exact syllable matches

bloom is off
blue chip stocks
are on the
cold on the
way on the
blue guitar
Blue with frost
having sex WHILE
boosting cars
single-handed with the
brutish mob
chewing on
decide and
choose, it's wrong
chou chinois
cooling card
cooling cards
cooling off
cubic yard
cubic yards
much, but they
do evolve
dealers and
do his art
my Father
do His job
you gotta
do is knock
I can
do is talk
you can
do is watch
He can
man can
You can
You guys
do it all
do it smart
found that women
do respond
to ever
do this job
I can't
do this, Bart
I can
do, it's talk
and lowest, and
doeth all
What am I
doin' wrong
a lot about
and end up
doing harm
All we were
doing was
that I am
What am I
doing wrong
a lasting
doom will fall
pig and
dudes in cars
cheek for a
dueling scar
such pernicious and
foolish talk
us to have
foolish thoughts
for such
fruits is Obst
My Google-
Fu is strong
and they
glued it on
hooping cough
hooping coughs
huis clos
their work is
Jewish art
defense of the
Jewish cause
reputation of the
Jewish God
who rules the
Jewish heart
between Islam and
It's mandated by
strict interpretation of
Jewish law
account of the
of a particular
Jewish plot
the world
knew him not
ago, I
thought they
until I
knew it all
Well, I
knew it was
Kubrick Mons
should be Commander
Lewis' call
make-out session with
Lewis' mom
Liew Chin Tong
what they thought
loosing Kong
should never
lose his calm
you might
lose it all
I can't
lose this job
loses heart
never resist a
losing cause
the fear of
losing God
around him were
losing heart
Louis sauce
Luke is gone
lute guitar
lute guitars
mooches off
mooching off
moon guitar
moon guitars
sun, his
moon his star
move in on
moved in on
before I
moved it on
moves in on
moving box
body from a
Dumped from a
out of a
moving car
appearance of the
moving dots
He is a
moving God
the train was
moving off
and I was
but find yourself
changing, and always
check the gate,
family that was
I love are
keeps me from
letting go and
right now, I'm
sway us from
symbol for not
The Packers are
We are
Wilson is
you don't, I'm
moving on
moving part
moving parts
youngest of the
music arts
a Giant's wind-up
don't forget the
tight in the
music box
Music box
Music Box
music chart
music charts
music hall
music halls
music shop
alt-weekly is a
music snob
playback and the
music starts
music stopped
chair when the
music stops
understood what bad
music was
is a
mute in law
and build a
hopes for a
new Iraq
start a
new, big job
Poor thing's swamped
We're gonna
prove him wrong
Prove him wrong
you've just
proved it wrong
and the
roof will fall
that the little
room belongs
from her
room in shock
the mail
room is hot
in the
room with ya
and, in effect,
rule Iraq
observation, that
rule is wrong
I'm gonna
rule it all
is not a
ruling law
ruling on
how bad their
ruling was
screwing off
my other
shoe is gone
foot the
shoe is on
shoot his wad
just gonna
shoot it off
this county about
shootin' dogs
shootin' ya
shooting box
shooting guard
shooting guards
shooting off
fiery comet, a
like seeing a
wishing upon a
you are a
shooting star
and frequent like
shooting stars
here until the
shooting starts
way until the
shooting stops
courts by
suits in law
they walk
through brick walls
a knife
ran it
through his heart
had been
I went
through it all
a pin
through its heart
I want her
We want
to belong
white women
to bid on
us something
to build on
not given
to clear thought
gave them permission
train is about
to depart
know not how
tried by kindness
to disarm
prototype we have
to discard
he is bound
to discharge
clown suit starts
the brightness began
They're already starting
would be unthinkable
to dissolve
and teaches us
be strong is
because we're afraid
business, you have
do you try
have no reason
I had
You'll have
to evolve
the people
to give alms
differs from guitar
to guitar
were subject
to his arms
'em back
to his boss
Helpers responded
we're responding
to his call
escorting Marv
to his car
Florence unite
of converts
to his cause
eye right
to his dong
lives up
to his gloss
to communication
to pray
to his god
fellow-man and
might pray
rise superior
to his God
his passions
offering made
to his gods
bible next
brought balm
them all
to his heart
much obliged
to his hon
reconciles man
shall fall
to his lot
even talk
to his mom
quickly gets
to his paws
Went out
to his shop
manly resistance
was central
to his thought
too afraid
to hit hard
they want
to hit on
you don't like
to improv
paid little attention
willing to talk
to Iran
So Who's Talking
To Iran
are three components
deployed in September
It's being drawn
our daughters back
to come back
to Iraq
to wander
to is Mars
and forcible conversion
and then converted
as a threat
Brahmanism and some
conversion of non-Muslims
faith and revert
forced to convert
he converted people
Hindus of Kashmir
