exact syllable matches

a whore- We done
be a grown up
you to
be a grown-up
could even
be a joker
you wanna
be a Locust
down to
going to
him to
just cannot
wanted to
be a poet
no longer
be a portrait
want to
be a postman
he cannot
like to
too should
trying to
be a soldier
be a source of
It could
be a throw-up
You don't
be a warrior
free services can
where violence cannot
be afforded
leisure car would
Potpourri would
be appropriate
need to
be cut open
be done for us
it to
be much slower
a nation may
else vants to
she'd known you'd
the atman may
the Dhamma should
welfare is to
you will not
be promoted
are not to
deeds will never
dying reactions could
has yet to
it could never
be recorded
pacifist sects must
be supported
got to
be the donor
needs to
be the focus
be the gold one
out to
be the Golem
be the most fun
seems to
be the older
be the only one
was to
be the organ
to keep the
beaches open
one can
beat the Joker
as a broken,
beaten soldier
equivalent of a
beetle warrior
to import
breen from Homeworld
only for the
briefest moment
which last the
briefest moments
killing other
creatures for fun
De Corona
he or she
deems appropriate
expressions of a
deeper order
when Sand
Demon showed up
Desperate to be
Dina Lohan
dream from own people
dreams of your people
each of your worlds
how to
eat a doughnut
conscience perched on
either shoulder
the past with
equal horror
which is of
equal moment
or nearly
equal, or worse
destroy, giving
law return
not return
to return
evil for evil
in conflict with
what fate, what
evil fortune
old good versus
evil morals
are good than
evil omens
or make one
feature odious
not to
feature your hurt
free from your blood
chance of fair,
free proportions
no match for
Freedom Cobra
remains also
freedom for evil
was a
genius, for one
of hopeful
green stuff woven
one of the
greener corners
those with whom
he associates
He loved Soldiers
puzzled, then
he slumped forward
me to
hear such notions
want to
hear the motor
you can
hear the ocean
Allah is
Hearer, Knower
He's a dope dealer
he's done for us
he's from Norwegia
he's the foreman
He's the oldest
He's the only one
Isa Bowman
does not
keep the Jordan
Now, you
keep the quarter
keep the whole world
keep what your earn
That's what
keeps the order
leave some for us
trying to
leave the warren
find what to
leave unspoken
got YOU three little television-
as well as
legal motions
rely entirely upon
lethal doses
I love
Lisa so much
Do we sell
Liter Cola
and turns the
Liza over
me a bonus
kindly pass
me a donut
could make
is costing
It's costing
They paid
me a fortune
you excuse
me a moment
just get
me a soda
me of your people
me once for luck
just excuse
me one moment
that gave
me the folder
me, the toker
And I
mean alone, Chuck
mean the soldiers
mean the whole world
means controller
means worse, for some
so he could
meet Napoleon
meet the Joker
occasion to
meet the owners
meet us for lunch
I just
need a corner
need a forger
need a moment
God, he doesn't
need atonement
need much more research
but we
need the nobles
needs a donut
of these nonentities
needs condolence
Harry's surprise,
neither show up
to his
ouija board work
followers, military and
peace proponents
into the movie
Peaceful Warrior
people don't run
shit outta
people for fun
been meeting
people for months
too many
people grow up
I could screw
robbing, stealing, fucking
people over
until Irish
people showed up
nature fascinate
people so much
what, we're shitty
people, Joel
Look at your
people, Moses
thing as homophobia, just
just look at
people's auras
Peter Cohan
Written by
Peter Morgan
His name is
Peter Thornton
please just grow up
please just hold her
Gary's chat video was
that all sound suspiciously
beyond the
reach of boredom
reach the whole world
The Invader has
reached Grenoble
up to the
real performance
providing any
reason for either
there is
reason for 'em
you for a
reason, Noah
One, Truth, Destiny,
Reason, Order
Remus, your son
by Enterprise Architecture
Research Forum
the whole
scene of horror
scheme exchange partner's
secret fortress
Do you
see a portrait
Oh, I
see a shoulder
see her grow up
see her whole beaver
see the cobra
went to
see the corner
see the Lord Jesus
want to
see the owner
see the whole world
the harshest response
seems appropriate
seems the most fun
we must
seize the moment
Seize the moment
and Clemente
seized the moment
This Bizarre
Sequence for Months
She tugged your shirt
She works for Fudge
I know
she'll come over
She's just so thug
She's unfocused
of men,
shield of warriors
prayed to
Shiva for one
or if it
snows,Keep a-goin'
left me
speechless, so speechless
Our poets
steal from Homer
steal her own drugs
Stephen Colbert
Stephen Morris
not even
Stephen Norton
sort of karate
street performance
of a young
street performer
and a
team of horses
outfit is barely even
some relationships among
the relationships among
these components
three words for love
fetters, your first
treatment, torture
happy since
we crushed Poland
we love so much
We must go deeper
our Christmas count,
we recorded
We were both drunk
someone before
we were chosen
You said
we were golden
We thought
we were soldiers
We Were Soldiers
They neither
weakened nor yielded
action 'cause
we're the warriors
set of
Wheel of Fortune
Is this
wiener loaded
and a
wreath of laurel

