for its profoundly
melancholy nature
Pot was a
Vietnamese agent
voice of the
Vietnamese peasant

with 3 extra syllables

located in the
part of the
Ioannina prefecture

with 4 extra syllables

conditions of its
national stereotypes and
of force in
of power in
private life to
relations are not
specializing in
the evolution of
the shoe of
to government and
to government or
we want in
international relations
International relations
a doctorate in
Committee on
the Journal of
the study of
International Relations
as well as
international, relations