exact syllable matches

Athole brose
au au
au four
blow horn
blow horns
blow mould
blow moulds
blow smoke
blow torch
bo bo
board shorts
boat show
boat shows
bolt rope
bolt ropes
boort door
bore door
borge for
chau chau
choke hold
choke holds
chrome dome
chrome domes
chrome horn
chrome horns
closed door
distinguishing feature was
closed doors
closed form
closed source
co ro
coach horn
coach horns
coach horse
coal hole
coal holes
code source
cold roll
cold short
cold sore
cold sores
during the long
Cold War
core hole
core holes
cork oak
cork oaks
corn pone
corn pones
corn roast
corn roasts
corn snow
corpse road
corpse roads
course load
course loads
court roll
court rolls
court sword
court swords
doe toe
door drawer
door drawers
door phone
drove home
fjord horse
float board
float boards
floor show
floor shows
flown low
fold boat
fold boats
annihilates, and calls
See alcohol
See bizarre
Wikipedia article on
for more
has the hots
for Rose
for short
for show
Popcorn, cotton balls
for snow
forced throw
Fort Jones
Four Olds
George Grosz
George Grove
George Horne
George Jones
ghost goal
ghost goals
ghost home
ghost homes
ghost lore
ghost note
ghost notes
ghost post
ghost posts
ghost wrote
go code
go codes
go for
go forth
go gold
We can all
You cannot
go home
goal post
goal posts
goat boat
goat boats
goat rope
goat ropes
goes home
Gold Code
Gold Codes
gros mot
grow cold
They Shall Not
Grow Old
growth cone
hoge hoed
Hoge Porte
hold court
hold forth
holm oak
holm oaks
home loan
home loans
home note
home phone
home phones
home port
home ports
home row
home rows
home zone
home zones
hoped for
horde mode
horde modes
horned horse
horned toad
Joe Blow
Joe Schmo
Joe Schmoe
Joe Shmoe
Joe Soap
know dor
known known
known knowns
lo so
lope door
lope toe
Lord knows
low blow
low blows
low post
low road
low roads
Mau Mau
men, and not
more so
Morse code
mort stone
mort stones
the emperor's got
no clothes
no go
no kote
no mon
Ares was
brave that are
cartoon peril was
days that are
deep that are
ground, and are
Light Warriors are
the Earth was
the turtles are
throw the ball
was a job,
no more
no no
no score
no show
no shows
no soap
twice as hard-
no, no
nor nork
north pole
north poles
North Rode
North Shore
North York
nose cone
nose cones
nose poke
nose poked
nose pokes
nosed mole
nosed moles
o bote
O for
O Grove
o O
oh for
oh no
oh noes
oh oh
Old Crow
old folks
Old Ford
old gold
old golds
Old Norse
old rose
old soul
old souls
it another thought,
old sport
old sports
olde mone
be served hot
or cold
lost either heart
or hope
twelve yards off
or so
but not bought
or sold
own goal
own goals
phone home
Pope Joan
por sorte
fats, and hard
pore corn
pork roll
pork sword
pork swords
post horn
post horns
post mold
post molds
post note
post notes
post oak
post oaks
pour forth
pro quo
roach coach
roast pork
roast porks
roll coal
rolled coal
rolled oats
rolls coal
rose cold
rose colds
rose gold
rose golds
Rose Grove
rose quartz
Rose Quartz
scope dope
scope dopes
short code
short codes
short form
short forms
short gross
short o
short short
short shorts
short strokes
short sword
short swords
show globe
show globes
show home
show homes
I'm a talk
just a talk
show host
show notes
show stone
show stones
slote kort
slow poke
slow pokes
slow roll
slow rolls
smoke board
smoke boards
smoke dope
smoke pole
smoke poles
smoke show
smoke shows
smoked pole
smokes pole
snow cone
snow cones
snow fort
snow forts
snow globe
snow globes
snow load
snow loads
snow porch
snow storm
I just got
so bored
weather was not
so cold
and rocks are
your ideas are
so old
the response was
so slow
so so
The water was
so warm
sold short
sore throat
sore throats
sort code
sort codes
while and some are
source code
source codes
stone broke
stone coal
This one was
stone cold
stone loach
storm cone
storm cones
storm door
storm doors
swarm spore
swarm spores
What are
those for
those horns
a wuss on
those sorts
throw board
throw smoke
toe hold
toe holds
toll road
toll roads
tote board
tote boards
tote road
tote roads
tow rope
trone stone
trone stones
vo vo
can and cannot
vote for
war horn
war horns
War Horse
war torn
war zone
war zones
whole note
whole notes
whole tone
whole tones
this flyer on
your board
The metal on
your bones
taking off all
your clothes
your coat
giving feedback on
your code
idiot messing across
your course
and knock on
someone knocks on
the blood upon
your door
your doors
he fucked all
your holes
innocence but not
your hope
a ball on
a pimple, on
curved finger on
sweat ball off
your fingers off
your nose
an orgasm on
anything altogether on
assumption all on
became successful on
being strong on
Bert Wither on
business all on
count on are
do all on
find some on
go off on
going off on
of that on
run off on
running off on
take Craven on
that all on
that was not
the title on
the Underworld on
they are not
think of on
Walk on
Walk, on
way all on
You are not
You are on
you off on
you stand on
you want, on
your own
a signal on
Jesse's number on
your phone
That button on
your shorts
use that on
your show
I have bought
I just saw
so much on
want that on
will tear apart
your soul
fall on
to fall on
your sword
the pulse on
this blade across
your throat
on, birds, unlock
your throats
each other on
your toes

with 1 extra syllable

You are
almost home
this attachment has
also grown
unless the builder
also grows
only evil but
also hope
and Abraham was
also old
also, both
auto loan
higher than on
auto loans
auto show
auto shows
Doublet of the
borrowed form
Borrowed form
Diminutive of
capo, or
weird-looking joints and
cardboard clothes
hidden in the
cargo hold
cargo holds
cargo shorts
Carlo Bo
to warrant a
console port
Cotswold stone
used by elves as
follow board
follow boards
i will NOT
follow trolls
hardcore porn
down the Back
Harlow Road
days by the
Malraux quote
motto mo
by a ravenous, unstoppable
Paulo Lopes
popcorn snow
sequences, ostinati or minor
swallow hole
swallow holes

with 2 extra syllables

, and
Armando Bo
Who knows what
tomorrow holds
have a quiz
out of date
tomorrow, so
common man in
tomorrow's vote
today's battle, not
tomorrow's war

with 3 extra syllables

for some reason,
avocado toast
Colorado low