hundreds were converted
I converted
majority of it
may guide them
occult and conversion
of converting Kafirs
of forcible conversions
people in town
policy with regard
rather from Europe
refusing to convert
should be called
the forcible conversion
to have converted
were forcibly converted
when it came
to Islam
and listened
fess up
give life
true charm
to it all
world responded
to its call
hold on
to its clods
without regard
to its cost
divinity dearest
to its heart
is equal
to its loss
relative baseness
to its parts
footwear item
of life
to its top
as an accomplice
to Jigsaw
the match
to Jim Ross
gonna have
is enough
who wants
to kill ya
robots had done
to Kristoff
am I prepared
to lift-off
a chance
to nick ya
that ever happened
to Nippon
the bed
to piss on
what I have
to remark
would give rise
to remarks
Army was quick
But I have
conscious choice not
finds a way
have four hours
if I wanted
mic and prepares
no idea how
Peyton, care
They fail
they wonder how
was still prepared
we would have
Westboro Baptist Church
whistle, you got
to respond
you try
to rip off
a couch
not enough
of them
to sit on
to have
to think on
come back
to this barn
freely offer
primarily traceable
recruit people
to this cause
an end
to this farce
no downside
not up
You up
to this job
mellow out
to this song
come back
to this spot
another member
to this squad
no end
to this talk
do, which was
You have
to withdraw
still they try
to Xerox
Their emotions are
too involved
gone, it
too is gone
Kennedy haircut
too, will ya
truth is hard
Perception of
truth is not
wrong with my
tuning job
was still
two years off
gave it a
two-year shot
will deactivate the
uplink locks
and of
use in art
You'd never
use it, Tom
let friends
use pink balls
used in songs
should have
used this on
view is wrong
who evolved
and ignorance
who is harmed
and one
competent and
live and
obey one
violent and
who is not
any idea
at once
couldn't think
found out
Really that's
say offhand
that that's
they found
who it was
the guy
who killed Josh
whooping cough
whooping coughs
a sudden,
whoosh, it's gone
Bloody hell,
doesn't matter
figure out
the one
until then,
who's in charge
Who's in charge
Whose is thought
out there
who've been caught
complain of my
pain from the
wounded heart
and that's where
asses back where
Camelot is where
here is where
on feeling like
own era where
scope of where
store is where
the barnyard where
the Court where
the last place
the sewer where
the trash where
this is where
to jail where
to Romford where
to them, where
to what race
up back where
with Victor where
You are where
you can dance,
You right where
you to when
you up where
You're right where
you belong
you as if
you belonged
you did want
That's what
you did wrong
many bombs have
you disarmed
reason why
you drink, Don
That's how
you evolve
what makes
you hip hop
up at
you in awe
and left
Jon left
you in charge
think of
you in harm
I can't get
shouldn't have got
you involved
that interaction with
you involves
doctor in
you is false
is gone,
you is gone
one of
you is not
you, and
you pissed off
vague in how
you respond
for a job,
god damn names,
you retard
- Did
you sing songs
is what
you sit on
five and
you still walk
you think not
You think wrong
strength got
you this far
I helped
you this long
Each of
stumble, and
you will fall
determine, that
hope that
Most of
of them
sidekick and
you will not
with Roman,
you with Carl
I summon
you, Bismark
I blame
you, Diwan
I respect
you, is all
my Y-fronts, have
you, Vyvyan
until after
you'd been shot
You've been chopped
You've been conned
You've been marked
swim after
you've been shot
You've been shot
You've devolved
zoom in on

with 1 extra syllable

exploitation and
abuse is wrong
acoustic shock
acoustic shocks
proud virtues and
amusing flaws
argue with ya
I'm not
arguing, boss
why my
cocoon is charred
beliefs and
scriptures and
commune with God
truth thing is
confusing, mom
there is a
costume involved
I have
exhumed, will march
immune response
you can
improve it, Don
with his entourage
including Col
who's really not
into hip-hop
of scissors
into his arm
spilled over
into his art
shovel burgers
into his gob
we run
into in bars
speakers of Avestan
into Iran
brought people
into this bar
my circuits
into this car
gets lumped
into this charge
intrusive r
this isn't shampoo,
it's DOG-
colonel of
mushrooms in song
nonmoving part
nonmoving parts
you're clinging
onto is gone
occurs when we're
pursuing God
however, can
refuse his law
wise, and
refuse it not

with 2 extra syllables

lest they become
absolute despots
put Lady
Attitude in charge
which alone
constitutes this art
to pass and
continue beyond
Convent of the
Immaculate Hearts
his life preparing
impromptu remarks
as An
Interview with God

with 3 extra syllables

approximation and
exactitude in thought