exact syllable matches

be a bad husband
love to
studying to
be a ballerina
then I'll
young to
be a grandmother
me to
Used to
be a janitor
cease to
be a traveler
let him
be anathema
are willing to
but actually to
It is to
know, can you
told them to
be compassionate
think this could
be miraculous
get to
be the janitor
has to
be the manager
be unnatural
be worse than the evil
it and
beat her afterwards
of being
beaten and murdered
It'll be
cheaper and funnier
he comes
cheaper than servants
the Editor-in-
Chief of Al Jazeera
Behold no
creature after her
only disagree Of
creatures rational
a great
deal of stamina
medieval feather
dealers and stuffers
beyond the
dreams of avarice
the bald
eagle hasn't turned
variants heard
east of Alberta
entities controlled in
industrial centres of
eastern Canada
Eastern Canada
evidently more
is more
equal than others
equals half the work
to be
evil and unjust
But men are
evil animals
has that
evil bastard done
so it already
feels unnatural
we dwell
free from avarice
of the many
free parameters
boogie for
cause of
champion of
for universal
never grant
oasis of
passion for
principles of
struggle for
to secure
up for
freedom and justice
them their
freedom hasn't worked
There are
frequent accidents
is in the
genus Panthera
he a passenger
He loved animals
He loved that burger
hears what has occurred
He's a bachelor
Ian Anderson
Gentlemen, this is
Ian Gallagher
Ian Hamilton
Jesus Angleton
leaders and her people
leaves the sand untouched
Liam Gallagher
me a bad mother
me a bad person
me a bad surgeon
by making
me a grandmother
it reminds
me of Canada
Here, give
me the camera
Do you
mean the savages
me beneath the
meanest animal
purse and
meet a challenger
need a fast learner
and don't
need the manager
needed at the front
by gay
people and others
people and the world
consider those
people as Muslims
people at the front
where the
people had color
People have lovers
of other
people haven't either
People management
we worse
people than others
obnoxiously tall
people, and murder
people, and the earth
people, animals
different African
study ancient
peoples and cultures
Peter Sanderson
piece of valiant dust
them in
pieces and puddles
piedra angular
to become a
prima ballerina
prima ballerinas
queen from planet slut
beyond the
reach of grammarians
reader and the hearer
founded on
reason and justice
reason than the first
his work
Reasons and Persons
implications of
recent cancer research
region and the world
region, and the world
endless raging
sea of randomness
seagull manager
seagull managers
preserve life,
Season after
season after season
with the
secret castle stuff
Didn't you
see The Graduate
ask to
want to
see the manager
I will
seek the maximum
portfolio way, for
senior management
came out as
Senior Wrangler
system was a
sequent calculus
John Fitzsimmons and
Sheila Hamilton
instructor says
she's a natural
She's a natural
little apple,
she's just fabulous
She's the Grand Duchess
Sleep paralysis
speed parameter
speed parameters
are just
steeper than others
Steve McManaman
in the
on the
streets of Calcutta
teach us, and love us
violence outside of
these parameters
we have
treated black persons
into Gayatri
Vedas have converged
We were amateurs
We're from Canada
We're the last of us
we've just captured, sir
high at
Ypres and Verdun

with 1 extra syllable

30 months after treatment
achievement and her genius
aerial camera
aerial cameras
alien abduction
alien abductions
vampire bat, an
alien abductor
many as
alien and unjust
about the
alien angle, but
We both know
alien languages
Amia calva From
the head by
Andrea afterwords
only language
angrier than German
center of
any command structure
have to meet
anyone fabulous
will go beyond
anyone's management
Central and Eastern Indo-
Aryan languages
there against
Austria and Russia
between trust and untrust
between us and the sun
between us and the world
from the
bodies of animals
and can cause full-
body paralysis
equivalent to a
make calculations in
Boolean algebra
Boolean algebras
Boolean lattices
lies between
Cepheus and Perseus
classier than a bus
interest results in
more or less
complete paralysis
copy of Atlas Shrugged
country such as Burma
crazier than Russia
enough anymore,
earlier and earlier
search after his
earlier masterpieces
us came
earlier than others
earlier than the first
earlier than the verb
easier than the first
Everyone has a secret
fairy, the
I'm the
of Earth,
that- the
Fairy of Animals
is getting
funnier and funnier
or against some
furious animal
shoemakers and
furriers and merchants
I love
I really love
Gillian Anderson
gladly earn as workers
Hapke parameter
Hapke parameters
half-animal human
happiness and comfort
portion of
happiness and justice
his skin
healthier and firmer
heaviest, and the first
side, which is
highly unnatural
international trade,
ideas, and culture
have made some
illegal laterals
India and the world
are both
Indian and Persian
cognate in other
richness of the
Indian languages
Indians savages
Julian calendar
such as
Katrina and Marina
Leadbeater and others
not the County's
lesbian advocate
know anything about
linear algebra
Maria Magdalena
brands are
meatier than others
medial capitals
replica of a
Medieval Catapult
at the
mercy of accident
Meteors and the regions
of the
movie The Graduate
multi-academy trust
multi-academy trusts
in the Indian
Museum, Calcutta
in this terrible
the world's worst
nuclear accident
nuclear magnetons
are more
obvious than others
must be
obvious that certain
mother was
only a graduate
only attack virgins
only hunt animals
only the battle lust
French nationalist
party Front National
new Conservative
today's Conservative
Party of Canada
food to poor,
penniless travelers
brutal and
pitiless class struggle
I think that's
pretty miraculous
The two are
rarely compatible
Would you
really abandon us
reveals the answer first
is the
safety of passengers
would be a
your suffering a
serious accident
Now I'm
simply a traveller
So hairless, it's
simply unnatural
the human
species from animals
the other
species of animals
in concerts,
stadiums and arenas
-- in
strictly financial terms
supreme command of the
Sylvian aqueduct
Sylvian aqueducts
philosophy and
technique of management
and intuition intersperse
tedious algebra
tedium that irks us
and practical
theory of management
This is
turkey the animal
unleashed a massacre
the knowledge of
various animals
curious books in
function adjectivally in
such programs in
was calqued into
various languages
vernier caliper
vernier calipers
Very compassionate
creativity are not
very compatible
was very pretty,
very Instagrammable
He is
very miraculous
wary of that person
wealthy philanthropist
Princeton, Williams,
Wesleyan and others
much stronger, more
worldly, compassionate

