exact syllable matches
it is
- does work
this is-
- uh, um
may not have
been criminal
fourth have not
been determined
would not have
been different
electrodynamics had not
we have not
been discovered
and have
been given up
I have not
been innocent
beginner's luck
companies, small and
big businesses
Bill Richardson
billed tinamous
bit interval
bit intervals
bring in the love
building worker
building workers
built-in function
built-in functions
chipping squirrel
chipping squirrels
clear with a gun
description word
description words
disk images
district nurses
we do a long-
division sum
drill instructor
drill instructors
Egyptian girl
English current
English from ca
into a goddamn
English muffin
Can't stand
English muffins
books are
filled with numbers
want broad and
fixed principles
fixed, determined
herself a job
flipping burgers
flipping the bird
give it the gun
Give it the guts
giving a fuck
giving the dirts
to watch
him become one
him in the nuts
no and call
him insecure
hip hip hurra
hipp hipp hurra
his bitch mother
were bent upon
his destruction
it off on
simply play on
his instrument
the Party was
His instrument
and we are
his instruments
he talked
his little ones
These are
his miracles
go against all
his principles
died on
his return run
ich bin Muslim
If it were just
You are
in big trouble
in churches, not
in businesses
all the bonds
the holiest spots
in Christendom
which revolve
in fixed circuits
sell spots
in his bunker
critically involved
in His purpose
in his sermon
Live not
must not act
in ignorance
in it but us
or dissolve
in its stomach
was lost
in Middle Dutch
in principal
mistaken or wrong
practice, though not
in principle
replaced haar
in this function
she's involved
in this murder
Ingrid Bergman
of the bronze
inscription of
All I want
is destruction
this occasion all
is different
easy, and art
is difficult
heard that God
is eternal
of all that
is frivolous
God that
is given us
the way God
is immanent
is in the earth
is in the fun
is in the world
any given phenomenon
is infinite
Ethan Mars
Majesty, Tom-Tom
that Ethan Mars
is innocent
To me all
is miracle
is still the term
is this the kirk
apart and
it becomes dull
your heart,
it becomes love
Not that
wasn't hard,
it didn't hurt
it difficult
I calls
it discipline
Or was
it his brother
it in a skirt
it in the cup
look upon
it in worship
ignorance, or call
it innocence
It is confirmed
It is her world
It is just love
It is the first
It is what works
It is worthless
It kills Hunters
It kills the buzz
it kinda does
it Vinegar
it with a gun
counsel of all
efforts of all
living for all
massive crackdown on
support for all
its citizens
Earth, intent on
you bent on
its destruction
it in all
its exertions
It's in her blood
It's in the blood
It's in the front
It's in the gun
it's in trouble
them all as
its instruments
quays upon
its river front
It's shrinkable
It's this Other
kill with a word
A guitar
killed his mother
KISS principle
I'm not
kissing a girl
kissing cousin
kissing cousins
to violate these long-
lived principles
lives with a drunk
those I was
living amongst
first of all
living numbers
living sculpture
living sculptures
milling cutter
milling cutters
mimic function
mimic functions
miss Gilligan
missing person
Missing persons
before you stopped
missing someone
Mix is the word
must not
mix with others
nip in the bud
Phil Zimmermann
Phillip Guston
he was,
picking her up
quick vinegar
quintic function
quintic functions
Religious love
Religious Nut,
and all that
religious stuff
where the strong
resistance comes
ring silicate
ring this number
shit disturber
shit disturbers
sibling fucker
sibling fuckers
since been dug up
operation on all
six cylinders
Six little girls
Smith Wigglesworth
and start
spitting up mud
splitting a gut
spring ligament
spring ligaments
stick in the mud
Stick in the Mud
stick in the muds
fans can
stick it brother
fans can
stick it, brother
sticks in the mud
which you are
still ignorant
settled somehow on
strict principles
string distances
string instrument
string instruments
stringed instrument
stringed instruments
a movie called
Swim Instructors
switching function
switching functions
thing in the world
Think different
think little of
