exact syllable matches
I've gotta go--
au final
blow dryer
blow dryers
We should have a
bone china
bone fire
bone fires
look like a
bone idle
lungs that were
born tired
one calls a
born writer
demolished temples and
broke idols
I just
broke my butt
choke prices
Stalked the Brush-
Choked Island
closed minded
clothes drier
clothes driers
clothes dryer
clothes dryers
clothes iron
clothes irons
co by dup
coach driver
coach drivers
I'm just a
was he a
coal miner
attaching some further
code item
By controlling the
codes, Cipher
raised in a
cold climate
cannot stand the
heat in the
cold iron
only by a
cold silence
good man, but
cold, pious
coles chinas
get to be the
God is our
I'm the
safety lecture from the
way for the fearless
But you'll need a
-- of
course I'm hurt
croze iron
croze irons
Don't buy drugs
Ancestors just
don't die young
My people
don't like 'em
My mother
don't like her
- people
don't like words
door pilot
door pilots
door prizes
with absolutely no back-
door shyness
us here from
Dork Island
would I have
flown higher
with lower protection
for bikers
American relief fund
for China
killed each other
for diamonds
the Chinese word
for fibrous
native Turkic word
for fire
look to God
to private experts
for guidance
becomes an assassin
merely a professional
for hire
go sign up
for ISIS
prepare your heart
for kindness
That's Latin
for liar
It's Christmas
for liars
the numbers
for light work
something special
for my girl
the wall
for my son
was better
for my work
strange attraction
for nice girls
sick aunt
for nine months
is a job
for pirates
a sufficient basis
be no impetus
greenhouse gas production
of our passion
or religion, not
for science
May I ask
for silence
The gold standard
for snipers
battle each other
for titles
to the capital
for trial
One point deduction
for Tyson
For, like, months
coercive forces including civilian guns-
Try terrorism-
fork grinder
fork grinders
exercise and a
fort diet
readily called
forth by work
presence of all
four Diamonds
a combination of
four ices
Four Lions
George Michael
George Reisman
George Steiner
ghost driver
ghost island
ghost islands
to be a
Ghost Rider
You need a
ghost writer
ghost writers
I gotta
just gotta
go find her
three that can
go higher
and the seniors
go silent
go viral
it varies and
goes higher
and it all
goes silent
gold miners
place to pan
gold, via
gros titre
I do not
of that, and
grow wiser
Verse has
grown private
hold fire
did not
ears and
hold my tongue
holds fire
he returned
home by bus
home slices
go back
home, I'll work
Take us
home, Isaac
home, Michael
more than the
Hope Diamond
horn piper
horn pipers
Representing a
horned viper
horned vipers
horse iron
horse irons
horse rider
Joan Ryan
Joe Biden
former CIA officer
Joe Weisberg
were not
known by Love
behind the beautiful
lone driver
than the triumphant
Lord Byron
Steve Martin and
Lorne Michaels
low island
low islands
program is much
more diverse
the work, weaker,
more frightened
say, the
more I love
Shoot, man,
more islands
More like bummed
it was
more like love
More like tusks
kids were
more like us
really are
more like worlds
go get some
more lion
something a little
more private
getting more and
more tired
more productive and
more vibrant
was all the
more vital
electric generators once
more, iron
who are the
most frightened
think is the
most tired
because there were
no buyers
all talk and
no cider
there was
window that has
no fire
if there were
is sustainable, and
no higher
I got
money, no car,
We've got
no license
careful we serve
no minors
there she has
tongue he had
no rival
He had
no rivals
art, no literature,
no science
There are
no spices
The dead have
no titles
And he had
no vices
magic needed,
nor high birth
are neither major
nor minor
Nord Lindberg
Norm Schryer
Norn Iron
North Highlands
located in the
North Island
North Utsire
nose lights up
laud your God
O Zion
oh my fuck
battery level,
oh my word
Old High Dutch
accidentally destroyed our
old island
Old Lighter
Old Lighters
rain-god, the sun-god's
old rival
old timer
She was just an
wind behind this bird,
compare yourself against the
to hear about the
for a partner
or buyer
their Muslim captors
or buyers
mention of Russia
or China
employees or instruments
or clients
Kashmir, Palestine, Lebanon,
or Cyprus
Stars, circles,
or diamonds
by either fire
or fire
might be nervous
or frightened
for aid, counsel
or guidance
in the Mid-Levels
promised me dog
or higher
countries like Argentina
or Iceland
surprises, without animals
or islands
know pardon, forgiveness
or kindness
From license
or licence
on a tiger
or lion
world as lila
or maya
as selenite, talc,
or mica
or Michael
Something like that,
or Myra
seems somehow smarter