with 1 extra syllable

difference in net
achievement focus
then had those
aliens frozen
acetaldehyde plant is
amply supported
was a menacing,
angry, performance
We are pro-abortion or
any of those girls
any of your work
any of your works
I haven't
any such notions
no good to
anyone, broken
the researchers and
army associates
that day
badly hung over
with the
beauty of holiness
between us grow deeper
from the
bodies of horses
may be the
busiest moments
Advisers former Chairwoman
Christina Romer
the domed
city of Corinth
clearly, word for word
who come
coldly toward her
exorcise Sin with
complete atonement
extent, not the
complete controller
have almost
completed your rebirth
country, the whole Earth
in my
cranium for months
who is the
Deadliest Warrior
cottages, in the
dirtiest corners
dirty work for us
for the oiliest,
dustiest corners
rather than some
earlier moment
There were no
earlier moments
following, from another,
earlier poet
Punjab at the
earliest moment
in our very
earliest sources
out a safe
early abortion
make it
easier for us
Eliot Norton
been read by
Eliot's poems
glory, you may
envy Napoleon
hunter by my
esteemed opponent
to have that
Eureka moment
everyone focused
women old and
everyone lonesome
everyone's goin'
Felicia, your turn
brings up a
fishy assortment
not ha-ha
funny just sorta
On Federico
Garcia Lorca
Paris or
Geneva for treatment
ghastly performance
Gimme a closeup
noble drunks and
glorious poets
however, cannot affect
protection of the
the suspension of
well-known law of
what happened to
habeas corpus
in spite of
suspension of the
Habeas Corpus
to purchase
happiness for us
humor, no
happiness, no mirth
to be
hardly a portrait
that vast and
hideous ocean
by night, a
hideous ogre
costume, of
hygiene, of morals
have an
idea for one
be an
idiot for once
I an
idiot or what
make abortion
illegal or legal
this is an
illegal order
that of an
Indian cobra
formed by the
Gulf and the
larger than the
looked toward the
Maldives and the
million in the
part of the
Sea to the
Indian Ocean
Atlantic, Pacific and
Indian oceans
you by your
Kirlian Aura
true God than
many churchgoers
many of those either
Marina Warner
Jackson and
Mary McCormack
maybe some sort of
the previously disdainful
media mogul
preferred by the
median voter
We are
merely custodians
We got
monkey one, Lauren
Nasty adored her
nearly word for word
crescendo of my
odious opus
It takes
time but
only a moment
soldier and
only a soldier
I could
only afford one
rapacious pick-pockets, and insidious
period's over
uniform with
plenty of orders
fireman, more
policeman, more teachers
pretty tough ol' birds
it's had a
possessed by the
previous owner
still believe in
primeval forests
reduces them to
pygmy proportions
that pelicans are
really absorbent
good stuff
really comes forward
democratic societies is
really ferocious
life, it
really sucks, Jonah
really works for us
want to
redeem the tortured
up for a
repeat performance
Sally, a horse breeder
lower, and have
scantier portions
contain the
serious core stuff
the ways of
Serious Order
and he's packing
serious voltage
population of the
Silesian border
Peter O'Toole and
You look like
Sophia Loren
aid Polish and
Soviet soldiers
recognize your
species of soldier
blinded to your
stinky performance
and the
story of Joseph
told the
story of Moses
of the
That's the
story of Noah
the founder and
supreme proponent
of the
technique of Yoga
a true
theory of morals
Tiny bugs for Sir
Tommy Lasorda
America possesses an
ugly component
That is
very ferocious
of the
very first order
make a
very thorough search
They fought like
warrior poets
Here indeed was the
present not
worthy of notice
decided, as a
long for a
thing - a
to fight a
You were a
worthy opponent
have too few
worthy opponents

with 2 extra syllables

heart of that
almighty forlornness
your arrival is
already recorded
letters in the
appropriate order
and sacking the
most of the
Armenian quarter
played on an
Atari controller
Basically sperm holders
the great novel
beautifully proportioned
androids across the
ticket to the
Canadian border
both the
Canadian cold front
honorable functions was
carefully recorded
It's the
Caribbean for us
and he's 3
centimetres shorter
sharpened on
centuries of corpses
than the
courtesy of soldiers
was a
Darwinian for fun
enemies of those freedoms
volunteered for nothing,
especially promotion
Especially the owners
in the new
European order
Every one stolen
the King into
every performance
exactly one quarter
exactly word for word
a good
experience for her
and division became
extremely laborious
felonious flora
finally the whole world
in the
harmony of order
the destruction of
Hiroshima closer
great men of
inferior order
karate, learn yoga
legacy of your people
trade, I always
loyally supported
thee a more
material horror
on their
memories alone, either
making a
mockery of morals
This is Mankind's
mystery opponent
you don't
normally approach girls
persons with
ophthalmia or fever
influenced by the
Parnassian poets
than the
peasantry of Poland
poetry of motion
Poetry of motion
one of his
policy proposals
I think he's
probably Samoan
to uphold
purity of morals
in the
quality of motion
a certain
quantity of motion
somebody hurt, or worse
Spontaneous order
Superior Court Judge
vision of the
superior sofa
But its
tastefully upholstered
dog doin'
underneath the ocean
men of
ungodliness or evil
Giles Coren and
the brother of
Victoria Coren

with 3 extra syllables

the Year is
absolutely atrocious
to make in
anybody's performance
paragraph which
apparently absorbed her
Bicentennial quarter
mankind the
category of holiness
thought it was
entirely appropriate
Incredibly appropriate
militarists and their
literary supporters
be done by
ministerial orders
He's no
ordinary opponent
practically just so much
preferably a closed one
Preferably a cold one
from what I
previously recorded
memories and
priorities were ordered
psychology of most people
acquired geometry from
Pythagorean sources
movement that the
Society promoted
it was a
solitary performance
makes the
solitary worm social
improved the
theology of Homer

with 4 extra syllables

with an
aristocracy of notions
much nicer than
authoritarian torture
not just
flexibility of motion
gave the
genealogy of Joseph

with 5 extra syllables

available and so
enthusiastically promoted
of it as
evolutionary promotion