thinking much of
this big a one
this clip from, Er
significant impact on
this ignorance
find all
this in London
What is all
this insolence
This is a first
this is a word
This is blood, sir
This is certain
This is fucked up
This is just dumb
This is just one
This is just stuff
This is just us
This is justice
this is Myrna
This is one earth
involved and
this is sculpture
this is someone
This is the love
This is the one
This is the stuff
This is the worst
this is what works
This isn't blood
This isn't drunk
This isn't love
this little runt
is based on
this presumption
Till Lindemann
Twin Citizen
Twin Citizens
vis inertiae
finite parts,
which is absurd
Which isn't much
and stars
will become dust
someday all
will become one
wink wink nudge nudge
Wink, wink, nudge, nudge
the hall packed
with citizens
better off
with this couple
with 1 extra syllable
far as
acting is concerned
activist justice
additive function
additive functions
to be an
artistic person
fisticuffs into the
artistic struggle
artists in the world
wouldn't go
calling it doubles
did and
calling it justice
loss of
cognitive function
lower, not higher,
requirements of higher
cognitive functions
based on human
cognitive structures
at King's
College in London
of perpetual
of potential
conflict with Russia
a philosophical or
cosmic principle
far as
dancing is concerned
drawing with the brush
Gavin Williamson
necessity of
guarding his person
Hamming distances
hardships in the world
ostrich instruction
An aorist middle
Perfect passive
Present active
participle from
---- Perfect
---- Perfect active
---- Perfect passive
a past completed
Active and passive
Apparently an archaic
as a past
as the past
benedictus, past
conceptus, perfect passive
contrarians, present
flexus, past
Fossilized perfective
Fossilized present passive
frit, the past
From antrin, present
From brisant, present
From masculine active
From mittens, present
From past
From perfect
From rasant, present
From ridens, present
From spirans, present
From the
From the past
From the present
Future active
Future passive
Neuter present
of the past
of the present
or perfect active
Originally a past
Passive perfect
Perfect active
Perfect passive
Present active
Present passive
revenant, the present
source, the present
Substantivized passive perfect
the feminine mediopassive
The past
the past passive
the perfect active
the perfect passive
the present passive
to the present
to, the past
participle of
A pseudo-
participle, from
planting in the world
South America by
Polish immigrants
polishes the pearl
polishing the pearl
Robbins principle
massacred to
rotting with others
speaker or his
shocking ignorance
back in the
sodding cinema
as a triple-enfolded
sonic disrupter
as a triple-enfolded
sonic disruptor
Spanish ticklers
working hard and
starting businesses
starting with the thumb
beholds some more
startling synthesis
stopping distances
talking in circles
talking with the judge
the Gulf of
Tonkin incident
transit instrument
transit instruments
painfully shy of
walking distances
am, after all,
wanted criminal
wanted in a son
I be
wanting in firmness
wanting in the world
with us
watching Big Brother
with 2 extra syllables
accomplish in the world
our civilization flourished,
accomplishing wonders
a man of
appalling wickedness
And they're
astonishing jumpers
to make my
Balsamic Reduction
olive oil or
balsamic vinegar
So he
contacted his mother
uses arose by
ironic inversion
protonic reversal
quadratic integer
quadratic integers
with 3 extra syllables
anionic detergent
anionic detergents
A bewildering,
catastrophic incident
cationic detergent
cationic detergents
entire population of
economic criminals
the verge of
economic destruction
economic immigrant
economic immigrants
wages as an
economic instrument
Taiwan miracle, an
economic miracle
the series of
economic miracles
then a young
economics instructor
limitations of the
electronic instrument
electronic signature
electronic signatures
isotopic signature
isotopic signatures
of America's most
union of all
patriotic citizens
with 4 extra syllables
suspects based on
victimologic principles
with 5 extra syllables
derived from basic
models derived from
microeconomic principles