or nicer
either something worthless
or priceless
branch of art
device of art
is an art
presidents, wars, numbers
or science
is Divine Knowledge
or Science
characteristics like cunningness
or slyness
than the gods
or Titans
mother or sisters
or Titus
a murderous demagogue
or tyrant
Ultimately from
or via
using no generators
or wires
either getting smarter
or wiser
of the artist
or sentient speaker
or writer
belief in our
own guidance
whole of our
own island
This is our
own pirate
Send the
phone spiders
your coronation as
Pope Pius
por sinal
porch pirate
porch pirates
post rider
post riders
America in Providence,
founding fathers of
handyman in Providence,
makers of Providence,
the capital of
the state of
Rhode Island
Rhode Islands
road iron
road irons
roast iron
roast irons
rode ibis
appearance of a
rogue island
rock and
roll I heard
rose diamond
rose diamonds
Rose Tyler
accounts of the
Scopes trial
unusual, and
scorned by some
short finals
short title
short titles
bit rattled, and perhaps
Compare narrow-minded and
show trial
show trials
spit over a
slow fire
snow blindness
snow lion
snow lions
snow tire
And these are
board buy some
snow tires
snow tyre
the team was
so biased
You're ever
so fired
some troubles,
so I, uh
he did was
so minor
me, it's just
so pious
It was
it's just
so many people
so quiet
sign up,
so sign up
are the drums
so silent
He was
the day, just
We were
so tired
sports final
sports finals
all our national
sports idols
sports science
sports writer
sports writers
a convenience
store night clerk
firm when the
storm rises
working conditions of
those drivers
Ali walks among
those giants
not involve
those I love
each one of
those items
hearts of
those I've touched
me win all
those prizes
I love
those side-burns
That -
those vials
be chewing on
those wires
toe biter
toe biters
this blasphemous
tone, my son
reached with a
Tor client
torre Eiffel
tow iron
tow irons
wife is a
troll, sire
work of the world-
war private
Remember the Nuremberg
War Trials
They're highly territorial
war-like birds
I meant a
warm fire
stamps the president as
is playing the
to translate the
whole Bible
Communists in the
whole island
pieces, or other non-
whole items
benefit on the
whole science
in the
whole wide world
hundred dollars
won't buy her
Turn from
your blindness
will hear from
your client
be hard on
in front of
the rest of
your clients
a part of
your diet
apocalypse is pleasant,
Is it noticeable,
most humble servant,
Your Majesty and
Your Highness
Get rid of
your hybrids
is greater than
your idol
This is not
your island
I encroached upon
I will remember
not worthy of
think of as
your anger, and
your kindness
long you had
your license
Your life sucks
one of
your life, huh
completion of
successes of
your life's work
is not
your line sir
the challenge of
your rival
can beat up
I'm not
your sire
Conductor, what's
Unworthy of
your title
the middle of
your visor
each other,
your wife's butt
Zone diet
with 1 extra syllable
absorbs right up
point I was
almost fired
alone, tired
the Untouchables are
also Aryans
also chiton
also climate
and sculpture is
also diverse
Vincent - you're
Vincent, you're
also fired
also Siirt
Indian Express is
also silent
also sine, from
He was
also tired
Isabella Nadolny, were
also writers
also wyvern
arco iris
arcos iris
backdoor pilot
backdoor pilots
Baroque Cycle
all of Kongo
Bongo Island
in the Korean
borrowed item
may have been
borrowed via
cargo liner
cargo liners
a rather talkative
cargo pilot
charcoal iron
charcoal irons
call me a
cockroach, Simon
in a randomized
controlled trial
Cotswold lion
Cotswold lions
with wicked demons,
cutthroat pirates
probably, I
dunno, like, just
Denmark, Norway and
Native name in
Faroe Islands
follow my blood
is always
followed by le
followed by of
of stare
followed by per
Title and the
Hardcore Title
Jerome Vida
jumbo slices
extracted during the
Moscow trials
Nacho Libre
it is an
offshore island
Vineyard and other
offshore islands
Otto cycle
one and
performs like one
world's finest commercial AR-
platform rifle
ponto final
shadow prices
TV, he's
shallow like us
ignorant, and the
shallow minded
in the Beth
Shalom choir
swallowed my cud
transport rider
transport riders
trapdoor spider
trapdoor spiders
was almost an
unknown science
desiring grave and
verbose writers
with 2 extra syllables
seen in a
Baltimore nightclub
present in the
Chicano diet
on making further
dinosaur hybrids
everso quiet
mercado libre
needlenose pliers
piano wire
, San
Salvador Island
Theodore Dreiser
be supernatural in
tomorrow's science
Perhaps it's more
uncontrolled, wilder
with 3 extra syllables
at basic on
Coronado Island
visit to the
Galapagos Islands
Girolamo Vida