exact syllable matches

words to
defend his actions
have trouble
defending that girl
Secretary of
Defense Jim Mattis
is fighting a
defensive action
Ministry-approved course of
defensive magic
defensive tackle
defensive tackles
Deflected, and in
in the most
depressing manner
know how
depressing that is
be translated into
capacities needed for
effective action
the rude but
effective language
begging is an
effective tactic
magnitude of the
the existence of
electric atoms
electric basses
electric blanket
electric blankets
electric candle
electric candles
electric catfish
or hills,
except in Kansas
low-volume player,
except in tablets
of all nationalities
same as Tommy's,
except Italian
did he arrange
expensive banquets
due to his
expensive habits
slickest and most
expensive handguns
express kidnapping
express kidnappings
is religion
expressed in action
expressive language
and overextends
himself in battle
practically wetting
himself with laughter
his friends, his status
carpet needed
his head examined
his head in sadness
she is marrying less-than-
impressive Malcolm
and earnest and
impressive manner
were more
impressive than this
Only used
in rare examples
and improve
incentives at work
indexing language
you vile lint
infested bastard
Insects in amber
was clearly
intended as such
object of the
intensive manhunt
as melodically
inventive as Bud
they must
invest in talent
The crowd
is getting frantic
of view, love
is self-expansion
is when it wraps up
is where it landed
is wretched and rough
It spelled disaster
it when it happened
it when it happens
it, felt it, had it
It's Eric Camden
it's ten years, Sandra
the assertion
itself is valid
do not
miss wrestling matches
pimelic acid
participate, enjoy nor
prevent disaster
Largo cannot
prevent this passing
in for a
princess's ransom
receptive language
it often
rejects in practice
ones, they're
relentless at it
shall regret and
repent hereafter
The defense
request is granted
I repeat,
requesting backup
Requesting backup
His self-
respect demands it
and a mutual
respect established
so justly
to be
respected and loved
must be
respected as such
ring where it matters
risk messing that up
still getting back up
symmetric matter
Short for
synthetic tannin
trigenic acid
vignetting glasses
with them in battle

with 1 extra syllable

ashes kept in an urn
equip them with answers
we can
even yet imagine
I needed an
inexpensive actor
one uniform and
inexpressive language
used for
making scented candles
making their demands heard
in a more
unexpected fashion
went down, something
unexpected happened
know that the
panic if something
unexpected happens
I've got an
unexpected planet

with 2 extra syllables

anything else in that trunk
wholly obvious without
becoming enigmatic
disappear when this happens

with 3 extra syllables

alternating cursive and print

with 4 extra syllables

diaminopimelic acid
diaminopimelic acids