exact syllable matches

it was good -
Divine Wolf -
first story in
later published in
book form
book lore
Constituent Assembly Debates,
Book No
at the comic
came into my
is getting a
to the comic
book store
book stores
boor door
bull horn
bull horns
bull rope
bull ropes
it strikes the
bull's bone
bush pole
bush poles
long they are
cooked for
cooked mode
and sweat and
cooked pork
think the Bear
you think Lombardi
could coach
that together, they
could float
minutes when nuclei
could form
go, the banks
I wish I
low as it
They said I
think of what
was mystery, they
could go
already present, it
could grow
only the heart
could hold
could imagine I
could hope
Frankly, no one
mean nobody else
No one
truths a person
could know
The fortunes I
could own
and then I
I bet I
could score
Wish I
could though
could run, he
ground and he
could throw
This sausage
could vote
don't have the
cure for
50 a square
foot floor
a two thousand
foot home
stock with a ten-
with a ten
foot pole
foot poles
foot stove
foot stoves
book that my
foot wrote
Height, five-
foot, four
fuhr fort
ful mone
full board
full boat
full boats
full bore
chromosomes contains the
full code
given him a
full dose
full flow
and hit them
civilization presses with
Cubism was in
is hunting her,
of you in
on me with
will be in
full force
is still in
the possibilities of
full growth
short of a
shy of a
full load
These are
full loads
aware of their
We need the
full scope
full score
full scores
They awaken
job and some
good clothes
hard to write
good code
and stoned, with
good dope
would in a
good floor
good folk
all America is
all he was
all they are
all this is
are those vigilantes
batch gonna be
else am I
else are they
else is it
is this thing
know what I'm
that's all he's
That's all I'm
What are they
What is it
What is that
what it was
what philosophy is
What's anything
What's that
Willow was ever
good for
give it a
good go
find him a
give him a
It's a
our children a
They deserved a
would find a
your baby a
good home
who come from
good homes
Cape of
the Cape of
Good Hope
He's a
good joe
even make a
it was a
good joke
I mean,
good lord
all powerful, all
ripped them down,
good Lord
used only the
good notes
good old
good ole
you to a
good post
Do I give
good prose
I love a
good roast
order to get
good roles
By analogy with
even on a
It's a
to do a
was such a
good show
fun, good fans,
get all the
hide all the
good shows
good sort
all sorts of
good sorts
Be a
can be a
my wife's a
smiling, like a
good sport
They've been
good sports
It was
it was still
good though
that was a
good toast
have heard about
idea of a
good war
good, bro
blow up real
Food was
good, though
cost of
costs of
goods sold
to the sporting
goods store
on the
hook for
know what they
place you can
signs would I
look for
of night may
look forth
or brothel, that
look told
static solutions were
Who is again
looked for
looks for
worse than it
looks, though
The Mary Tyler
Moore Show
dared to wear
plus fours
pull cord
little pom-pom curtain
pull cords
pull quote
pull quotes
pulled pork
separately in a
pure form
be nuggets of
carved out of
four-year-old, it was
if made of
It was
means pure, implying
of you is
on bases of
the splendour of
with plate of
pure gold
pure O
and you're a
pure soul
push mow
push mowed
push poll
push polled
push polls
effort one may
nonsense that they
theories have been
put forth
where did I
put those
the blossoms it
puts forth
Youth's sweet-scented manuscript
should close
even suppose blood
should flow
desirable that they
direction that we
does that, we
he thought it
I thought I
Maybe I
producers, the insulation
where no island
should go
a human being
should grow
That knot
should hold
believes that, I
should hope
And I
anything else I
be done, I
hell, and I
information that everyone
is hard, I
love yourself, I
monsters, and I
parenting, and I
really think they
Something I
something that everyone
there something I
things every girl
thought an adult
time ago,Your mother
Trust me, I
should know
should show
soot wart
soot warts
and what he
and what we
betrayed everything it
destroying everything they
everything I ever
everything I've ever
everything that period
everything the Reich
his own father
honor all he
knew what I
on what they
or things they
really what we
represent what he
the existing order
these things once
what it once
what the Confederacy
what the rabbis
What they
stood for
took for
took form
took hold
the cosmic destroyers
took note
took notes
wolf tone
wolf tones
Wolfe Tone
dragged across a hard-
wood floor
I've got
wood floors
The Farthing
Wood mole
wood roach
wood rose
witches, spells, and
wood trolls
- a Farthing
Wood vole
woods colt
woods colts
that bureaucratic socialism
would choke
Occasionally his eyes
would close
India that women
would code
WOULD cope
a place I
and my headaches
as my dreams
exactly where I
its right mind
of the arrangement
their right mind
thought where it
were, then I
where my heart
would go
Which the Ship
Would Go
a good friendship
head and nothing
thought a flower
would grow
the consequences this
would hold
a fish, I
all my heart
and no one
and that McMullen
anyone in Japan
bears and Yeats
brothers, the mermaids
control the airwaves
from now, I
here, no one
None but I
Only Poppins
pants and nobody
so no one
the REAL Lem
the soul that
would know
ask no eye
would mourn
would roll
You think
you're bold
the world and
you're bored
the feeling,Sure as
to heaven when
you're born
have to pretend
I think
with repairing time,
you're both
end just because
on you when
you're cold
you're gross
good, I'm glad
I'm so glad
mean, that's why
you're home
cold,You're yes then
you're no
be dumb when
be interesting if
your cats when
you're old
know it was
you're phone
new chair because
stunts and thinking
you're short
You're fat,
you're slow
argue, do as
be doin' what
better do as
child,not doing what
Do as
gonna do what
just do what
never do what
Now do as
will do what
You do what
you're told
that, on average,
you're warm
That one's
yours, Snow

with 1 extra syllable

are the most
assured souls
does to my
childhood home
blazing around our
childhood homes
contour tone
contour tones
I smell
driftwood smoke
Love the
hardwood floors
could use as
inputs for
have the new
MacBook Pro
obscure source
between inflation and
output growth
up to the
schedule, so
When's it
scheduled for
will have a
secure home
It's up to
the schedule,so
unlooked for

with 2 extra syllables

the sanctity of
fatherhood, or
the Greek and
Hollywood Bowl
Hollywood North
just in the
neighborhood so
large quantities of
undercooked pork
understood both
go through an
unsecure door
go through an
unsecured door

with 3 extra syllables

cosmos in the
miniature form
hearing a single
unbeautiful tone