with 2 extra syllables

Abelian algebra
Abelian algebras
cognates include
Albanian and Russian
salamander, those fantastic
amphibious animals
at the Vancouver
Aquarium, Canada
also to
Armenian and Russian
Armenians as a people
Apollo, Nike,
Asclepius and others
ballerina, ballerina
and the
barbarians haven't come
Bohemian chatterer
Bohemian chatterers
in Alberta and
British Columbia,Canada
beholding the
butchery of animals
Shortened from
Caterina and Marina
and Vancouver, British
blackbird in British
mainland of British
mainly in British
Mile House, British
mother in British
province of British
Columbia, Canada
completely unnatural
Cucurbita maxima
beloved Son, is
divinely unnatural
Tulu, and other
Dravidian languages
especially the family of
guest in the
European capitals
Via a
European language from
adapted from other
as well as non-
be via other
branch of the Indo-
cognates in other
cognates in other Indo-
Common term in
Elisabeth in several
exist in several
formation in other
forms in other
forms of in
from other northern
from various other
from via various
idiom in several
in Indo-European and non-Indo-
in many Central
in many other
in several other
in some other
is common in
loanword in many
related terms in
relatives in other
Saturn in most
some other continental
such from other
term in modern
time in the Indo-
European languages
you travel with
experience malfunctions
the entire
family of alphabets
and his
family of cannibals
the Polynesian
family of languages
finally surpassed the teacher
Italian or
Friulian, and German
gregarious, aggregate
December in the
Gregorian calendar
the Julian and
Gregorian Calendars
Heracleum maximum
herbarium sample From
A terrible
hilarious accident
History of Algebra
in the
history of calculus
History of calculus
history of class struggles
from the
history of savages
Vietnamese, Malay and
Indonesian languages
killed in an
industrial accident
and study of
industrial management
hundred years of
industrial management,
sleep, like the
inferior animals
insignia at the front
the three Northern
Interior languages
separately borrowed from Indo-
surviving in attested
Iranian languages
masterpiece of Latin verse
Mediaeval Latin, from
parody of stan culture
his wife are
perfectly compatible
policy parameters
Possibly a Wanderwort
Possibly from an earlier
probably just passengers
He was
properly a satirist
properties such as structure
quantities of that substance
of Albania,
Romania, and Serbia
superior class of people
being the fastest
terrestrial animal
compared to most
terrestrial animals
totally unnatural
Treponema pallidum
calling Infidels and
unbelievers blasphemers
It's just
ungodly, unnatural
It was
unhealthy, unnatural
Valkyrie scrambled up
manganese, chromium,
vanadium, and tungsten
Wallachia and her people

with 3 extra syllables

commonly as in
Anatolian languages
of the
difficulties of algebra
enormity of that burden
prices in a
homogeneous aggregate
incredibly unglamourous
system in the
libertarian calculus
includes the
majority of animals
liberties that are
mutually compatible
naturally from that first one
person is
obviously a cannibal
there was
obviously a malfunction
will have
officially abandoned her
to the
Philosophy of Management
enjoy a
plutocracy of maximums
polynomial algebra
Psychology of management
vowel in some
Scandinavian alphabets
Scandinavian fan club Anya
from English and
Scandinavian languages
semantically analogous
the Royal
Society of Canada
often not
technology, but management
territory of savage peoples
trajectory of Black struggles
with Cossack,
ultimately from languages
sides by boundaries,
usually unnatural
vegetarian hamburger
vegetarian hamburgers

with 4 extra syllables

for both
Czechoslovakia and Russia
in a
multiplicity of languages
Particularly the manager

with 5 extra syllables

in, the
responsibility of management
was the
responsibility of managers